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~*~ The Official Will Champion Appreciation Thread ~*~


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HEY LUCINDA! :kiss: Here is the way to scroll it

[scroll] then then then [glow=name of color goes here aka green] WILLUV! then /size in the little [] things then then [/glow] then /scroll in the little [] things


I had to use the word then in between each thing so not to make what I was typing scroll so I couldnt type it exact, I hope that helps and not confusses you lemme know if you have any questions.

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BAH! I didn't get it right...what am I doing wrong?


Halloween was fun but pouring rain and me without a jacket. My weekend was ok, partied this weekend and took me a few days to sober up. My day was alright because I had it off....yay...


I'm having financial issues right now too! I'm freaking out just thinking about the debt I've racked up!

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I sorta figured it out but I can't seem to get the size right....oh well...thanks again for the help!


I just started a new hobby, I'm finding as many Coldplay video clips as possible and I'm going to create me own personal movie out of it! Going to be fun but downloading is taking forever with this crappy dial-up...bah...

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I looooooove seeing Will smile. He's one of those guys (for me at least) who you can't imagine being romantic, so when you think of them falling in love with whoever their significant other is, it's that much sweeter -- like the toughie who's got a real soft spot if you can catch him on it!


*inhaaaaale, exhale*


Hm. Hope that made sense.

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Watching Live Leak again...dammit! I would have given my right foot to be at that show! Actually...I'd give my right foot and quite possibly my left foot also if I could be that close to Coldplay...more specifically WILL!!!


No no, I'm not obsessed at all...whatever would make you think that? :D

I miss being that close to Will and touching him (shaking his hand counts) listening to his lovely accent and seeing him blush when I tell him he rocks! lol not to make you jealous or anything :P :rolleyes:

Yes low is soo good and I think a message is my second fave of the day fix you is a close third

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