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thanks everyone for posting in this thread. it's great to read all of you. especially you emma :)


i've this one, i hope there are no mistakes


My pen in my hand and tears in my eyes

Thinking that I’ll never get over with my weakness

I write every words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears upon your face

If you don’t feel like you don‘t belong to this place

And if years don’t make you regret moments spend away from me

I’ll be the last one you’ll hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see


There are a few mistakes. It's great to read nonetheless.


My pen in hand and tears in my eyes

I think I’ll never get over my weakness

I write all the words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears on your face

If you don't feel out of place

And if the years don't make you regret

The moments with me you could have spent

I’ll be the last one you hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see


A second posting (pardon me - I did not see this right away!!).:)







The Wind Whisle

Knits together the threads of human experience into one beautiful canvas;

a sail cloth catching the winds of change;

propelling one spirit, vessel, and soul

with expert guidance

-On a powerful sea; the journey;

*the future of what will be*


I like the quaint nature in this.

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my alias was a poetician :wacky:


I wrote a poem







my purse is purple

like my soul

and my skin

but my purse is lost

and I think that laa laa stole it


laa laa is the one I hate

because she always get the nice guys

and when I try to kill her

I just can't

because I'm purple

like my purse

the purse that laa laa stole


I've got a triangle

in my head

I like balloons

and ponies

purple ponies

like my purse

the purse that laa laa stole




ok.. a crappy one

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Wow, I love the first one...it means a lot to me becouse I have a friend who I haven't seen in about a month and I am missing her a great deal. Unfortunately translators often mix of the wording and the poem means less. When my french skills are better I'll read the french version.


I would turn my back on you

I would scorn your every word

I would regret ever speaking to you again

I would hate you, I promise

But why, do I still cling on to your every move

Your every whimper and cry


I would have snubbed your existance

I would have destroyed my last hope

I would have thrown rocks

I would have started a war

but, your bitter laughter is what I love

Your deceitfullness is my life


I could have done these things

I could have run away

I could have hated you

I could have ended it all

But, I am still here


Because she isn't


thank you Rachie :rolleyes:

i like this one

it is really great

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thanks everyone for posting in this thread. it's great to read all of you. especially you emma :)




There are a few mistakes. It's great to read nonetheless.


My pen in hand and tears in my eyes

I think I’ll never get over my weakness

I write all the words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears on your face

If you don't feel out of place

And if the years don't make you regret

The moments with me you could have spent

I’ll be the last one you hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see




I like the quaint nature in this.


thank you for the help:)

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ok thank you for the help:) Grids


i wrote this one in french

so i translated it in english

of course in french it rhymes but not in english:dozey:



À la lueur des étoiles je m’en allais d’un pas franc

Sans songer aux obstacles qui peuvent m’empêcher d’aller de l’avant

Je regardais de tous les cotés avec un sentiment pensant

Mais que peut-il y avoir malgré cette odeur de printemps


De gauche à droite, le calme chante

Avec ses vas et vient il me hante


N’ai-je toujours pas pensé à ce qu’il peut se délaisser

Derrière ce silence qui risque de me menacer

Égaré dans cette endroit, je me sentais négliger

Tout à coups une sensation de chaleur m’embrasais


Si douce et si chère qu’elle finit par atteindre mon cœur

Au toucher satin et au délice de pétales de fleur

Elle me cernait comme si elle voulais effacer mes douleurs

Je m’abandonnais à elle telle un enfant rêveur

Serait-ce vraiment le bonheur ou juste un sentiment farceur




In the light of stars I went away with a frank step

Without thinking of the obstacles which can prevent me from forging ahead

i looked at all the highly-rated with a thinking feeling

But what he can have in spite of this spring smell there


From left to right, the peace sings

With its go and comes it haunts me

I did not still think of the fact that he can abandon.

Behind this silence which risks to threaten me.

mislead in this place, I felt neglected


Everything in knocks a sensation of heat fired me.

So sweet and so dear as she eventually reaches my heart.

In the touch satin and in the enjoyment of petals of flowers.

She encircled me as if she wanted to erase my pains

I gave way to her such a dreamy child


Would it really be the happiness or just a mischievous feeling



this is nice too;)

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Poems of love are nice! A little bittersweet, though.. but, then that makes it all the more enchanting. Thanks Grids and Ze_Scientist!


Another One:


Stars above, stars below;

Time before stars were in faint waves..

Reaching the shore

Images of the past in the present;

Relative grace in the echos of it all from the one.



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Where am I?

I am a leaf adrift on the ocean,

of the space within time pieces

above the stars

beneath the rays;

In the deep pools of power where waves crash and surge

and bubble with the breath of life..

from power beams that lever action

in the hidden gears that drive us all


the one true magic of discovery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm writing this one about a certain book you should not read...


The orphans three and a man of many bad deeds

Along an old abandon beach,

Sat two sisters and a brother.

The mist clinging to their gloomy clothing,

The shrouded sun just beginning to set.


But this peace was soon to come to an end,

As a banker strolled along,

Equipped with him was some terrible news,

What else can come from a terrible fire?


And so the two sisters and a brother,

Became merely the orphans three.

A distant relative was to become their guardian,

But guarding them was the least of his intentions.


For the parents the orphans three,

Had riches far grander than your imagination.

And an inheritance that was to befall upon these orphans,

Was within reach of a man of many bad deeds


So I leave you here, dear reader.

For the story has already been published.

The gloom and sorrow which will inevitably befall upon your eyes,

Is sorrow I will not grace upon you here.


A man on the run, an organization that is hiding.

A tattoo that keeps watch, three letters that seem meaningless.

All of these events in which you can read in a certain series of a certain 13 books.

But I advise you do not.




Based on the 13 book chronology Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'

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Pinprick holes in a colorless sky, let insipid figures of light pass us by; The mighty light of 10,000 suns challenges infinity, but is soon gone. Cold-hearted orb that rules the night..steals the colors from our sight. Red is grey, and yellow white, but we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?


Nighttime, a brief interlude for some; for others the fear of solitude. Impassioned lovers wrestle as one. New mother picks up and settles her son. Bedsitter people look back and lament - another day's useless energy spent.

Brave Phelius, wake up your steeds, bring the warmth of the countryside to our needs...

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please check out my pictures in the "show us your art"-thread.

or my music: http:// www.myspace.com/einarstraymusic/


Very nice music!! I was thinking along those lines for quite some time - I've always wanted to just record the sounds of nature here - the stream's burble, the birds singing in the early AM in spring, the sounds of frogs in spring - now I've gotten inspired - if only I can find the time!

Anyhow, many thanks!

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