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A film for the future.


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22 hours ago, WaddleBurr said:

Did you guys see the film for the future trailer drop. I am really excited, it seems like such a cool project!

Well, I ´ll give it a view and it will probably give us some beautiful and emotional moments, and it´s something that lots of artists have done in the past years. 

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Overall this is pretty awesome. We got basically one of their coolest music videos ever and it's the length of the entire album. Some of the moments are really impactful. One World, Rainbow and Moon Music are really gorgeous espescially but I also love the animation on FLIFL and Jupiter. Top notch. Truly some memorable animations and really cool trippy moments that match the music really well. 

We Pray also has some powerful imagery but was very disappointed that A.I. was used. I guess you can argue it's like any other art medium that's up for interpretation but it's also the first time in history people are making art using a high-powered robot that steals other people's work. I'm pretty sure there's a shot of Native Americans and Muslim women praying that are A.I. generated and for me, that's in really, really poor taste. 

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I watched all of it except for We Pray. Something I noticed was that when the songs weren't going anywhere (like during bridges or ambient sections) the artists had nothing to work from and therefore were quite uninspired. But when the songs were interesting, generally the videos were too. My favourite parts of FFTF are the holiday footage-style sections such as those for Neon Forest and One World. These were easily the ones that were the most 'moving' (not that I could ever consider a music video or the majority of art truly moving). The 2D animation was largely alright, but some of it was as ugly and boring as Velma.

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Sadly it's a total waste of time. There are no connection between animations. There are no connection between animations and songs also. It doesn't feel like a complete project. It feels like just random short animations and videos flowing in the screen and i opened Moon Music from Spotify while watching. 

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The disjointed nature was intentional, but it won't be to everyone's taste. In addition to the point I made above about the videos being more interesting when the songs were as well, I think that when the artists had longer sections to work with they could implement more of a vision. The short animations just aren't that good.

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