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Did anyone hear about Houston?

Sweet One

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The hip hop artist...not the city.


He tried to commit suicide..but his security people stopped him. They locked him in a room and when they came back to check on him, they found that he gouged his eye out!!!!


Apparently he was really depressed and was previously hooked on a drug that when taken in high doses causes one to be suicidal or manically depressed.


Read more here: http://www.chartattack.com/damn/2005/02/0302.cfm



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Guest LiquidSky
how the hell do you gouge your eyes out!!! :dead:


umm please don't say it..'cause then I'm gonna be wanting to gouge mine out too! :stunned:

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Guest LiquidSky
dang.. I just read the article... it doesnt say.. but its till some fucked up shite..


It is..


Depression is worst than any other disases, it's sad :(

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I read about it a few days agp, its v fucked up. I didn't read that he had been hooked on a drug that causes depression or suicidal feelings though. The guy had the talent to go far in the r'n'b field as well which makes it even more shitty

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Some more info i found on a website:


NEW YORK -- The devil made him do it, representatives for R&B singer Houston said in a statement explaining how his eye was seriously gouged. Houston's publicist issued a statement saying Houston "found himself in the midst of a spiritual battle against the evil that runs rampant in the entertainment industry."


Houston, whose 2004 single I Like That was used in a McDonald's commercial, was found in his London hotel room Thursday with a serious eye injury. He was briefly in hospital.


"Houston was lying on his bed with a towel over his face and I removed the towel to find his eye hanging out," said bodyguard Marco Powell. "He said he had to get the devil off of his back and that's the only way he could kill the devil."


The publicist's statement quoted Houston as saying: "I still love all my fans. Please pray for me and know I'll be back with some more hits."

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oh God!...that's really awful..surely someone should have had the sense to stay with him. I think there's a big leap from depression, even from manic depression, to someone wanting to scoop out an eyeball. I can understand that someone can go through a certain frame of mind to want to carry out some sort of controlled body harm, but taking out your eye is something i've never ever heard of..i don't think he has long left on this earth!

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