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It was just a expression, we say it a lot in the UK... as a figure of speech... not in spanish though they would not know what you mean..



We would sometimes say... See you later... and you dont see them for another year...

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estás por aquí! Pues todo bien, ahora mismo estoy intentando encontrar un trabajo para el mes de Julio, para estar entretenida y sacar un poco de dinero. Aparte de eso no estoy haciendo gran cosa más.


Que tal todo? Como se presentan tus exámenes?

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estás por aquí! Pues todo bien, ahora mismo estoy intentando encontrar un trabajo para el mes de Julio, para estar entretenida y sacar un poco de dinero. Aparte de eso no estoy haciendo gran cosa más.


Que tal todo? Como se presentan tus exámenes?

si por aqui me asomé :P

espero que tengas suerte y encuentres uno pronto ;)

entonces no te han llamado aún de la farmacia :\ ?


bien, los examenes creo que va uno bien otro mal... en fin.

como veo que al final acabaré en febrero...

tengo que hacer las practicas en julio-agosto... lo que significa que no hay vacaciones para mi, al menos no como las pensé... a La Mar si podré asistir al menos.


y luego de nuevo practicas de septiembre a noviembre :uhoh: asi que espero acabar en febrero.


entonces a parte de trabajar no tienes más planes para el verano?...hay novedades de Aberdeen? :)

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Hay Sandy :dance:

how are you doing? :nice: i hope that everything is doing fine for you. :)

I'm doing fine, busy studying.

But i got a break and could bought VLVODAAHF yesterday. :dance:


Yeahh ! :dance:

I've got mine . . . I bought it one week ago and I can't stop listening to it ! :smug:

Hope everything is doing fine for you ;)

I'm great ! Tired but really fine !


Hi Iris !

How are you doing ??


Sorry girls but I gotta go :(

I will come back later

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sinceramente dudo que me llamen de la farmacia, yo creo que me tendrían que haber llamado la semana pasada si querían que trabajase con ellos.


tendrás que hacer muchas horas de prácticas al día o serán poquitas por lo menos?


de momento no tengo grandes planes para el verano a parte de encontrar un trabajo, salir y hacer un viajecito en agosto.


No hay novedades de Aberdeen por el momento. Estoy esperando a que me envien un correo con toda la información... supongo que pronto lo harán ;)

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hey Sandy!!

I'm doing well. I'm desperatedly looking for a summertime job so as to save some money as well as to be entertained for a while, otherwise I'm afraid I'll end up being quite bored this summer. Besides that, today I found out that I got a pass in one of the subjects which I had taken an exam last week... so I'm happy because of that.

How have you been?


Okay, see you later!! Don't get wasted meanwhile.... I know your bad tendency to go to the Pub thread!! :P

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Besides that, today I found out that I got a pass in one of the subjects which I had taken an exam last week... so I'm happy because of that.

How have you been?


Okay, see you later!! Don't get wasted meanwhile.... I know your bad tendency to go to the Pub thread!! :P

congrats Iris :nice: :dance:


the Pub Thread, how is it going? :D


btw iris are you going to Barcelona's concert? :)

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cheeeers! :nice:


I haven't really checked that thread, me thinks you should first ask Sandy about this. She knows much more than me about it!


About the Bcn's gig, I think I am comiing! haa :lol:


Now, anyway, I'm going to take an afternoon nap. So hopefully I'll speak to you later! :)

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I'm doing well.

I've just come back home from the gym, I was taking Aikido lessons (it's a martial art).

And I think I told you Im happy because I got a pass in a subject!


How are you?


Many congrats !! :D

Aikido ? Cool ! You take lessons for a long time ?

I'm fine but tired . . . Not original . . . :rolleyes:

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No, I haven't been taking Aikido lessons for a long time, actually I'm a newbie. I've taken lessons for only 2 months and I still feel I know almost nothing.


yeaah, it's really original to hear that you're tired :P

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No, I haven't been taking Aikido lessons for a long time, actually I'm a newbie. I've taken lessons for only 2 months and I still feel I know almost nothing.


yeaah, it's really original to hear that you're tired :P


3 kids . . . :rolleyes:

1 week . . .

= a Sandy tired :confused:


2 months it's good ! Are you enjoying it ?

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