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Chris inferior to Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt?!


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From the 5-25-03 issue of Parade Magazine, where people submit questions about celebrities:


Q: Now that Gwyneth Paltrow is 30, why isn't she married?

F. Nunnally, Richmond, VA


A: Why should she be? Paltrow is having too much fun dating the world's hottest hunks - though her latest beau, Coldplay singer Chris Martin, 26, isn't in quite the same league as Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck.



Wha, wha, wha!? Not in the same league? :o Yeah, Chris is in a much higher league, IMO! The nerve! :-x I'd take Chris over Brad and Ben any day! :D

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thats ok bc to me chris is much better,more talented and HOTTER than them !! :D thats a load of crap who the hell even gives a flying flip about these "leagues" of people anyway :x ..just bc theyve been around longer doesnt in any way mean theyre better :-x ....thats so stupid anyway i think chris is the most gorgeous person i can think of right now :-D so SCREW THEM!!

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Hu-hu-hu, it's funny the idea of men's league... :-D

In my opinion Brad is the typical attractive guy who all the girls love at. And Ben seems really bored, I don't like him like actor.

So, yeaaaaah, our Chris is the best. He's in premier league, of course.

Gwyneth, smart girl...

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