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Yo necasitar voy a compro las regualas para la famila de mi madre..

Otra cosa necasitar pago la decleration de la renta pero no puedo...

regalos :nice:

will you see your relatives soon? :nice:


according to the current law of IRPF in Spain, you don't have to do the declaration if you don't earn more than 22000 euros/per year for your job, but if you have retention for tax on your wage, you would be losing money, because at least you should get back this equivalent quantity of your retentions.



total wage: 18700 euros (per year)

retention: 3600 euros (per year)


you are not forced to do declaration (IRPF) because you don't reach 22000 euros of your yearly wage, but they get 3600 euros from your wage, so if you do the declaration you get this money back to you.

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I need to pay some I have my justicfition for a sum to pay, I earn ave the threshold.

I dont know what to do....as it needs to be done. I tried to pay at la caja today and the machine would not let me do the final part. I called up and kept being given a number for a automated service, however the phone I was using would not work on the line.


and I am going to the UK tonight, well in short while and I wont be back until 1st July and I need to pay the 1st bit for the 30th June. The offices were closed so I was not able to pay it in person today.


I will get a penatly , but its not very fair, I have tried to pay it today, on how they advise you to pay it, but it would not let me.


I am going to ask a friend to pay it for me as a last resort, but I could understand if he did not want to do it.


Anyway ari I have to go and get my plane now. I am supraised no one has called me from the UK after I said I will have to stay in Birnigham tonight in the Airport of all places.


I reckon again apart from seeing my family, I am not going to like my trip to the UK. We would not get this in Spain, you know in Girona which is about 100 KM from Barcelona there is always a bus to take the people here. It does not happen in the UK...

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Sorry this is another moaning post.


I asked my friend to do it, hope it will be OK.

Got a lovley welcome to the UK, been detained for a little while whilst they run checks on me as they belived by passport was a fake, this has been mainly down to me having to carry it around the City of Barcelona due to the mosos d'esqueda. I just now hope they let me leave to come back I have my life and I will be so gutted words can not measure it if they dont let me leave the UK.


I am now waiting in the Airport until 7AM I am scared to go to sleep just incase my bag gets nicked. Tomorrow is not going to be easy as everyone will be wanting to see me, and I can see me being so tired.


I am quite dissapointed with my peoples, not one offer to come and pick me up. Well I will remember this one, I would never do that to someone in that position. I did not tell my family about my position as I felt after all these years it would have been too much to ask.


I am saying to my self tomorrow is another day. !!

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will see you back soon daryl, i hope you won't have so many problems coming back.... is bad that you are having so many problems with police and all that now.. :\


i am sure that you had enjoyed your stay in UK. :nice:


hey Iris, how are you doing? :)


i've finished my exams yesterday :dance:







I will start my practices soon, until the end of august, at least 5 days a week, 5 hours a day.


I will go to 3 concerts on our local festival :cool:

Keren Ann :smug:

Alan Stivell :smoking:

Benjamin Biolay :wink3:


I am improving with my guitar (still waiting for the electric one :rolleyes: )

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me alegro mucho que hayas acabado los examenes!! :dance:

ahora tendrás mucho tiempo para ti!! la verdad es que es mejor que empiezes practicando con la guitarra española ya que es más difícil que una eléctrica y de este modo aprenderás mejor!!!


y está super bien que vayas a 3 conciertos!! yo de hecho no tengo ningun programado para este verano :( en fin.


bueno, yo estoy bien!!

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me alegro mucho que hayas acabado los examenes!! :dance:

ahora tendrás mucho tiempo para ti!! la verdad es que es mejor que empiezes practicando con la guitarra española ya que es más difícil que una eléctrica y de este modo aprenderás mejor!!!


y está super bien que vayas a 3 conciertos!! yo de hecho no tengo ningun programado para este verano :( en fin.


bueno, yo estoy bien!!

muchas gracias Iris. :)


me alegro de que todo vaya bien :nice:


bueno tiempo, eso espero :D

bueno la mía es clásica, ahi voy mejorando un poco cada día, ya las cosas suenan como deben, pero acabo apoyando ligeramente la palma en las cuerdas (con la mano que se rasguea) e interfiero en el sonido :confused: (problemas), debo practicar más para evitar eso.


de todos modos aunque consiga pronto la electrica seguiré con la clásica y tal, a ver si entre los 3 instrumentos logro componer algo interesante.


aww bueno aún hay tiempo para que puedas ir algún concierto este verano creo yo :nice:

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I am back !!!

I had a really good time. I met my Granddad for the first time in 27 years. !

I met some of my cousins for the very first time ever, and met others I had not seen for ages..

I met my uncles and aunties, we all had lots to drink. They really looked after me.

They were quite baffled I had not let them know about the transport issue. However they did understand I did not want to be a fuss.


They are coming to see me soon, I have warned the Re: public that "the Bones" are coming. !

I was a little nervous for about 5 seconds before meeting them, but we got on with it.


I sung "Yellow " on a Karoke in a pub. I got the biggest round of appluse of the night, I think that was out of pity as they Knew I sung it from my heart. For some reason though my cousin and myself and his friends made a quick exit afterwards, he assured me it was for other reasons.


I am not going to leave it so long next time, but we had lost contact over the years... but now we all have each others numbers and address.


I took loads of photos Ari, Iris I will PM them you.. however here is something ...!! Tell me who do you think this is !! Hehe hehe




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sally, how are you doing? :nice:

congrats for your results :D


wow daryl you hadn't seen them in so many time ago :o

good singer there i see ;)

that is good, you should keep in contact with them. :) i am sure that you'll have many things in common with your cousins if they are more or less your age. :)


good to know that they will go to visit you soon.

pics pics pics :dance:


i think that i know who is on this pic :nice: sweet piccie.

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I had some bizzare dreams whilst I was there.. !

I had one dream I was in a sports hall or some sort of venue with Chris Martin and the boys.

We had been listening to the new album, on a CD with lots of people, we was laying down on some mats trying to rest. Then me and Chris went to the shops... then on the way back we lost each other.


I had another dream I was in Manchester waiting for a bus, and I seen a girl she looked lost so I asked her what bus what she was waiting for, she told me but her accent was unusal so I asked her where she was from she told me from Spain she was studying, so then I went to ask her in Spanish wherarabouts she said "Alermea" but she was orginally from Barcelona. So I responded in Catalan and told her at the moment I live in Barcelona. She was overcome with emotion.


Both strange dreams... ! I can´t remember what the girl looked like, but I think she was nice.

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I had some bizzare dreams whilst I was there.. !

I had one dream I was in a sports hall or some sort of venue with Chris Martin and the boys.

We had been listening to the new album, on a CD with lots of people, we was laying down on some mats trying to rest. Then me and Chris went to the shops... then on the way back we lost each other.


I had another dream I was in Manchester waiting for a bus, and I seen a girl she looked lost so I asked her what bus what she was waiting for, she told me but her accent was unusal so I asked her where she was from she told me from Spain she was studying, so then I went to ask her in Spanish wherarabouts she said "Alermea" but she was orginally from Barcelona. So I responded in Catalan and told her at the moment I live in Barcelona. She was overcome with emotion.


Both strange dreams... ! I can´t remember what the girl looked like, but I think she was nice.

curious dreams :thinking:

alarmea? :huh:


them seem to be connected... you were somewhere with someone and get lost, then you find someone that was lost and didn't knew so well where to go... seems opposite ideas that get connected with yourself only... like if you leave something back to find a better thing, that is ahead. :uhoh:

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Yes.. !

It was good dreams to have !!

I felt good after them, pity I never got to tell Chris how much I liked his music... and how listening to coldplay led to a number of events to where I am living now.


Hmm they are cooking some good food downstairs.. and it is making me hungry I would love some !

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Yes.. !

It was good dreams to have !!

I felt good after them, pity I never got to tell Chris how much I liked his music... and how listening to coldplay led to a number of events to where I am living now.


Hmm they are cooking some good food downstairs.. and it is making me hungry I would love some !

lucky you! i haven't dreamt with Chris since long time ago :cry:

so on the dreams he is like a friend of yours?

that's great daryl :nice: i know how much Coldplay means for you :) and i am sure that they know that.


aww i miss that now, well here i can cook but i can experience that like you anymore :\

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He was friendly with me like when you meet someone in a Bar. As we went to the shops together for some water and some other things. I am now going to get some food. I drooped a hint that I am going to get something to eat, but I did not go as far to say it smells nice.




See u soon. !


Oh yea I got a text from the American Girl I told you about today, she waned to meet tomorrow. But I am working at the night, so it will be impossible for me... but I think we may meet next week, she seemed just as thrilled to have met me as I met her... we will see...

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I cant how someone so pretty and cute turned out like me. ! I think I was around 4 years old. I cant remember

Shite, I don´t know what I am doing up at this time of the day I have work today... well tonight.


Hopefully I will sleep more, but somehow I don´t think I will be able to

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Por que te quieres cambiar el username, Nash? :surprised:





I woke up a little while ago and now it seems that you've got to go to sleep! You must be up at this time because of the heat. I guess you forgot how hot Barcelona can be (while being in the UK).


I've already read your pm and checked the pictures on Facebook.


You've changed - but still, I'd recognize you in that piccie!

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hiya all, just came in a rush here... i'll be here today night :) i hope that you all have had a good week.


I have my electric guitar now :dance: is so different to play, really much more easier is a Cort Mirage M 520. :P



^mine is in red.


I'm on practices since 3 days ago. :) is going fine (unless the fact that i have to wear an uniform :\ ), yesterday i had attended 3 tourists :P


well S.O.T.D:


http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=_HRn8WdZtZ0Is ok if you don't know everything.



some friends adviced me this artist :nice: and some other ones, i had discovered other ones bymyself on a Linux programme, that i will let you know about. :dance:

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