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David Fonseca


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thanks for the quick Silence4 review. Please dont remove the spoilers now, I'm not at home so I wont be able to dl them until thursday, even friday. But it's ok if you really have to, I'll listen to the songs through the youtube videos you posted.

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oh then i'll keep it Chavi. ;)

you are welcome, well i'm liking a bit more OPIR, but is so complex, and sad :( in some way i'm sorry for him now :\ anyways them are good songs.


yes daryl, he is a very good one, imo the best singer of Portugal. :nice: he should be more known, although thinking about his personality (that i'm building myself a bit more from little things i know every day from different sources), i don't think he'll really want to be worldwide known, it'll mean to tour to farther places and i think he is very 'casero' you know what does it means?

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yes yes.. sorry for late reply i had to left my room.... i went shopping and i saw Humanos DVD and Rita Redshoes album... same price.. i was :uhoh: which one i buy, which one....


so finally i had bought Humanos DVD :smug: I like Camané and Manuela voices and is David in :D (i hope he sings in some songs...).


and yes casero means that, i got to 'know' it, since he plays in places very near his city so... :nice: sweet boy.


btw i've been thinking (since the first time i heard that song, just for the title i was :thinking: about it...) about You and I (Letter to S).... i wondered who S could be.. and now thinking and knowing things... S... can be for the name of his wife (which i already said when i posted my review of the album).. may they were 'dating', or he had feelings for her at that time and didn't knew how to tell her... if i'm not mistaken it says 'dream'.. and see his last album, the last song is devoted to his wife and his son.. :thinking: things seems to fit, am i right?...


i'll give a listen to that song to check what i'm saying and then watch the DVD :D

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yes i do.. lol..

just watched the dvd (only the concert..) 'cause the wifi was down again.. i'm downstairs and there's many people, i guess they have the same problem...


Humano Ao Vivo (resume-review)




it has 19 songs.. remind you that Humanos was a project to sing Antonio Variaçoes songs:


1. Antonio

sings Camané (fado singer), David provides backing vocals and plays xylophone and a piano.


2. Na Lama

David sings and plays electric guitar, he welcome the audience at the end.


3. A culpa é da vontade

sings Manuela, David plays guitar


4. A Teia

sings Manuela, David plays electric guitar and provides backing vocals, he wears glasses here.


5. Estou além

sings Camané

David: clapping, backing vocals, xylophone, piano, he dances a bit in a way that remind me of The 80's vid :P


6. Maria Albertina

he just plays guitar


7. Ja nao sao quem era

he sings and plays guitar, lol i love so much this performance, you know Thalia could make a great perv alert avi from this one :rolleyes:


8. Adeus que me vou embora

sing Camané

David: backing vocals and plays acoustic guitar


9. Anjinho da guarda

sings Manuela

nor David or Camané are on stage :o


10. this town ain't big enough for both us

is a 'duel' between David and Manuela, i think i had already posted a link of that one.


O corpo é que paga

David sings and plays guitar, at the end you can see the audience dancing lol.


gelado de verao

he sings and he smiles a lot :surprised: also plays acoustic guitar



Sings with Manuela, in english and 'portuguese'?

he says that 'de puerto rico sou' lol it made me laugh hehehe



sing Manuela and Camané

David plays indian harmonium (is like an accordion being more like a piano... difficult to explain that).


estava eu a pensar em ti agora

sing Manuela

David plays electric guitar


Nao me consumas

David sings and plays electric guitar, he shakes :wink3: and smiles once more :D


Quero é viver

sings Camané

David plays electric guitar. They leave the stage at the end, leaving alone Manuela playing the piano.


Amor de conversa

they come back on stage

Manuela sings and David does backing vocals, plays piano, again he smiles.


muda de vida

sings Manuela

David plays electric guitar.


The concert last 1 hour 21 mins.

At the end there's the audience weaving them, and the credits with some backstage images, he wears his glasses :P

According to credits most songs were arranged by Helder Gonçalves (i think is the bassist of band Cla). It also says that David arranged the music for O corpo é que o paga.




I'm loving those review things :P


next one must be Rita's album :nice:

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:dance: new entrance on his blog :dance:


Terça-feira, 6 de Maio de 2008 (Tuesday) Love Hurts



I don't know to play with plectrum. I learnt the first chord without using this tiny piece of plastic that safe you between your fingers and separates the body of the strings. I only can use my nails and see its constant distruction after each concert that i play.

Yesterday, when i left the stage of Queima das Fitas of Porto, one of my fingers was the portrait of my enthusiasm. Three days after an incredible energy on stage, thousand of people, images and sounds to the limit. Is a cut that is alrady familiar to me, it happens on each intense moments. Strangely i only realise about them when i leave the stage, when the instruments ate unplugged.


To everyone that has been in Beja, Coimbra and Porto, thank you for so many party and energy. In some way, i take you all with me to my home.


And was on the way home that i confessed one of my musical guilty pleasures to the ones that were on the car. After some laughs of unbelieveability Fiel gave me the mp3 player and showed me the song that i liked that much on its original version. .

[he post here a link to listen a song i don't know how to post the same link but the song is: Love Hurts - Gram Pasons

(unhappily, i only have found a 30s version)


After so many parties and emotions, this song filled that night trip and closed those days in a sublime way.





Arrived home, i face off with one of the most genious musicians that has been on earth, yet to frighten me after so many eyars. Now watch it, until the end s.f.f. :



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I've been checking and 'bumping' some threads of his board, there are some threads that are too hilarious and insteresting to not mention them here hehe:


*they got to know the name of his pet

(David has 3 cats (one male and two females), names are: Aimée, Polly and Elvis.

(Aimée is mentioned on a song of him, i don't remember the song now for sure, but can be one of his first album... you and i may be).


*one of the girls of the board asked him for his bottle of water and they said that they offered it on ebay lol (i think they were kidding about that part).


*His birthday date is confirmed (I didn't want to post it here as i only saw it in one place, but on his board people congrat him). (here they call him Tito David, hehe, how familiar :D)


*I got to know about his equipment, finally.


*They mentioned about his page in Wiki-EN that was so fun at that time (back in 2006), so i had told them about my work done on Wiki-ES about him. Still i'm waiting for an answer about it.


*I showed them the wallpapers/collages that i did... and so at that point for my bumping of the old threads there, one of them congrated me for my portuguese and my knowledge about him.


*I found an interview from when he realised the new album, may be i'll translate it later.


*One guy from there says that David is an instrospective singer, so then he writes about his life in some way (from what he feels).. :thinking: definitelly i understood that interview wrongly, i'll have to listen to it again :thinking:


the good and bad part of it, is that there were a fansite page about him and another fansite page about silence 4, but now none of them work.


And then i found an Erasmus thread where obviously i've posted and told them about my trip project, and as this is off-topic i won't say more about it on this thread.


I found a thread where they list the covers he has done, i've asked about one and a guy gently gave me a link to it, but the stupid RS says i've downloaded too much :dozey: i just DL VLV :(


(i know i'm too 'maniac' with the 'don't go off-topic' thing).

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how that you can't :stunned: it worked for me. :\


I didn't found any other link yet, i'll keep trying to find it.



Btw i've read a very very good interview to him, pretty pretty long, but is so interesting. I'll post here the main points of it. ;)


And i've been posting so much on his board :D I showed there my collages :nice:

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oh you are having the problem with the kitty code? :uhoh:


yes they did, specially teh 'Only Pain Is Real' one :nice:


dont't be sorry. :) Is an screenshot fom his vid 'Superstars'.


had you checked the previous posts? i've translated another blog entrance, although is not too interesting, and i've posted a resume of some things i got to know through his board... (they got congrat me for my portuguese there).


now i'll post a brief resume of his interview. (is in portuguese and has 12 pages (4 of them just picstures).



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yeah I'm having trouble with the kitty.. but when I enter the code it's just giving en error page..


and yes i've read what you posted. it's nice ! and I like that song Love hurts :nice: because it reminds me of an episod of That 70's show in which some characters get to sing it ! very funny :lol: ok, anyway..


Great about the other board ! seems you're finding almost everything you've been looking for about DF.. hopefully you'll make some good friends from there !

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Resume taken from his interview in Diario Publico, the article titled David Fonseca: A caminho de fazer o que lhe apetece (The way to do what he wants to).

Date: 6th April 2008.




The interview consists on 12 pages, 4 of them are only pictures. In the middle the article includes a resume of the South by Southwest festival in Texas, written by David himself.




The interview is in the Teathre of his place, it was suggested by David himself. On the interview they talk about his youth, his time on Silence 4, his personal life and also 'does a critic of his onw work'.




Main points:

*He mentions that he was working on a radio called Radio Clube, around 1998.


* Silence 4 won an award 'Revelaçao Local' in 1996 or 1997.


*David did 200 demo copies himself of Silence 4 and gave them to people from a magazine called 'Blitz'.


*He lived in a town in Leiria (Marrazes)


*He studied on the same school where his mom was a teacher.


* He failed 11 year


* Worried most about arts than about studies.


*He used to take pics of his friends when he was 16,17.


* He bought a digitalizer for the video 'Hold Still' for which they took more than 3000 pictured and he edited it

by himself.


*he collects rythm boxes of the 80's.


* He was model photographer


* His dad worked at a Bank


* He did breakdance when he was 12.


* The first album he ever bought was Thriller by Michael Jackson, then 'Born int he USA' by Bruce Springsteen.


* His mother used to sang at home, songs by ABBA, Brel.


* He discovered the bands Erasure and Prefab Sprouts when he was 11 as he used to buy a magazine called

'Smash Hits'.


* He says that it worries him how youth behaves now, as there are many risky things around them.


* He says that is a bit moralist and that's why he don't shows pictures of his family.


*He says that they felt forced to do a second album due to the success it has the fist one, and so they were

pressed when doing it.


* Due to that he lost the sense of humour.


* He was tempted by the fame, but gave it up.


*He was living in Lisbon for 12 years, recently moved back to Leiria (to a town)


*He is married since 4 years ago, and his son is 3.


* On his contract with the discographic label, he has said he won't attend parties and won't talk about some

stuff on his interviews in order to protect his private life.


* Still he has a home in Lisbon.


*he has a vegetable garden at his home.


*he gave up smoking.


*He likes to surf on the net on his garden.


*He decided to move back to Leiria because he wanted a bigger place where to have his own studio and where

to record calmy.


* He does music just because he enjoys it, [i mean he don't follow any rule or anything].


*The song 'Superstars' was critizised and blamed to be a copy of 'Peter, Bjorn and John' theme 'Youth folks'.


* He does the music that he likes not carying to much if he is trying new things or not [although you know that

he always tries new things] he has created his own style and he enjoys it. He likes to do opposite things.


* He recognize that he controls his work a bit too much: music, pictures, videos, covers. He does it because he likes to be independent.


* He don't say not to an international career.


*He don't likes to plan things for long time, or worry too much about future, just some months. He finds it itself an gypsy spirit.


*He says that his wife already knew him as a musician, and that she follows him but as she is not in the same work is healthy. She rund a decoration enterprise, and she follows him on concerts, they even take the son to the backstage.


*When they were on Silence 4, people chased them with their cars and they had to stay at the hotel until people left the street.


*He has never positioned politicaly and surely he won't, as he is a critic person. He considers himself christian.


He says some philosophical an interesting things about his work and life in general.. if someone is interested i'll try to translate and post it later, but is a bit complex to do so.




From the 3 interviews that i've read today, this one is the most interesting one.

On another interview he says that he begun to play music when he was 18,19.




cheers and enjoy. (Lol i had to check the dictionary many times for this one, i didn't knew how to translate some parts into english :uhoh:).




^^ OMG and it was suppoused to be a resume lol.. is too much but well. then the philosophical parts i'll leave them for another day.

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you didnt sum it up, did you ?! :lol: it's quite long, as if you posted his entire bio !


I didnt understand the part about an international career ... he's only known in Portugal ??

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you didnt sum it up, did you ?! :lol: it's quite long, as if you posted his entire bio !


I didnt understand the part about an international career ... he's only known in Portugal ??

sump it up? i couldn't resist to almost post it all... sorry... :embarassed: is a very interesting interview imo.


yes mainly only know in Portugal, although his first two vids of his last album has been shown in MTV Italy. and on his MySpace leave comments people from: USA, Canada, Poland, France and Spain (but those ones refers only to his 'danceable' songs, so i wouldn't consider them so 'fans' really, but well...).


but as i thought, he says that if he does so, he'll have to change things in his life, and i personally think he won't change them so...

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Last entrance on his blog, short one but so cool. :dance:


sometimes i can't believe it lol. (can't explain that now)



Sábado, 10 de Maio de 2008 (saturday)

Better late than sorry





I know that is not humanly possible to keep updated on every interesting thing that happens about music worldwide, but i can't believe how it took me almost a year to listen this song. But anyways, it didn't came on a party or a less proper moment... it came for first time on a night trip with fear of rain and on the best company. Perfect Miss Keren Ann.




I didn't translated it as literal as other times...

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i keep surfing on the old threads of his site and finally i found it! wallpapers (most them are from when he realised the album 'our hearts will beat as one):


It was due to a contests that he or a radio station runned in order to win a ticket to attend a concert of him or something like that...


i'm downloading them all, i'll post the ones i'd liked most on the next days. :)


today is taking place an award called 'Globos de ouro Sic' (Golden globes, Sic is a tv channel) he is nominated, hope he will win, too bad that i can't watch is because here there is always someone watching another channel :dozey: arg telenovelas. :(


EDIT: Wallpapers attached.


Finally i had watched the awards and unfortunatelly he didn't won :cry: Btw he was wearing his 'nerdy' glasses and was with who they say is his brother, i hope someone will upload some vids or pics soon, then i'll post them here if so... lol i've read a so curious comment on his blog today, and i had the proof the he reads/controls his myspace and all that...... ok i stop myself now. a

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what's up with all of the Coldplay look alikes? lol, it's strange, he sits on his keyboard piano whatever like Chris Martin and even has a light "light's will guideeeeee you home" lol, this is cool.

lol yes i also noticied that at first which made me be more and more interested about him ;)


i have to post a vid of one of his

lol (is when he plays the piano, although he plays more often an electric one for that, and he goes crazy sometimes lol).


about the bulb thing i can answer you:


he does it when he sings '

' originally by Tom Buckley (notice that he sings like Tom Buckley (eyes closed) many times and also he goes falsetto many times (like Jeff Buckley).


At this point i have to tell you that he mentions as his influences (among many others): both Buckleys, a bit more Jeff than Tom, but both anyways.


he also uses the bulb in two videos:

(is his last xmas message to his fans)

(original video idea by him), in this video there's an light screen at the back that will remid you to 'Speed of Sound' video, so once more a so 'coldplayesque' thing ;)..


edit: Video links added.

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from his last concert in Braga, Portugal, yesterday.




^the organization of the concert (uni) give him a present, an space helmet

he thanks it, and says

'just a month after Coliseu concert that i said that i was looking for an astronaut dress, now here i am and you give me an astronaut helmet, thanks a lot'

then he says the concert is finishing and so that is going to be the last song he will play... btw i dunno which song is :embarassed:


oh yes is the song he played when he finished the Coliseu concert a month ago.. 'together in electric dreams' then he sings 'a little respect' (originally by Erasure), then introduces the band.

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that makes almost the post number 100 here.


A guy from his board just asked me if i'll go to Leiria concert.. i've been thinking about it (for many hours), and finally i sent a message to the girl who is going to buy the tickets for all board members tomorrow... i hope she gets to see the message before she goes to buy the tickets, if not it'll be very sad to had been so close to go and hadn't gone at all :(


the concert is next thursday 24th May

(i can't believe that i'm doing things like that lol).


*fingers crossed*

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