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Breakthrough in London Blasts


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How many times have we heard of anti terror raids, but they have not found enough evidence to bring them to a court of law.... I reckon they should lock away the key whislt they invesgate it, and if they are innocent compesate afterwards !

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How many times have we heard of anti terror raids' date=' but they have not found enough evidence to bring them to a court of law.... I reckon they should lock away the key whislt they invesgate it, and if they are innocent compesate afterwards ![/quote']


spoken like a true fascist.

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Yep !! without any questions asked even I would be willing to be arrested as I know I would be innocent !


Bart. Locking up people on suspicion without any evidence is wrong. It is inhumane.


And a breach of the Human Rights Act (Article 6) no less


The European Convention on Human Rights and Human Rights Act 1998


The most important part of the European Convention on Human Rights, in terms of criminal justice, is Article 6 , the right to a fair trial. This guarantees a public hearing within a reasonable time, and formally states the presumption of innocence. It specifies your minimum human rights, including the right:


• To be informed of the case against you in a language you understand.


• To enough time and facilities to prepare your defence.


• To defend yourself and to have representation, free of charge when this is in the interests of justice.


• To ensure that prosecution witnesses attend and can be cross-examined, and to call defence witnesses on the same terms.


• To have an interpreter, if necessary, free of charge.

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but what country actually follows that act... :/


Unfortunately only countries who signed up to the convention in '51. Uk being one of them. Most countries in Europe are obliged to follow it. I'm not that fresh on Human Rights Law outside Europe though, but it'd be odds on that the Middle East is lagging way behind (assuming that the Middle East harbours terrorist individuals, which I can't possibly forecast can I :stunned: )

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