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Coldplay Album's Colour-Coded Message


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Just a thought... (the inspiration for this one's rooted in Octakon's avatar :D) Has anyone noticed that the whole thing looks like an aerial view of city blocks... With a road cutting across the boundary of the black/white-coloured motifs? And if you look closely, there are 'vehicles' moving on the road. I've no idea which buildings they are tho (assuming they are city blocks at all :P )


Highly unmysterious I know, but possible??? :)

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i was thinking whilst staring at my x+y wallpaper this morning that must def be the make trade fair logo- it cant be a coincidence they've obv conciously put it there.....that is an important part of what coldplay is about, so perhaps all the other blocks represent the parts that make up coldplay? the orange and red and black could symbolise the parachutes era and the white and grey arobtth- and it could be in the sort of almost chromosome shape to represent X+y as in creation and the album title- under the thought that these different parts is what 'makes' coldplay? hmmmm i keep thinking of all different things and i wanna say them out loud so if it is that then i can be like 'i told you so!' :lol: i dunno what the blue would show though? maybe thats the band and the rest is what has grown from coldplay! :idea2: really i have no idea....... :P

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and what is a punch-card ? (it may seem obvious to many but being french i don't know the word) :D


It's used for carding in (recording) the time employees arrive from and leave from work, though I'm not too sure how often it's still used nowadays :lol:


it looks more like a punch-card from early computer days, i.e. a piece of card in which a computer program is written by punching holes in specific places that inform the computer what to do. A punch-card reader reads this in. Similair to the way in which a player piano reads a roll with holes punched in it which denotes the notes to play. In fact, i seem to remember that computer punch cards were developed with player pianos as inspiration.


Or, more likely, it's a DNA print-out, which would make more sense seeing as the alubm's called X&Y

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I know DNA would make more sense...I definitely prefer the DNA explanation.

but they said in an interview they had to choose among different sketches of the cover, and they decided for this one representing an old punch-card...:(

Maybe it's both and they are gonna tell us only with the e-zine ;) :wink3:

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hadn't read the interview so cheers for the info ! :) but, like you say, they could just be having us on at the mo :sneaky:


was that image you posted just a random punch-card or is it coldplay related ?

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The interview was in Italian so I didn't post it here because I thought nobody would understand the meaning... ;) (if you want I can post it now :) )

The image is not Coldplay-related... I just put it there because it was the most similar to the cover (also the Speed of sound cover)..and I didn't know the exact english translation for the italian word ;) (now I know it's punch-card) :D

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Ok. Here it is..

Enjoy!!!! :D :D :D


Tornano i Coldplay, alla velocità del suono: 'Il nostro disco più difficile'


Si intitola “Speed of sound” il nuovo singolo dei Coldplay: verrà mandato in radio in tutta Europa il 19 aprile e pubblicato il 23 maggio, anticipando l’atteso album “X&Y”, la cui uscita è invece prevista per il 3 giugno. I Coldplay l’hanno presentato ieri, 12 aprile, in una visita promozionale in cui hanno incontrato i media italiani.

La canzone suona tipicamente “alla Coldplay”, grazie alla voce e alla linea melodica di Chris Martin. Sulla parte strumentale il gruppo inglese sembra avere accentuato le sue tendenze all’epicità (alla U2, per intenderci) con una ritmica possente che si intreccia con aperture di chitarra e piano.

“Ci spiace abbiate ascoltato solo il singolo”, esordisce Chris Martin, accompagnato dai suoi tre compari, Guy Berryman (basso), Johnny Buckland (chitarra), Will Champion (batteria). “Comunque pensiamo sia un buon pezzo per far comprendere l’evoluzione tra ‘A rush of blood to the head’ e il nuovo ‘X&Y’; è un buon ponte per traghettare gli ascoltatori al nostro nuovo album”.

“Il titolo del disco è una formula matematica che rappresenta l’unione degli opposti”, spiega subito Berryman. “Molti dei testi del disco si pongono delle domande, esprimono dei dubbi”, continua Martin. “Abbiamo chiesto di rappresentare sulla copertina questi temi, e abbiamo finito con il scegliere un’immagine derivata da una vecchia scheda perforata, di quelle che si usavano decenni fa con i primi computer. Il disco si chiama anche in questo modo perché gli estremi fanno parte della band. Ogni tanto ci sentiamo i miglior del mondo, ogni tanto ci sembra di fare schifo”.

La difficoltà nella lavorazione di questo disco, ammettono coralmente i Coldplay, è stata grande, tanto che i provini iniziali di “X&Y” sono stati scartati. “Più grande diventa il successo, più è difficile gestirlo”, spiega Champion. “Alla fine del tour eravamo distaccati, distanti tra di noi. E le prime registrazioni suonavano disperate. Abbiamo capito che dovevamo cambiare qualcosa, così ci siamo ritrovati in una piccola sala prove, abbiamo iniziato da capo e ci siamo messi a suonare cercando lo spirito delle origini”. “Rispondiamo solo alla pressione di noi stessi”, continua Martin. “Tutte le pressioni esterne non erano nulla rispetto alla constatazione che non ci sentivamo felici, che si era persa la chimica che poi siamo andati a ritrovare in quella piccola e vecchia sala prove”.

Ora i Coldplay, dopo queste difficoltà, sembrano particolarmente soddisfatti del disco, e si stanno godendo il momento. “E’ bello mentre la gente aspetta di ascoltare le nuove canzoni, possiamo andare in giro a suonarle in piccoli posti, come l’altra sera in Madrid: così le impariamo meglio”.

Per vedere il gruppo dal vivo in Italia, però, bisognerà aspettare l’11 luglio, all’Arena di Verona, quando le nuove canzoni saranno abbondantemente rodate. Dall’Europa partirà infatti un tour mondiale che loro stessi definiscono “il più esteso”. “Se ci avessero chiesto sei mesi fa se avevamo voglia di andare in tour”, spiega Berryman, “ci saremmo messi a piangere. Adesso ne abbiamo voglia, la stiamo recuperando suonando in piccoli club, e ci stiamo preparando per i luoghi più grossi del tour. Ma non ci consideriamo un gruppo particolarmente “grosso”: per il momento vanno bene posti di queste dimensioni”.

Chiusura inevitabile sull’attenzione ricevuta da Chris Martin per la sua vita privata e il suo matrimonio con Gwineth Paltrow: “Sono una persona come tutte le altre, e lo è anche mia moglie. Chiunque deve affrontare cose che predirebbe evitare. Voi giornalisti avete i vostri direttori, noi i paparazzi. Non mi posso lamentare: faccio il miglior lavoro del mondo, circondato dai tre migliori amici possibili”.

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They return the Coldplay, to the speed of sound: ' our disc more difficile' Intito it "new Speed of sound" the single one of the Coldplay: it will come sent in radio in all 23 Europe the 19 you open them and published May, anticipating attended album "X&Y", whose exited instead june is previewed for the 3. The Coldplay has introduced it yesterday, 12 opens them, in a promozionale visit in which they have met the average Italian. The song sound typically "to the Coldplay", thanks to the voice and the melodica line of Chris Martin. Sulla epicità (alla U2 leaves instrumental the English group seems to have emphasized its tendencies on the credit side, in order to mean to us) with one ritmica powerful that interlaces with openings of guitar and plan. "Us spiace you have only listened to single", esordisce the Chris Martin, accompanied from its three compares, Guy Berryman (low), Johnny Buckland (guitar), Will Champion (battery). "However we think is a good piece in order to make to comprise the evolution between ` To rush of blood to the head' and new ` the X&Y'; it is a good bridge in order to ferry the listeners to our new album ". "the title it of the disc is a mathematical formula that represents the union of the opposite ones", it explains endured Berryman. "Many of the witnesses of the disc are placed of the questions, express of the doubts", continue Martin. "we have asked to represent on the cover these topics, and have ended with choosing an image derived from an old punch card, of that decades with the first computers were used ago. The disc is called in this way also because the ends make part of the band. Every a lot we feel the better one of the world, every a lot us seems to make schifo ". The difficulty in the working of this disc, admits the Coldplay choral, has been large, a lot that the provini begins them of "X&Y" has been discards to you. "larger it becomes the happened one, more it is difficult to manage it", it explains Champion. "To the end of the tour we were distaccati, distant between of we. And the first recordings played deprived of hope. We have understood that we had to change something, therefore are finds again in one small knows it tests to you, we have begun from head and there are puttinges to play trying the spirit of the origins ". "We only answer to the pressure of same we", continues Martin. "All the external pressures were not null regarding the ascertainment that we did not feel happy, that chemistry had gotten lost that then we have gone to find again in that old small and it knows it tests". Hour the Coldplay, after these difficulties, particularly seems satisfied of the disc, and they are enjoying the moment. "beautiful E' while people wait for to listen to the new songs, we can go in turn to play them in small you mail, like the other evening in Madrid: therefore we learn to them better ". In order to see the group from the alive one in Italy, but, July will have to wait for the 11, to the Arena of Verona, when the new songs abundantly are rodate. From the Europe a tour will leave in fact world-wide that same they define "the most extended". "If six months had asked us ago if we had want to go in tour", Berryman explains, "would be puttinges to cry. Now we have some wants, we are recovering it playing in small clubs, and we are preparing for the more large places of the tour. But we do not consider "a large" group particularly: for the moment places of these dimensions go well ". Unavoidable closing on the attention received from Chris Martin for its private life and its wedding with Gwineth Paltrow: "the others Are a person like all, and it it is also my moglie. Anyone must face things that it would foretell to avoid. You journalists have your directors, we the paparazzi. I cannot myself be complained: I make the better job of the world, encircled from the three better possible friends ".

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