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Hayley, I wish I had your background in English Literature! As fas as I've gotten is Dickens and some of the poets.. But just reading Dickens really says a lot about society - both then and now. Glad to hear of your interest!:)

Kellie, that's a nice start - you can always build upon that theme, be it unrequited love, and give it some more intrigue! But that's a good foundation - a mystery keeps the reader/listener interested.;)

Thinker, that one's very sincere and kind - nice to read something consoling - at times we all go through rough patches, and need a boost. Keep up the good work!!:cool:

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A sense of place

takes its sweet time

and saves nine

lives that settle in

time to realize

our place in the land

nature's garden

to know

to grow into

the value of place

to put to rest one's wheels

To put to sleep one's worries..

smell the good earth

to Dig with both hands,

and watch the garden grow.


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^^Nice! I like it!! Very minimalist, and very true to the senses!!:smart:;)



Here's one:


Identify, separate

lumpers and splitters

all to form images

of idealized objects

neat and precise

concise and simple..

but truth's much more than

connecting all .s

and all of the dashes--

to send a message

beyond just the slashes../


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Its been a while ey...but I'm back! :D



The roses are grey

A non-existant summer day

A shroud in the sky

As another passes by


The simple sweet sound

Nothing more than mud on the ground

A colourless waste

Expanding out vastly, into space

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Poem:Travels the atom..


From rock to rock

goes the life of the binder

once a weathered stone

thence a giant ocean containing

smallest of creatures, sequestering rust

and coating their hulls with dust

laid down as carpets

on the bed floor

to be taken up by the renovators

and broken like soup bones

into many molds pored

like the shimmering water

of a fiery netherworld

never far, but neither near

from source to sink it doeth flow

and then tossed aside, like the child's toy

forgotten for the blink of time's eye..

and yet born anew in the slow turning bit

into tiller that digs in the land

and lifts anew the ancient of stones

with the tines of time

spinning away

weaving a tapestry

on ancient truths

to keep us

for another day

and slowly the rock revolves on its axis

as a measure of tilth

and a keeper of life




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Hello Miss Snicket!:) Glad you're back from the hiatus, Rachel!!;)

I gather winter in Aussie-land is looking rather dull?? Can't you just hop a ride on a kangaroo?:laugh3:


-from Chuck.

Haha, glad to be back. I never get tired of your aussie style antics. I believe the Kangaroos are in hibination nowadays :laugh3:. But yes, winter is rather dull and but we need the rain over here...but then again, essentially, all Australians come from British ancestors so it should be in our blood to be cold :lol:.

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I was unaware of any Aussie-style antics!:stunned::rolleyes: 1 quik questian: WallawallaWallaby - is there such a town down-under??;) Anyhow, did not know that Roos' hibernate - maybe they just get slower in winter, kinda like our white-tailed deer?? Do you need special saddles to ride them (w/ shock-absorbers included?)?!:P Here, it's the bumbling black bears, and the white-tails.. We do have bison, but they're raised in captivity in our state. The bison would be the best choice for riding of the three, but only by a slim margin. A few people have tried alpacas - same difficult climate as the high Andes, only flatter.. But they look too slender for anything but barn cats to ride!

Aussie landers hibernate too?? Or, do you all go north to the warm coasts? Either way, keep warm Rachel!




outta focus

candle abra

bumble-bee opera

A chorus of frogs

A course on dogs

sawing saw logs

laughing out-loud

at the sound from the bogs..



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  • 4 weeks later...

^ I like Stone Town the best!


I was feeling really lonely last week cus all my best friends had been sick so I wrote these two poems...


Sea-Side Eyes

I look up, but nothing has changed

The air perhaps, is colder, one day older.

I am last to leave, my name is not called out

No beautiful statue, standing tall, not at all

Eyes of the sea and hair of the wind

My quiet bliss is all I seem to miss

Another day passes, the world seems to freeze

Where are those Sea-side eyes, because now, even the dust cries


And now a quirky one.



You & me

perfect symmetry

An unlikely pair

So delicate nad fair

Musing the idea

Of ever drawing near

To young to dare

To ever really care

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I thought this up in about thirty seconds today, just lying on the grass...It's funny how that works; I've spend hours on a shorter poem before. Anyways:


I find poems in the clouds

and quench my thirst on my tears.

I fill my belly with seagull cries,

and the sky is my canvas.

The breeze is my eiderdown,

and this perfect day is mine

for the taking.

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I have a kind of scary poem, a song actually. Sort of influenced by Cemeteries of London, just wrote this last night:




Echoes in the distance

The distance

A cry for help

No one listenin’


I hear these voices in my head

They can’t be real

They can’t be, ooooooohhhhh


Something in the air

We breathe

A light through the fog

We can’t see



I hear these voices in my head

They can’t be real

They can’t be, ooooooohhhhh



Hiding in my closet

It’s under my bed

They are all around me

It’s all just in my head


I feel something here

It might not be real

But my heart’s filled with fear

It’s only paranoia



Now the day is gone

The night looms

Over us the clouds move

To show the red moon


I hear these voices in my head

They can’t be real

They can’t be, ooooooohhhhh


Hiding in my closet

It’s under my bed

They are all around me

It’s all just in my head


I feel something here

It might not be real

But my heart’s filled with fear

It’s only paranoia


Only paranoia…


Only paranoia…

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Creepy. I like it.

Have you set it to music?


absolutely. creepy repeating 3 note bass line. tom tom drum rolls. eery Violet Hill-esque sound effects and low monotone singing reminiscent of "All I Need" by Radiohead. Or at least thats how my drummer's family described it.:)



maybe if we ever get into a studio we can record it and Ill post it here.

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Creepy. I like it.

Have you set it to music?


I just have to laugh Ms. tea lady. No offense, it's just the sort of response one might expect from one of us - "OOOO, that's spooky! Give me more!" - How true, though. We all like a good chiller thriller from time to time - I used to love a movie titled "The Fog" for the eerie things that happened unexpectedly.

And now, some iambic pentameter..

Beer buzz has taken hold in the noggin' above

Can't stop now because it's like a dove

calling me, beckoning me, singing frothily to me

Taste my suds and ye will be merry!

And so I did as it commanded, and found the buzz

Bumblebee not included, some assembly required,

Kit sold separately, but complete in effect

One tall glass, add one fine beer, yields one happy glug!:P

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I just have to laugh Ms. tea lady. No offense, it's just the sort of response one might expect from one of us - "OOOO, that's spooky! Give me more!" - How true, though. We all like a good chiller thriller from time to time - I used to love a movie titled "The Fog" for the eerie things that happened unexpectedly.

And now, some iambic pentameter..

Beer buzz has taken hold in the noggin' above

Can't stop now because it's like a dove

calling me, beckoning me, singing frothily to me

Taste my suds and ye will be merry!

And so I did as it commanded, and found the buzz

Bumblebee not included, some assembly required,

Kit sold separately, but complete in effect

One tall glass, add one fine beer, yields one happy glug!:P


Hehehe, yes, I know what you mean. Spook junkies...

I like your iambic pentameter, very clever :D I won't be writing those any time soon, not after having been force-fed them by the English curriculum...it's a shame, I quite like it really.

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Yea, I have to agree - spooky can be cool!:cool: Probably not much iambic anything in the poem, but thanks anyways! Glad you like it:happy: Yes, very often overdosing students on structure/stricture turns students off - I do recall as well loosing some of the "fun of it" in the process. Please keep prodigiously producing poetry, and have a good night!

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^I love it, so simple and yet it still has meaning


Look in my eyes and see fire

Flicker past

The simple expression of

Nets we have cast


The watchdog growls quietly

To the cat in his sight

A glance at her eyes

And she's gone with the night


Snow falling gracefully

Without a regret

Tossing and turning

It lands where we met


A sunrise appears to only

A few simple eyes

For the rest of the world

They see the Sun's cries

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