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i'd heard kraftwerks music before but never really thought about it, and then when coldplay said talk was influenced by kraftwerk i listened to their music. I like it, haven't heard the tour de france album oly the single will have to find the album :)

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i listened kraftwerk when i was a child that's may be why i discovered recently that i like this kind of music called electronica because i used to listen other bands like OMD and Tangerine Dream because my dad like them. :stunned: so now i realised i like this kind of music too.


but coldplay is still like my nº 1 :D

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i didnt hear of kraftwerk till talk. but i started getting into it recently and im in love. as you can probably tell, i love Trans Europe Express but i also like Computer World and The Man Machine. although im not very fond of autobahn or Radio-Activity.

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Im intrested in them, I was watching a Bill Bailey gig yesterday and he did a tribute to Kraftwerk (WAss very good too)

Problem is, Im not sure which album to get that could help make me get into them so any ideas?

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Im intrested in them, I was watching a Bill Bailey gig yesterday and he did a tribute to Kraftwerk (WAss very good too)

Problem is, Im not sure which album to get that could help make me get into them so any ideas?


well, if you like some good old vintage Kraftwerk, go with Computer World, Trans Europe Express, or Man Machine...


however, if you want an over-view of their career with a more "modern" sound, then go for this:




it was recorded during their last world tour, a 2 CD set.... it's just mind-blowingly good.... i reccomend it to anyone who hasnt checked it out, including current kraftwerk fans....



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actually i tried to listen kraftwerk but i couldnt.i admit that they gave many thing to the elektronic music but i cant listen it.

otherwise my sister-in-low is a big fan of them and he used to be a kraftwerk concert.he said it was amazing.after the concert there was an after party and he met there with the band members.he said that they are really normal people and the band members showed how they dance to their music.he said that it was funny :D

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