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Which is the best AROBTTH song?


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  • 2 years later...

lord, that question is do hard to answer!


that record is filled with (probably) the best coldplay songs ever ...


mhh ... a rush of blood to the head,warning sign or amsterdam?


i'll go for amsterdam

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  • 16 years later...

Clocks and Amsterdam, two of thier best piece of art and so much fire to debut of end. Clocks was my favorite Coldplay song, i love how the piano melody conducted totally the song and how it's bulding the message of this song (urgency). And Amsterdam was a touching and beautiful ballad and the ending adding more drama in this song. Love theses two tracks.

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For me Warning Sign and Politik are truly masterpieces, followed up by Amsterdam. These songs are simply giving me the most shivers. 

I feel somehow embarrassed to say but Clocks never hit me. I'm of the opinion that it is solid track, but at the same time I can't identify with it (that is propably pretty important for me). 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clocks was one of my first Coldplay loves, and it will always be special to me. No matter how many times I listen to it, it still gives me... not chills exactly, but a great feeling. I always annoy my family by loudly humming along to the baseline, and by the end of the song I invariably have maxed out the volume of whatever I'm listening on (because I keep upping the volume by a bit every few seconds :). So, yes Clocks is my favorite song of my favorite album.

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