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My last one...

Called Meaningless.


You thought that I was caught

By the worries and the doubts

I've been fought against.

You thought you've put me down,

In my mind you've set the pain,

And you've made my hope gone.

You really think you achieved it

But you didn't even reach it.


Now, I should confess

All your words are so meaningless.

Even if I seemed to give it up,

But your anger cheers me up.


Rude words that you use,

And I thought you were mature.

Hide your insecurity behind

Your cold look, but you're fragile inside,

Whatever you do, you'll stay a child.

All you've to be worried about is:

The devil lives where you sleep.


It doesn't rhyme, it makes no sense, yes I am still a child and I won't pretend like I'm not though I act more mature than you. ;)

I would give you credits if you would indeed make a good poem, which you didn't. You think I didn't reach anything? I survived my disease and accepted it, I survived the loneliness and yes the devil lives where I sleep but I'm not afraid of him. Yes, words are meaningless whether it's mine or yours but at least I know how to use them. My goals are more important than to hurt you which is just a waste of time that I don't want to waste cos I don't want to end up like you in the end.

Actions speak louder than words, where are yours?


Weren't you the one that said ; if I would stand in your shoes, I'd kill myself.. ?


I won't make another poem nor say something about you cos it's meaningless to do so plus you're not even worth a kill.


Careful where you fall cos you got nothing to stand on..

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My last one...

Called Meaningless.


You thought that I was caught

By the worries and the doubts

I've been fought against.

You thought you've put me down,

In my mind you've set the pain,

And you've made my hope gone.

You really think you achieved it

But you didn't even reach it.


Now, I should confess

All your words are so meaningless.

Even if I seemed to give it up,

But your anger cheers me up.


Rude words that you use,

And I thought you were mature.

Hide your insecurity behind

Your cold look, but you're fragile inside,

Whatever you do, you'll stay a child.

All you've to be worried about is:

The devil lives where you sleep.


Good one Mike. ;)


mm are you answering one to the other, then? :surprised:

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my new poem....feel free to criticize it!




just another day on the line


so far away

I hear you whispering my name


my skin is burning

with a thought

I didn't shave today

and my voice is the same


let's go north

where no man is caught

for being lame


so far away

I hear your lips move

is that sad name mine?

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Miro, I love it!


Here's my new one.



Called Let it erase the distance.


Feeling alone

In my everlasting nights,

All the sounds are gone,

Only one word remains and flies.


"Just say it again,

Let it echoe and break the silence,

Give it a chance to swipe away the rain,

Let it erase the distance."


Play me the music of your heart

Play me its unsung melody

Take me away from the start,

Show me what I have to see.


Wherever I could stand,

I feel you, near me,

You take my hand,

And whisper softly:


"Just say it again,

Let it echoe and break the silence,

Give it a chance to swipe away the rain,

Let it erase the distance."

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Thank you Miro!


Another one that I started a pretty long time ago...

It's about a very important member of my family I lost 3 years ago.

The current weather here (sunny) and this period of the year (beginning of it + spring) made me write it.


It's called Remember


A leaf fell from a tree,

All happened so quietly

All happened too quickly.


Let's remind the short days

How the cold air hit our faces,

How the snow flew with grace.


Remember how the bright sun raised,

The newborn light stroke our eyes,

When the dark was chased away by its rays.


Remember the rain, beating against the windows

How it washed all the things we knew

It reminds me how all is definitely gone.


The leaf fell from the tree, endlessly

And the ground looked like vanishing

Everything was back to the very beginning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

rhôôôô... that thread was nearly dead...


here's a new poem

Called Absence.


My lovely day and its light went away

One more time, my body shivers.

It looks like the night's back on my way,

Each time you leave, summer turns into winter.


I feel the cold, my tears freeze,

But, my heart screams and cries silently

Your name, and it echoes again in my head.

I can only close my eyes where I stand.


The tight cold of your absence,

Drives me to lose all my senses.

Step by step, the air is being thin,

I can't breath anymore, I'm chocking.


Being so far from you is so unfair,

I'll give my life to love you,

Your words are my hope, my air,

I could never go on without you.


My sun'll be back, whispering me its rays

Getting me warmer, swiping my tears away.

Just stay with me, forever, please,

To tell me how beautiful life is.

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Thank you.


Well, the next one describes a part of me I can only dislike. The title doesn't really mean sth, it's not related with the poem, although... I dunno.


I've been feeling quite low since a couple of days (maybe more, I dunno. Well all's coming out now... :s)


Called Lacking Lake


Drive me to that lake,

Filled by my dry tears.

There melt truth and fake,

This is where my mind disappears.


Confused, my crystal heart floats,

Comes closer to the coast,

Reaches the white sand beach

Breaks, quietly, slowly on it.


Dig my own grave,

Put me six feet underground,

Draw, with my blood, the traces

Of all my mistakes on the ground.


All seems to collapse around me,

The one I used to be,

The words you told me.

My mind is playing tricks on me.


Shattering all my doubts,

I've built myself such a way

Down to the darkest clouds,

There's nowhere I can really stay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. Reed

sir, you sigh so severely

several silences sliced you slickly

so now you're sickly

saving wavering razor blades

from shaving some sound slits in your wrists

listen, this is what you're missing

singing songs to misses miss you many messy kisses

shave your skin instead of your soul

sometimes someone will see something special



Love, For a Love Offender That Lives on a Bee Farm

animals grunting


for animals

display of feathers

who cares?

I do

you display so humbly

bumble bee queen

queerly does her query,

who is worthy?

I am

I noticed your


colorful flowers with

their powers

I shower you with them

in them I toil

to spoil you with them

when they float you gloat with them

like heaven never better

the petals spell a letter

they cast a spell that

lasts long lady bee

looks like the letter lightly lifts

your spirits so

I can kiss your

exoskeleton a ton

if I wish - you wish

this is what I wonder if I won

I'm done



A person must experience eighteen revolutions around the sun before they can have independence and a brain

The earth stands

Or rather it sat obesely

Inspired, I came to

Or said, "You fool!"

The earth opened up in response its mouth

Uttered nonsensical grace

Like a truly spoken idiot

With laws complimenting contradicted advice


A change of scene

Will lift your spirits, in hell

Closed the old woman's mouth


I responded by emitting greenhouse gases

She got hot

And had one more hissy fit

The elderly woman

Mother earth is dying, quite frankly

I'm glad

But death is 10% expected

90% liver failure

Which is why alchohol is not suggested

But funny

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I don't usually write poetry but I had to write a poem for English yesterday on the Holocaust and I'm quite proud of it. :)


Nothing seems tangible when you’re treated like swine

Given a small ration and shoved into line

Oblivious to the future that lies ahead

“Arbeit Macht Frei” the sign had said

This leaves me with only one indication

I must show some decorum or else face extermination

The resentment I feel now for every gentile

Is disguised by keeping docile.

The truth is illuminated by this incarceration.

They will cover their tracks with careful sedation.

My childhood quickly disappears without a trace

As they strangulate me into their sinister embrace.

When I look through the window of tomorrow

I see nothing has been changing

It’ll still be all sorrow.

Hopefully time will strip my away my agony

and liberation will be my only melody.

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  • 2 weeks later...



You see me in blinding white

lights make our faces bleed with colours

of bleach and washed-out pales.


I am gloriously sanitised

with a face perfectly chiseled;

and an expression as cold as marble.


I sing in monotonous mess

but it is alright nonetheless.

With manicured nails and killer clothes

I am statuesque



my love is vague,

my life is a circle

yes, a circle.




sometimes I call this, The "Theme from the Workplace"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember Victoria


Remember Victoria

with hair strawberry blonde

that mischievous pixie

who leaves trails of stardust


Remember Victoria

the one with angel eyes

who traverse galaxies

and doorways between worlds


Remember Victoria

a girl with radiant smile

the earth is her playground;

our terrestrial queen


Remember Victoria

the siren who I loved

with lips gracefully sealed;

ribbons adorn her feet



Forever, Victoria

Down by the water

She is safe (and sound)

(But...but her eyes never seem to close...)




Victoria isn't real. I was thinking this could make a nice epitaph...

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