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David Fonseca


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well, now you can make an investigation, and find out all about him ! and then, when you start writting your biography, plan an appointment with him in order to let him know and make a little interview ! :lol:

that's a plan : become a journalist :D

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well, now you can make an investigation, and find out all about him ! and then, when you start writting your biography, plan an appointment with him in order to let him know and make a little interview ! :lol:

that's a plan : become a journalist :D

lol i like those investigation things you know... but for my writings ;) that's why i love to be a writer, the previous investigation when working on a story :)

and i must say, i thought of him to portrait one of the characters on the last story i had been working on (about some musicians) :rolleyes:


but well i hope i'll be able to talk to him when i ever meet him. :)

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wow, someone that knows David :)

Have you already listened to Someone That Cannot Love?


I am going to see him at Coimbra next Saturday \o/.


I have some photos that i took with my camera, in that show he played a version of Superstars which had the guitar parts of Someone That Cannot Love. Sadly, that version isn't available on CD or anywhere else.


by the way... want some of these?






Top+ belongs to RTP (Rádio Televisão Portuguesa) but forget it. It is biased, but hey, MTV too, so...


sorry man i just saw your post here. btw what's your name?


i want to go to Coimbra. Can you take me there? :dance:


I just 'discovered' him pretty recently and really i love all his work, you see i had opened a thread of him here. :D

and be sure i've listened that song, just a week before i begun to listen to him i bought Dreams in Colour (i posted my 'review' somewhere on this thread), and i had listened his two previous albums almost completely (through YT vids), and also his works on Silence 4, Humanos and some other colaborations (eg. 125 azul - Trovante).

Btw a friend from my uni will lend me this monday his two first solo albums and Silence 4 ones too. So then i'll can have a more complete knowledge and idea of his works. :D


i see that he has many photographers as his fans, may is because he was a photographer :rolleyes:

thanks to you all i can follow his work more that i do with other artists :D

:thumbsup: awesome pictures.


oh i've never heard about that Superstars version. :surprised:


to how many concerts of him had you attened?

i guess that you follow him since Silence 4, am i right?

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Is already on his blog and his YT channel.


I can't watch it due to my weak connection :bigcry: he posted it just when i left internet this morning and when it was working fine, it is driving me mad really :bigcry:


I leave you the link to watch it:



Directed by: David Fonseca

Pictures by: Paulo Segadaes

Post-Production by: Filipe Monteiro

Filmed: somewhere in the centre of the country, but from what i've read is really places around his area Leiria.




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lovely lovely lovely video and eh is so happy in it :nice: a wonderful place, that remind you to? tah da, his websodios :D so it means it has been filmed on his area Leiria.


I've taken 70 screenshot of it myself, i'll do some collages and / or post some pics of it tomorrow. :D or later tonight (although i doubt it).


It has been published my comment on his blog :cheesy:


I've singed as: Ariadna_Squire (Viseense) and i had linked my site net_generation, where i post my poems :)


Gostei muito do video, gosto muito de todos os teus videos, muito originais sempre, e muito giros.


Paisagens muito lindos, isso fiz lembrar-me da minha cidade. Bonito sorriso, você está muito feliz neste video. :D

Parabéns David. :)


Continue assim, uma vez mais obrigada pela tua musica.


(Espero que se apereceba do que estou a dizer, acho que o meu português ainda nao é muito bom..).

I had liked a lot the video, i like all your videos, always very original and very nice.


Beautiful landscapes, it had made me remind me of my city. Nice smile, you are very happy on this video.

Congrats David.


Keep like that, once more thanks for your music.


(I hope that you will understand what i'm saying, i think that my portuguese is not very good yet).




Lol i though to had posted there in english and see now i'm posting the original and translating it hehe.

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i've just seen it ! it's really sweet and colourful :nice: I like it and the song too.. Never heard it before, it's lovely ! :P


and again, talented director !

yes it is :nice:

for me the most important is: he smiles a lot and enjoys it :D

is confirmed he filmes and works mostly on his area, he is very 'casero'.

and i wonder who are the people that appear with him there :thinking:


my ideas are: his brother, his brother's couple, his wife and i don't know who can be the other man... although on his blog he says special thanks to.. and some people, whose names i don't remember now, but are 2 girls (sisters) and two boys :thinking: ...


I'll post some (of all) the screenshots i took tomorrow ;)


(btw finally i had downloaded the vid :D)


and again the most lovely comes from the simplicity. :nice:


about the song, is nice, but well it is not of my faves of his album :uhoh: (this album has so many great songs, although i'm 'giving' a listen to his two previous works and i'm loving them too), but i love the video.



my dad is sending me the two Silence 4 albums :dance:


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oh I thought the people with him were just some extras.. but it's nice to know that his relatives and friends get involved in what he does !

it seems that he cares as much about his work as about his personal life, that he can't separate both. and he feels like sharing that to the fans ! it's lovely !


Oh !! your dad's nice :nice: make sure you tell me how they are when you get them !

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oh I thought the people with him were just some extras.. but it's nice to know that his relatives and friends get involved in what he does !

it seems that he cares as much about his work as about his personal life, that he can't separate both. and he feels like sharing that to the fans ! it's lovely !


Oh !! your dad's nice :nice: make sure you tell me how they are when you get them !

oh well is just my idea, i don't know. he seems to be very jealous of his private life (and i think he does right that way), on his blog he says:


Um agradecimento especial ao Simões, Fariseu, Diana Ribeiro e Vânia Ribeiro.

Special thanks to... them are two boys and two girls, like in the video.. so who knows?...


but since is filmed on his place (that is confirmed by the websodios, as them are the same places imo), and them all are blurry, seems is not only for the artistical things, but also to protect their privacity, and well on a scene, a women jumps on him (i think is he, but as them all are on back i'm not sure who is who), and you don't let a 'normal' friend to do that, do you?


sure i will let you know ;)

Yes he is cool. :) although next monday a friend of my class will lend me her David and Silence 4 albums :cheesy:


too bad she is not here now, i could had gone to Coimbra's concert today with her surelly :\


btw a bit off topic, it surprises me that on this video it don't appear the little red piano (i've posted a pic of it here recently) (it appears on the album booklet picture on the song 'I see the world through you (the kid of the pic is playing it), on his xmas video-card 'amazing grace' and on his first Dreams in Colour's videoclip 'Superstars') :thinking:


i guess it must be a toy of his son, lol what a dad that 'steals' his son toys :P lovely :nice:

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oh yeah you're probably right.. who knows

you could maybe ask him.. not that it really matters to know who they are.


why didnt you go to the concert?


maybe is not in the video because his son was sick of his dad stealing his toys :lol: so Df didnt want to upset him again.. :P

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oh yeah you're probably right.. who knows

you could maybe ask him.. not that it really matters to know who they are.


why didnt you go to the concert?


maybe is not in the video because his son was sick of his dad stealing his toys :lol: so Df didnt want to upset him again.. :P

ask him?

btw i got to get confirmed that he has so close contact with his fans (there's people that follows him to almost each concert lol, how not to thank them that?).

on the websodio, the last one, the people that introduce the video are fans of him, from his official board mainly (i know it through pictures that people had shown me there).


people from here didn't went to coimbra today, or at least they hand's answered my sms :dozey: ... well i sitll hope to see him in other 3 events this years so :D (i hope at least to attend one concert).


but i'm sure that our friend Nelson has taken wonderful pics of it ;) (you know some other people has posted on this thread too ;))


may be hehe, but today i just thought about it, so lovely, i can picture him singing to his son lullabies :nice: that's so sweet.


btw i think the kid must be about 2 years now.. :thinking: i'm not sure.... but people on his board said that after lastest Humanos concerts (in 2006) he drove back to his place inmediatelly, as his son was few days old... so.


his son is so lucky, he can be as great artist as his dad is :nice: and once he'll be older he'll be so proud of his father for ISTWTY song :nice:


i should stop myself... sometimes i fear that's not good.

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he's down to earth which is really cool !


haha you make me laugh :P


it's ok.. dont worry, it's your thread dedicated to him after all, you made it so you can do whatever you want with it. so posting your thoughts about him is perfectly fine !! ;)

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he's down to earth which is really cool !


haha you make me laugh :P


it's ok.. dont worry, it's your thread dedicated to him after all, you made it so you can do whatever you want with it. so posting your thoughts about him is perfectly fine !! ;)

yes that's what amaze most about him, his so keeping on reality. :)


laugh why? :P


oh wellm is an open thread as all them are here... and what i meant is that i fear that is not very healty :uhoh: :\

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well, according to my avi, I'm a perv so I know nothing about healthy things :lol:

where you got that one from?


i'd like to make an animated gif but i don't remember with which programme i used to do them.. but i still dunno which david avi use...


may i'll attach the pics and you help me to decide ;)


(don't tell anybody, but i'm on my room, and the connection is still fine :dance:)

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Thalia (twisted mind) made it for me !


I used to have a programme going with Photoshop to make gif, I dont remember the name either..


you can post the pics I'll tell you what I think.


oooh that's good !!!!

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just listening to silence 4 albums finally :dance:

although there's not the faixa oculta :( but i have the video which is much better :wink3: lol how was David at this time hehe... still he seems to be so freack :P (i know that i'm saying hehe.. ).


sure i will them... i was thinking to ask someone from here to made me some cooler wallpaper and stuff than mine..


i think my 30K will be those screenshots.... well to 30K there's still too many postst..


next one then ;)

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"Good evening Coimbra!"

"Was tough to make this song, but i'm happy. Even the mail worker knows one music that i made"


Uploading videos to youtube. Be patient. 107 MB for the someone that cannot love. Another 100+ for superstars and other small clips.


Not every songs were recorded. Sorry. Only 1GB mem card in my n95.

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"Good evening Coimbra!"

"Was tough to make this song, but i'm happy. Even the mail worker knows one music that i made"


Uploading videos to youtube. Be patient. 107 MB for the someone that cannot love. Another 100+ for superstars and other small clips.


Not every songs were recorded. Sorry. Only 1GB mem card in my n95.

Nelson!! :dance:


thanks a lot for that, i really appreciate it. :kiss: (well we all 'fonsequinhos', there are more 'hidden' i know ;))


lol what did he said at the begin. I should had gone :cry:

was it amazing, isn't it? he did the medleys he use to do and all that? :rolleyes:


btw had you watched his last videoclip? (Kiss me oh kiss me), the link is on my signature. Enjoy! :smug:

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Hi bia :)


What do you mean by medleys? I liked it. Apart for the two girls in front of me that were waving her hands and screaming and jumping. I think one of them was more or less high lol.


Anyway here it is:



If you want the better quality version, tell me. Youtube compressed it a lot :/

hiya Nelson.


he use to do medleys, he did them on noites ritual (Queima das Fitas em Porto) last year and on his coliseu concert... them are called 'i hate disco' or 'odiadas musicas de discoteca' he use to do it just before he plays 'The 80s' so ironical.. he plays it on the piano, and on the screen is shown a text that says that 'hate disco', he sings songs like The Spice Girls, Umbrella... lol he and umbrella .... lol that one is so funny.


thank you for the vid, i really appreciate it ;)


lol really there are more people crazy about him than me myself lol. those girls are crazy lol. at least they didn't shouted to him 'faz-me um filho' as someone did on his concert at Coliseu lol, he even answered back to this 'propose' lol, he is so funny.



lol i know i do youtube too much. :wacko:

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Thank you very much for the video(s) Nelson :thumbsup: It sure was an amazing concert. ;)




Ok I've been giving a listen to the two Silence 4 albums:




I personally had liked much more the first album than the second one.


The first one stucture is pretty simple, it starts with a slow song and then goes to a rocker one, the whole album is like that, which makes it easier to listen.


The second one is more slow all the time, many guitar parts at the begin, which makes it not as easy to listen, at least for me, i prefer the first middle of the album... :\


Silence Becomes It (1998)




  1. Goodbye Tomorrow (Lyrics)
  2. Borrow (Lyrics)
  3. Dying Young (Lyrics)
  4. Old Letters (Lyrics)
  5. Angel Song (Lyrics)
  6. My Friends (Lyrics)
  7. A (Very) Little Respect* (Lyrics)
  8. Sextos Sentidos ** (Lyrics)
  9. We (Lyrics)
  10. Breeders (Lyrics)
  11. Eu não sei dizer ** (Lyrics)
  12. Cry (Lyrics)
  13. A Little Respect * (Lyrics)
  14. Teeth Against The Glass (Lyrics)
  15. Sex freak (hidden track) (Lyrics)

My favourite themes are: Goodbye tomorrow, Old Letters, Cry and the two songs in Portuguese.

I presonally think that they sounded much better live than on the album studio version.. :uhoh: that is cool.


* A little respect, is a cover of the band Erasure.

** are songs in portuguese, i'll translate them on the next post.


[source: ES-Wiki]

[Lyrics: Seeklyrics.com]




Only Pain Is Real (2000)




  1. To Give (4:00) (Lyrics)
  2. Not Brave Enough (3:47) (Lyrics)
  3. Empty Happy Song (3:49) (Lyrics)
  4. Only Pain Is Real (3:57) (Lyrics)
  5. I´m Not Perfect (4:40) (Lyrics)
  6. Sleepwalking Convict (5:48) (Lyrics)
  7. Cruel II (4:02) (Lyrics)
  8. Ceilings (3:46) (Lyrics)
  9. Where Are You? (4:07) (Lyrics)
  10. Alright (4:24) (Lyrics)
  11. Search Me Not (5:06) (Lyrics)
  12. Don´t II (5:22) (Lyrics)
  13. Take Me Away (6:06) (Lyrics)
  14. Wild Oscar (Part I) (3:01) (Lyrics)

My favourites themes are: Not Brave Enough, Only Pain is Real (for me their best song ever), I'm Not perfect, Sleepwalking Convict, Don't.


[source: Wiki-ES]

[Lyrics: Seeklyrics.com]

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Sextos Sentidos: (Sixth Senses)

You make me will

You make me hear

to pull out music on the air


In the storm

Wood and Glass

Know how to break


The flames i latch

The sixth sense

will know how to interlace everything


Is for all that happens to us

That lives and dies


I feel my blood

That falls to the ground

and on your body it has a place


Inside the instict

All that grows

Is the good way of love (oneself)


Is for all that happen to us

That lives and dies


I touch, I run away, i come back, i pass.

I turn my six senses

I go down the earth and go up to space

Hold by the six senses




Eu nao sei dizer: (I don't know)


Silence, leave me unharmed

And what does it matter?

if that way, you see in me

someone better than somebody


I know that i lie, as what i feel

is not different of you

May be I don't don't give up, this secret

Is fragile and is mine


I don't know

Many, about many things

That sometimes i fear

to say those things

that makes cry


Who told you, sad things

Is not like me

Yes, i know, i cry

but i can desire diferent for you


I don't know

so much about so many things

That sometimes i fear

to say those things

that make cry

And don't ask me anything

I don't know


Special thanks to: Ana (rush) for revising my translation, for 'Eu nao sei dizer'. :)

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just to remind that i will remove the spoiler later.


Ok i leave you some of his songs from his first and second album. (although may be i have already posted them on this thread).



^From his second solo album 'Our hearts will beat as one'

The first two vids are of his performance on CC Estúdio 2. Woderful one i have to say, i love his voice, and how 'agitated' he get when performing, and how at the same time he 'controls' his voice.


(letter to S)

^From his first solo album 'Sing me something new'

First one makes you feel like if you were dreaming :nice:

He really looked so Silence 4 like on this performance at SIC.


I had noticied that last Silence 4 album and so first David album, are very similar in some way, them are so, complex and sadly/slow songs... i think he was in some change in his life.. :thinking: worried about some things, his past may be... well i guess it was the age, and the unexpected success of S4... :thinking: well who knows, anyways is a great job.


although i remind you that on an interview he said he doesn't write about personal things... (still i don't believe that, i think that none a songwriter does it, always are personal in some way, like it or not).


I have to translate that interview and post it here :idea2:


Definitelly this man is a poet, :nice:


btw i'm beging to like a bit more OPIR by S4, although still i find it very complex.


On his board i had opened a thread recently asking about his equipment, i've been answered today, by an user from Madrid :stunned:

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