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sound tracks

suzanne schatzle

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i just saw garden state and had already had a great appreciation for coldplay, and it was great to hear them on the soundtrack; however it has been driving me crazy, where else have i heard their music-i.e. tv shows and movies; perhaps the shield, i heard one of their pieces on something and it is haunting me; i think a couple of movies have used coldplay songs

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Don't Panic is on ads atm in Aus for the Tem Network

GPASUYF was on Alias

Clocks was in that god awful Peter Pan movie

I've heard Coldplay in ER a bit


erg, i cant remeber anymore, although im sure there are heaps of others, i just can't remember them atm...

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Guest LiquidSky

The Scientist on Smallville..on reality tv programs on mtv they play coldplay a lot..I also heard The Scientist at the baseball game when Miami won..I think it was Miami... don't remember anymore..and HBO made several commercials for their last year Six Feet Under show..they played A rush of blood to the head :)

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