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the bestchrismandyalyssa thread


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Well, it's a little sad, but while I was in Escondido my grandma was in hospice and everyone in the family was stuck in the house for a loong time. It was very depressing. So we had the hospice nurse come in and it turns out she saw me wearing a DMB (dave matthews band) shirt and she, herself, was a pretty big DMB fan too. She said on the way there she was listening to the DMB. So anyway later on that day unfortunately while I was gone she called my mom to tell her that night the DMB was playing in San Diego. Unfortunately that day my brother and I were gone to a church meeting. My mom didn't want to tell me because she thought I might be upset that I missed that, but it really was a sweet thing for that nurse to call and let us know that.

(the reason that picture reminded me of that was because the next night I heard on the radio that Coldplay was there) :(

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