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hallo. yea so alot has happend since ive last come. my best friend....kat...i put a pic of her on here once.....she is in jail for helping her boyfriend run away....and my b/f well.....we are unofficially over BUT he has cheated on me. i still care about him which really erks me....ugh so pretty much i have no one. how everyone else? right now im reading about wisdom teeth and why scratching bug bites makes a temporary relief

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- Scratching an itch provides only temporary relief, and, unfortunately, only leads to more itching. This is called the "itch-scratch-cycle, " which only makes matters worse. Some scientists believe that scratching actually helps the body release pain-relieving endorphins, but this has not been proven and scratching only provides temporary relief. Scratching may indeed scrape off a layer of skin, but this does not make the itch disappear and it can lead to more serious secondary infections



hehe my enlightenment of the day. *scratches vigorously* MUAHAAH!!!! :evil:

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yea im fine. we talked about it today. we work better as friends. we are both equally too horny for commitment at this point. but anyways....i just saw a racoon on my 10 feet high back porch which rox. anyways...he jumped well it jumped the porch which is 10 feet high cuz he saw me i got a pic of him though.

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...racoons are scary...theyy act all human like sometimes...it's freaky I saw one and it was like looking at me like it knew it was doing something wrong while it was opening a jar of something with its hand :o


how is the pink eye?

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