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Could you guys be kind enough to tell me who sings the backing vocals in this brilliant strokes song? you know, the "run run run" thing.

I always thought it was nick, but then I read somewhere that albert sings it.


:idea2: Oh yea, feel free to say nice things about the strokes here.

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I didnt know that you liked the strokes too. thats awesome :cool:


:cool: I've been a fan since long before most people had even begun to notice them.


When everyone was telling me "have you heard this new Strokes song called 'Last Nite'? It's fucking brilliant!" I'd just smile back and say "yeah, I heard it months ago".

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whoa, sweet, i found four grocery store songs. including sagganuts and three songs i've never heard before... like rythm song. Ill download em all now.


Speaking of kazaa/download services, what the fuck? I can't even get the fucking song 'When It Started,' to complete my download of the Is This It album.. Fuck


when it started? whoa, i have the original album and it didnt come with that track. what the hell? it has 11 tracks, the last one is take it or leave it.


Sagganuts - is a bside I take it?




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Well, I was looking at Amazonmusic.com... and that's what I see.


whoa, thats weird.

maybe its a special edition or something?

i know that there are two different is this it cd covers, but i didnt know that they had different tracks.

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Whoa, thats so weird.

track 9 is new york city cops, not when it started.


Don't fret, for I have the answer to this little dilemma


The US release had When It Started on it, but every other one has New York City Cops. 'Why?' I hear you ask...


Because the album was released not very long after the 9/11 incident. New York City Cops has the line "New York City cops, they ain't too smart", which as you can imagine a lot of American people really would not have been too happy about. So they swapped the track on the US release for When It Started, but left it on there for UK and International releases.


Problem solved.

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You know, actually there are three different is this it versions, i think


-the black and white cover, with new york city cops

-the blue and yellow cover, with when it started

-and a different version of the blue and yellow cover, that comes with a 5-tracks dvd. thats the one i bought.


whoa. we learn something new everyday, eh?

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Don't fret, for I have the answer to this little dilemma


The US release had When It Started on it, but every other one has New York City Cops. 'Why?' I hear you ask...


Because the album was released not very long after the 9/11 incident. New York City Cops has the line "New York City cops, they ain't too smart", which as you can imagine a lot of American people really would not have been too happy about. So they swapped the track on the US release for When It Started, but left it on there for UK and International releases.


Problem solved.


ooh, thats really interesting. and yea, it makes sense. probably that was a wise choice... even though i still think that NYCC is one of their best songs

Thanks for the info ryan

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