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Happy Birthday Ian!


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Looking at the today's birthday I notice that today is the birthday of the creator of this board that keep us busy and give us a lot of fun.We have the chance of comunicate with other people and share our thoughts with all the Coldplay fans from all over the world.

Hre in Mexico is still 15 but anyway....


Happy Birthday Ian!!


Many more days like this one!


Feliz Aniversario!

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oh yes




thanks so much for the site. not only is it coldplay site, but the atmosphere is great and makes you feel so welcome. i've had some really crappy things the last 6 months but coldplaying.com has been a great place to get away from it all, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


now, go get drunk and enjoy your birthday!!! :laugh3: :joker::mad::sunny::drummer::juggle:


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