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March Prospekt Entry #2 Sweepstake


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:computer::gossip: March Prospekt Entry #2 Sweepstake :gossip::computer:



Every month now, we wait for that special day - the day that we get our Prospekt entry. These are the previous Prospekt dates to help with your decision!



April 20th, Friday, 2007 (Progress Description)

June 29th, Friday, 2007 (Progress Description)

July 20th, Friday, 2007 (Progress Description, Album Tidbits)

September 5th, Wednesday, 2007 (Album Tidbits, Song Names)

September 21st, Friday, 2007 (Album Tidbits, Progress Description)

October 26th, Friday, 2007 (Song Names, Progress Description)

December 6th, Thursday, 2007 (Progress Description, Album Tidbits)

January 30th, Wednesday, 2008 (Progress Description, Song Names)

March 19th, Wednesday, 2008 (Album Title, Progress Description)



Gathering all of these bits together we can see that it's more likely to be a date from around the 20-30th, and Prospekt entries usually come about once a month. If there's an entry missing from a previous month, usually the next month has two Prospekt entries, one earlier in the month and another later. Prospekt entries have been around the 20th-30th a whopping seven times out of nine.

They are also posted five times out of nine on a Friday, and the other four times they've either been on a Wednesday or a Thursday.


Next entry is vital for us fans - we can expect the final tracklisting in the next entry. We can also expect two entries this March - there were no Prospekt entries for February. We could possibly also see the album artwork - this is more likely to be shown in April/May, however.




So, what date will this next Prospekt entry be? Will it be in a matter of a few days? Or will it be at the end of the month? Perhaps they'll extend it to the first few days of April (...:whatever:).



WHO KNOWS? :uhoh:

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You prolly wanna know what I went for, eh?


I chose 21st March (Friday). Reasons:


- Friday is a common Prospekt day

- Prospekt 19th March (entry intended for Feb) noted that the tracklisting would be posted soon, and that they would be finalizing it on the 20th, but I doubt they'd make an entry that soon.

- ...21st March seems a Prospekt-y day? ;D

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i voted this friday, though i think there's a high chance of it being this saturday or sunday as well. prospekt DID say there would be a post later in the week, and i don't think he can or will let us down after saying that. they've had long-ass gaps between entries before, but in those entries they've never really set a timeframe for the next entry to appear like they did in this one. even in the one two times ago when they said that they'd be done in 5 weeks or so, they only said they'd be done, not that they would give us an update right when they'd finished. so, i'm thinking if it's not up by sunday night at 12:00 AM californian time, we need to get out our pitchforks and torches and organize a riot.


just kidding :P

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I have to go with april fool's day,


Something fun like




of course this will all be an april fool's day prank.






oh and I can see this board going mad because of that prank.. it wouldnt be funny AT ALL !! if they ever do that I would have to boycott them for about .. 5minutes :veryangry2:

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oh and I can see this board going mad because of that prank.. it wouldnt be funny AT ALL !! if they ever do that I would have to boycott them for about .. 5minutes :veryangry2:


Which would make it even funnier for them, of course

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oh and I can see this board going mad because of that prank.. it wouldnt be funny AT ALL !! if they ever do that I would have to boycott them for about .. 5minutes :veryangry2:


:laugh3: It would be pretty funny to see everybody on the board explode and proclaim their boycottance (?) of coldplay though.

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