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Just A WHISPER....

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First I have to say that I'm not German either.


Yes, you are right. I don't think the problem is that she doesn't have any experience in politics. I personally don't agree with her in several things, plus I can't stand her as a person. It's really difficult to explain this in English. :/

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Thanks god, we didn't. Schröder's politic was good and we would have had the unemployment-rates under a merkel-regime too, maybe even more!



I'm not sure about that... Merkel will doch den Kündigungsschutz lockern. (no idea how to say this in English :embarrased: ) I think this could really influence the unemployment rate in a positive way. :/


I agree with you in the other things.

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Yap, I don't know, too. I think, every coalition is kinda equally "bad". We've a bad economic situation here and to fight this, we need time, no argues for being chencellor etc.


Anyways, I've my first day at work tomorrow. I'm realising this right now and I get nervous and sat, since my spare time will be veeeery limited from tomorrow on :-(


I'm not sure about that... Merkel will doch den Kündigungsschutz lockern. (no idea how to say this in English) I think this could really influence the unemployment rate in a positive way. undecided.gif


I don't think so. This wouldn't really make new employees. The bosses would kick the people out of their companies for the smallest reasons to get space for cheap or even foreign employees. It's this EU-thing, which weakened us, caus our eastern neighbours have all those cheap workers.


Great Britain or France don't have these problems.

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Yeah, good night.


Think I'm going to go to bed, too - but at around 11pm.

I've to go up very early tomorrow... bah, I hate this.


At a non-profit company' date=' which helps disabled people to reintegrate in the "healthy" community in things like work etc.[/quote']


Ah ok...is that what you explained me, instead of the military service?



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@monk: yeah, she looks dull and beyond that she's a bad politician.


@ari: no news here, I think - they're still looking for a coalition.

Yeah, I'm working since today! It's in a non-profit company, which helps disabled people to get reintegrated in the daily work. I have to do it till mid of june next year - and it's so boring! I had to fold cardboards, package cans and watch over the disabled people. Hope, tomorrow it's better!

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