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N with an accent?? mm strange... In my keyboard I have this ñÑ which some of you probably don't 'cause in English you don't use this letter... it sounds 'enie' or something. It's what makes the Spanish Language so exclusive, it's our pride :D


And earlier I said 'que te recontra' which is like telling you Weedy 'yeah, the same to you' in a common, kinda vulgar way... We use that expression when we don't have a clue on what the other person has just said, so we reply 'que te recontra' just in case it was something ugly or rude :)

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N with an accent?? mm strange... In my keyboard I have this ñÑ which some of you probably don't 'cause in English you don't use this letter... it sounds 'enie' or something. It's what makes the Spanish Language so exclusive, it's our pride


And earlier I said 'que te recontra' which is like telling you Weedy 'yeah, the same to you' in a common, kinda vulgar way... We use that expression when we don't have a clue on what the other person has just said, so we reply 'que te recontra' just in case it was something ugly or rude


hehe it`s not an accent even tho it looks like one. it changes the whole letter. in polish language we`ve got 9 letters that don`t appear in any other language i think and they are: ę ó ą ś ł ż ź ć ń. i`m not gonna tell you how to pronounce each of the letters cuz tha pronunciation is hella wierd and difficult to depict. each of these letters couse the foreighners problems in pronunciation.


and when i comes to that spanish n (like in tha word manana) i know how to say it cuz i`ve studied spanish for 1.5 year (i still suck at it tho)

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i can see the the n and the ´ i just cant make it myself. i can make and ø, æ and å, that's also something we only got in danish. my keyboard can only make £, but that's not that special :shrug:


nice letters you got there kasia!

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u mean u don`t know how to put colors? um i`ll teach you. when u`re replying you see tha colorful thingy above the place where you write right? so u click on one chosen color and then it`ll show something in the space where you write so you click between the twoclick here and write your message. ok i can`t put it into words my english sux.

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u mean u don`t know how to put colors? um i`ll teach you. when u`re replying you see tha colorful thingy above the place where you write right? so u click on one chosen color and then it`ll show something in the space where you write so you click between the twoclick here and write your message. ok i can`t put it into words my english sux.

okay i'm trying, i thought that was what i did before

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j'aime bien les anglophones qui parlent français :D remarque ça doit être pas mal aussi les francophones qui parlent anglais, enfin quoiqu'il en soit y'a pas beaucoup hisponophones sur ce forum même si y'a eu quelques italophones...

Bon bah je sens que je raconte n'importe quoi, alors j'vais arrêter... :-D

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ah bon! un autre francophone :) mais, j'ai presque oublie tout mon francais parce que maintenant j'habite au canada. :sad: gah, aussi je peux pas ecrire francais tres bien, je seulement parle francais. :oops:

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