Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 29, 2008 Author Share Posted April 29, 2008 No answers here.. but has been viewed 284 times... ok David has just posted a new entrance on his blog :wacky: as i'm awake as i can't sleep for the nervousness of Violet Hill realise... so to 'kill time', practice-improve my portuguese (his posts there are in portuguese (so i have to do some kind of mental 3lingual translation (portuguse-spanish-english)) and keep you updated about David work i'll translate his last entrance :P ---------------- Sábado, 26 de Abril de 2008 (Saturday) The Lightning and The Roar Two weeks after Coliseu of Lisbon, the routine is coming back slowly those days.. Them were very intense moments, preparing the show, essays, filmings, everything very fast and intense. The month before the day 12 of April of 2008 was like a roller-coaster of events and left me few time for blogs and similar things. I didn't took any picture during all this process, what for a picture lover like me is something so surprising. The concert was all what i had wished and much more.. we risked on many things and the answer that we got from the ones who attended to it was amazing. Although we were on the stage more than two hours, it seems to me that everything happened like on a snap ... time flies when you're having fun! I will remember many things of that day for long time, also many things about the process of preparing this show. The feeling of turn off the lights and lay me down on a bed on the stage, the voices of the audience singing songs that hadn't been played on the radio, the four mexicans with their joy, the travel we did on a tube 3 days before the concert looking for clothes with some 'dream' that will happen on the stage. Those ones and many other things that still today i remember on the silent moments, as if there were yet things that hadn't came out from my memory. Thanks to all the people who was in Coliseu on the 12 April 2008. You could had kept at home having an ice cream or to pile wood, but you decided to party with us. Is something that i will never forget. You can see many and so beautiful pictures of that day here, here and here. Meanwhile the tour goes on, on many places (check all the dates here) and is been a constant surprise. We've been already in São Miguel (Azores Islands) and in Odemira and, at this moment that i'm writing you, i'm just to few hours to my concert in Aveiro. The heat that can be feel today let me wonder about a long party through the night, this is one of those places that was on my map since long time ago! I leave you some of the coincidences and curiosities of those last days: NANCY Sat on the restaurant of the hotel in S. Miguel to have dinner, the music at the place brought me a familiar sound. “Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me)” came on a space that usually is occupied by the hits or versions of The Beatles in Pan Pipes. A song that happens to be on the album “From Langley Park To Memphis” by the Prefab Sprout, the first album that i had ever listened from the first to the last song. A part of the date that i can't place on the time, i still remember each word. And after all i don't remember that i had for dinner that day. http://youtube.com/watch?v=qikRcAiCtKM On the plane coming back to the continent, i click the Random button on my MP3 and, the third song, that comes. Not adviced for those ones who fear to flight, which is not my case. I listened the song until the end and i repeated it. Is almost the time to get on stage, see you! ------------- Note about the translation: the title of the post is originally in english and the part that says: time flies when you are having fun! is also originally in english. Source: David Fonseca Official blog in Sapo.pt *Special thanks to: Ana (rush) for revising my translation. :) * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 didn't i already said that this man is amazing? :cheesy: just got an email from his mailing list (in portuguese) i'm going to tranlate it :nice: Translate: Hello to all of you again!!! Finally is on the channel the new video of "Dreams In Colour", again filmed by me, with Paulo Segadães on pictures and post-production of Filipe Monteiro. "Kiss Me, Oh Kiss Me" is the 3rd track of the album that will be on a visual support and was again an incredible experience. We filmed the video in two days on different places on the central area and i tried it to be radically different to my previous videos...This is a theme very special for me and i'm very happy to have put it on images some of the ideas that the song means / says to me. The video will be simultaneusly on next TOP + (3 de May, Saturday, 14h15) and on my Blog, as usual! I hope you'll like it.:) I'd like to thank you to all that had attended the Coliseu of Lisbom, it was a very special night for me that i won't forget soon. And for those ones that hadn't been yet on "Dreams In Colour Tour 2008", i add the list down here :) See you! Hugs, David PRÓXIMOS CONCERTOS: NOTE: The TOP+ is a portuguese programme on a tv channel. (I i don't recall now in which channel is broadcasted :uhoh: (RTP= national channel, SIC, or MTV) :thinking: Btw don't the pictures is so lovely? :nice: :cheesy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 ^^ that pic of his new video's lovely ! and your walls are great ! so have you decided for sure when you'll go see him in concert yet?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 ^^ that pic of his new video's lovely ! and your walls are great ! so have you decided for sure when you'll go see him in concert yet?? yeah it is, we are so looking forward for this saturday :dance: another vid directed by he himself, must be great. :nice: i love his websodios, too bad that i can't download them :\, and just got to found a 'short' he filmed for a national shorts contest, pretty simple, but cool anyways. not yet :bigcry: this sat would be great to be in Coimbra, but i can't get the tickets :bigcry: i'm looking forward to come back to Portugal this summer, just to attend two concerts / festival where he will play. I'd like to attend many more but i can't :( really i must plan it and save money for next tour to follow him more. :thinking: Leiria concert must be amazing, and is his hometown a so special place, for him and us (i'm sure). gah i want to buy a house in Azoia :bigcry: i love the pics i'd seen of this place, the name (is so similar to an area that i love on my city in Spain :surprised:). and that way we would be almost like neighbourgs :wink3: i'm :heart: Portugal so much, so great people here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 oh, do you want me to rip off some audios ?? I'd be glad to do it for you ;) how come you can get tickets ? is it all sold out ? oh yeah you told me about those two festivals ! that will have to be big ! i'm sure you'll have the best time ! if you become neighbours, you'll start stalking him.. I'm not sure whether it's good or not for your health.. since you're such a fonsecaholic ! it'll get worse.. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 Ok Ok, last post here today :wacky: Some pics of him (taken from his blog): ^about this pic, he says on the post that he relax that way before the concerts :laugh3: funny man. ^he can look so nerd and sweet a the same time, :rolleyes: he uses to wear those glasses sometimes, he says that are his grandpa glasses. :uhoh: ^is some screenshots of his video 'Rocket Man' (directed by himself). Pretty scary and wonderful vid at the same time, imo. ^it says is from his video 'Superstars'. Although i don't remember this lilttle read piano there... but is not the first time i see this piano, so lovely always :nice: (on his xmas video-message 'amazing grace' and on the Dreams In Colour album book appears a pic of his son playing it on the track 'i see the world through you'). ^this one is cool, he attened a bands festival in Texas, and one of the bands he was curious about their name was this one ' Cool aweso dudes', and once he came back to Portugal, he found this 'paper' on a show of this band here, amazing coincidences. Pics taken by himself while the first part of his 'Dreams in Colour' tour, 2007 (from his blog): ^from the 'making of' of his video 'superstars'. (this man uses to shot his feets very often i've seen many pics like that one and also his short :uhoh: and really he was true on an interview that i had read... he loves to be like that on his house (no shoes on his feets), he is so HIPPIE :wacko: so now i'm thinking, that as i was thinking this vid was filmed partially at his home :thinking: que casero es este hombre :P ^see he even takes pics of his fans, don't he is sweet? :nice: ^i love that one, pretty simple, but so beautiful at the same time. Btw i have the same glasses at my place in Spain lol :wacko: ^same fans as before. (i've read that some people has attended to more than 10 concerts of him ina year, them are pretty much luckier than me and sure more obsesed. :P Btw those girls t-shirt are made by themselves, and are about David's songs :) Creativity and Art is always around on anything related to David. :D ^i just noticied it, there's a pin of him here. Can you find it? Is at the right top. (a not often pic of him, looking a bit 'agressive') is in black/white/grey. I 'found out' recently his birthdate :uhoh: and a site where suppousely are his photography works, although about that one i'm not so sure if is really his.. :thinking: anyways the pics there are wonderful. Plus some videos where he appears singing with other bands. :uhoh: Listened as much interviews as i could (excuse: are in portuguese, so i improve the language a bit more :rolleyes:). I have the scans of a press interview, but i can't read it as the letters are so tiny :bigcry: i'm so curious of the content as the interview was pretty long (4-5 pages) :bigcry: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 oh, do you want me to rip off some audios ?? I'd be glad to do it for you ;) how come you can get tickets ? is it all sold out ? oh yeah you told me about those two festivals ! that will have to be big ! i'm sure you'll have the best time ! if you become neighbours, you'll start stalking him.. I'm not sure whether it's good or not for your health.. since you're such a fonsecaholic ! it'll get worse.. :lol: that would be so nice of you. i'll give you the links on a PM :) sure is sold out, and plus is a Queima das Fitas event in another city (that is like a huge party of a week on uni, celebrating the end of the course (although them take place a month or so before they finish the lectures), this city is the most known Queima, so :\ i hope i'll come, i had mentioned that to my father, but he didn't gave me a proper answer about it yet :uhoh: he tells me to attend some concerts in Spain this summer, Ok, but David is not playing here :dozey: nah i wouldn't.. surelly if i get to see him one day, i'll be silent all the time... and i'm not an stalker, i just admire his work, he is very talented and creative i think. i like the way he takes things, separanting totally his private life of his work. most artist should learn that from him i think. i'd like to meet people like him one day, on a same level artist to artist, not as a 'groupie' fan. :uhoh: but right now i'm just a fan now :\ hope it'll change one day soon :nice: but anyways he is so close to his fans, kind, talking with the and all that, which makes him be even better and more loved by his fans i believe, he makes him be a close and normal person after all the amazing things he does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 great pics, some of them are really creative ! and yeah he looks like a nerd with those glasses but still sweet :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rush Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 hi bia. u r doing a great job, david got to know about it :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 great pics, some of them are really creative ! and yeah he looks like a nerd with those glasses but still sweet :P :nice: yes and i find his 'websodios' so creative too :nice: simplicity but so creative. too bad that them are in portuguese so i'll can't post them here, unless if i translate what does he says (i'll have to show those translations to my portuguese teacher in order she gives me great marks at the end lol). lol he says on the interview that i had mentioned at the end of the post, that he was very nerd when he was as teen, and not very popular, until he discovered 'breakdance' :laugh3: lol i can't imagine him doing breakdance really lol... and he says i think i've read it somewhere, that he still considers himself just a nerd (he mentions that words so often)... talented more than nerd imo, anyways his nerdity is so cool. :D lol when i firstly saw a pic of him with the glasses i was like :huh: :confused: , but once he explained the 'story behind' them :nice: btw he says he spends many hours on internet and listening to music... :uhoh: nerd - hippie. i love it! :smug: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 hi bia. u r doing a great job, david got to know about it :D i just sent him a message when i registered on his myspace... i gave him a link to the wiki-ES page about him, which i had actualized (it only had two lines and refered only to 2001 :stunned: just when silence 4 slipt) lol he should know about it really... hope he will do one day, but i'm afraid it will scares him a bit... lol... at least i use it all in a creative way (collages) and i improve a lot both my english and portuguese. :) but i must reckon that i had never done what i'm doing about / for David. He should award me in some way :rolleyes: (just in case you are lurking around about the Violet Hill song (i'm sure you also listen to Coldplay, i find much of your recent work so coldpalyish) David, my birthday is on the 23rd Sept, please do a concert that day man :kiss:) and it hurts me when although i'm so close to him (same country) but i can't attend to any of his concerts :bigcry: (hope that i'll can this summer :dance:) and that on next tour things will change. btw how are you doing Ana? :nice: I'm begining to like this Biatris thing, in fact my tuga blog i'm registered as Biatris :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 it would be fun to see him doing breakdance ! maybe he is as good as your cousin, who knows :lol: sometimes being a nerd is not so much a flaw ! you really do think he likes Coldplay ? how cool that would be :nice: and good luck on all the translation work you're doing right now ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 it would be fun to see him doing breakdance ! maybe he is as good as your cousin, who knows :lol: sometimes being a nerd is not so much a flaw ! you really do think he likes Coldplay ? how cool that would be :nice: and good luck on all the translation work you're doing right now ! yeah they should do a battle, i wonder who would win :P and who i will support then :uhoh: well right now even my dad says i'm a nerd lol so i'm taking it as a good thing then. :) for one of his albums he worked with the team who had worked with Coldplay ;) so, and knowing that he loves music so much i'm sure he does listen to them... as i said before here, surely he is lurking around for Violet Hill :P he does the torch/light thing on concerts, like chris, he jumps like chris... it'll be wonderful if they ever colaborate together, may be he even know them :thinking: he was the support band of many british bands on their tour in Portugal... for instance Placebo. yes i'm on websodio 4.. :) (seems i'm lazy but i'm doing more things at the same time :)) hope you'll like it. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 Ok as i had mentioned it, and Chavi has asked me about it.. here i'll translate them. Context: this is like his 2nd or 3rd video of his blog previously he has ones about his concert in Texas and about why he has chosen to have a blog to be in contact with his fans. Those videos were filmed by himself and were uploaded twice a month before his album was realised. Websódio 1 'Superstars' welcome to all you, This is a journey to the centre of my new world, my new album. Each 15 days a step after the other, this is the websodio 1. The song 'superstars' begun with a sound very simple, a sound that i couldn't take off my mind, day and night, day and night. I heard this melody every day, at home, on the street, on the car, until i understood the song i had. When i finished the song, i filmed a video and went home to sleep. the music is from 'superstars' ------- Websódio 2 'A Inspiraçao Welcome once more, the travel to the centre of my new world, to my new album goes on, each fifteen days there will be a new websódio on the web, this is the websódio 2. I never understood very well the concept of 'inspiration'. On the dictionary is given some explanations about it, it explains inspiration as: a suggestion, a creative entusiasm, or a divine insufflation. but what does inspires a song? where does all this sound comes from? someone would say that comes from anger, from disappointment, from discontent, from rebelion, someone would say that comes from love, from charming, from ecstasy, from happiness, from sex, from fantasy, from the unexpected, from surprise, from shock, from the calm. I believe that inspiration is one the biggest lies of Arts, it don't exists, what does exists it a world full of people and things in constant moving. My eyes keep what i think that is most important, and later i try to concentrate those small pictures on songs, i record them on mini-casetes wherever i am and later i try to get the melodies from the noise at the back. where does all this sound comes from? the music that sounds is from 'I see the world through you'. Webisódio 3 - Interferências welcome again, i hope that you are enjoying this journey to the centre of my new world, my new album. Each fifteen days a new websodio on the web. This is the websodio number 3. I always thought that what is around me has different understanding levels, there are great moments 'hidden' on small moments, there are small people enmasked as great people, shyness is mistaken with antipathy, routine with vulgarity, the affection with the interest, happiness with pleasure*. Is a mysterious world this one, most of the time is goes through meaningless things, we tried to fill the empty that we all have with the most variated unuseful things, we pass next the most insignificant things, the cold glasses*, the hands lined by the hot water, the murmur of the big cities at night, we turn on the television, and we do zapping looking for anything. But what calms us down and what makes us high is just beside us, invisible and unclasified, the life under the 'camado derruido' that stays and envolves us. And behind all that, there's a light, behind that wall there's a party. The song is: Silent Void. * i'm not sure of what he says here and so with the translation of it, and 'camado derruido' i don't know how to translate this expression. :\ Webisódio 4 - Vozes welcome once more, this is a new step on the journey to the centre of my new world, my new album. Each 15 days (more than a week of delay) a new episode on the web. This is the websodio 4. The life on the road is not what most people think. Most people imagine extreme* situations, glamurous places, and the most incredible adventures. and although most times we live extraordinary moments, the truth is that, most part of the time, is the silence which last at the end of a day after a concert. Between a video that is shot at the end of the show, and sometimes the voice tired after the end of the concert and the dialogue, at the arriving at the hotel there's a moment where you wait, i wait that adrenaline leave me and let me rest my body and let me sleep. In that moment when everything falls, the phantom of loneliness comes from among the corridors of the hotel, inhabited by everyone and by nobody, the millions of stories of those ones that like me liked* this event, surrounded by the tiredom. On the walls their voices fall on the floor and i fall asleep among the whirl of words. song played: 'Feet on Stones'. * again i'm not so sure if he has said that.. :uhoh: Webisódio 5 - O Erro welcome again, i'm on a step to show my new world, my new album, each 15 days a new episode on the web, this on is the 5, the previous to the last one. I never got to follow any sport with passion, i don't know how to explain it very well but i think that it is related with the strange idea that i have about competition. The objective of any competition is the sucess and everything that comes from it, the adrenaline of the ones who were on the first line of it. Although is on the lose where most important things happens, o feneço. When you are mistaken the questions are bigger, you see the things that were small sized, on the mistake we discover the fragitily of things and we put on a balance what is most important. In on the mistaken where i learn to laugh of myself. And there many times that on the mistakes, magical things happen. song played: 'Kiss me oh kiss me' Websódio 6 - O fim Say it again, hi welcome, great, hi again, today is the end, of this 'yearly'* adventure about my new world, my new album, this is the episode 6, the last one. Each time that i end an album, there's an strange feeling. I see on my hands, i look at it to the small point, i look at it from all the possible angles. It comes out the same sensation to me, that makes me say the same sentence: how is it possible to concentrate all this time, weeks and months of seeking, the frustrations and the victories, the most strange events, the most incredible stories, all here. The album gets to my hands, soon to use an space, to say in a page what i am. And for the first time i listen to it as if weren't mine. I leave far from the place that saw me born, i leave to see the world, and i will see the world through it. Song played: 'Dreams in Colour'. If some one is following this thread, don't fear to post here ;) really this man should know about this work i'm doing to let people know him more. so my portuguese teache should give me an award too lol :P [Note: it has took me more time that what i had expected, due for the internet failing :\] There are some 'hidden' things about each websodio that i would like to comment later, curiosities. very lovely ones imo. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 OMG :stunned: how long did it take you to do that ??? I'm going to watch the videos now and read the translation at the same time :) thank you !!! this thread is like a story you're telling me.. I'm like a kid listening to your journeys with Mister Fonseca :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 OMG :stunned: how long did it take you to do that ??? I'm going to watch the videos now and read the translation at the same time :) thank you !!! this thread is like a story you're telling me.. I'm like a kid listening to your journeys with Mister Fonseca :lol: as i said, it took me more than expected for the wifi failing, but i had enjoyed it :D you are welcome, and enjoy it! I really liked his Websodios. ;) yeah we should do another websodios about my discoverings of his world lol... :laugh3: i wonder now if he ever really gets to know all those things i'm doing lol ... he'll be really more scared than pleased i'm afraid.. but anyways it helps me to improve my Portuguese and my agility in thinking and understand several languages at the same time, so i'll be always thanked to him for that. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 I watched the first two videos :nice: The first one's lovely ! he's a really talented director I must say. the second video is just GREAT ! I love what he says about inspiration ! I'm about to watch the others, so I'll tell you what I think :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 I watched the first two videos :nice: The first one's lovely ! he's a really talented director I must say. the second video is just GREAT ! I love what he says about inspiration ! I'm about to watch the others, so I'll tell you what I think :) yes he is so talented :) i think that most of the websodios had been filmed on his place, or may be even some parts by his wife, could be. that's so lovely :nice: and i agree with you, i loved what he says about inspiration ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 done ! I watched them all ! :nice: That was great !!! I'm gladly surprised to see how creative he can be appart from his music :D I really like what he says in each of those webisodios !! it's very philosophical and well thought of! and somehow it makes you think about your own perspectives of things he mentions as inpiration, competition, meaningless things that surround us... woow and again awesome video direction !! oh little note : the 4th video, the wood scenes reminded me of The scientist video :nice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nmsv Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 wow, someone that knows David :) Have you already listened to Someone That Cannot Love? I am going to see him at Coimbra next Saturday \o/. I have some photos that i took with my camera, in that show he played a version of Superstars which had the guitar parts of Someone That Cannot Love. Sadly, that version isn't available on CD or anywhere else. by the way... want some of these? Top+ belongs to RTP (Rádio Televisão Portuguesa) but forget it. It is biased, but hey, MTV too, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 done ! I watched them all ! :nice: That was great !!! I'm gladly surprised to see how creative he can be appart from his music :D I really like what he says in each of those webisodios !! it's very philosophical and well thought of! and somehow it makes you think about your own perspectives of things he mentions as inpiration, competition, meaningless things that surround us... woow and again awesome video direction !! oh little note : the 4th video, the wood scenes reminded me of The scientist video :nice: i was the same when i watched them ;) (i still remember that night :nice:) yes i liked it for the philosophical way. :) which makes me admire this man even more. :nice: and after all, them are so simple ones. Some interesting curiosities that i had found about the websodios and his work: the one about inspiration is ended with 'ISTWTY' song, which is clearly devoted to his son. I find it lovely and clearly to me he did the album for the happiness of his fatherhood, that is what inspired most of his work. (he said on an interview the day he realised the album that he had a son recently, and on another one that he wanted to do this album fast, as he felt he had to do this album the way it has made. i find perfectly fitting that he ends the third video with the song silent void, is just wonderful. on the forth he talks about when he finish a concert (again he shows there that he must really be hiperactive, this worries me), and the silence... and ends with Feet on Stones. at this point i think that with this song he remind his place when he is not there (so on tour). (he likes to be have his feet naked on his place (you can see it on a pic i've posted here) about the sixth, it ends with the song that give title to the album 'Dreams in Colour', this song contains a line that he says on the thanks part of the booklet: 'I'll drown in your love, I'll never wake up', this is just after he says on the booklet: Susana and David i devote this album to you. (his wife and his son). so it makes me think that the whole album is from and for his family. That had brought many light to his work (i've listened his previous albums (through youtube videos), and them were more slow and 'sad' ones, specially the first album :\ ) and still i had heard him saying on an interview asked about the song 'our hearts will beat as one' that he don't compose about personal things... David i don't believe you!! You couldn't sing the way you sing (way that i love) without feeling in so deep what you are saying, no matter if is a love song, a dancing one. And really man, your first album, i liked it but i felt bad in some songs, thinking how you may had felt when you wrote those songs... and so i'm so happy that you are so happy and full of energy and light now. :cool4: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 you see so many things that I couldnt see.. probably because I'm not as much as a fan as you are :P well that's impossible if you ask me ! HAHA But these are really smart-ass observations ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 you see so many things that I couldnt see.. probably because I'm not as much as a fan as you are :P well that's impossible if you ask me ! HAHA But these are really smart-ass observations ! lol all i did once i was on the laptop those last weeks was related to him (or ended to be related with him in some way accidentally), so i got to think about those things. really when i listen to a song (from any artist) i like it for the feelings and ideas that it brings me (also the music), but i also think in some moment, what did he/she was trying to say, why did he/she wrote this?... it helps me to try to understand the artist's work. :) lol i just had done a websodio's review without noticied it. :uhoh: really i've read some people comments on his vids and stuff. and on his first album, he was so Silence 4 yet, on the 2nd one it was like a transition.. and finally on the third one there's much more light and energy. I like his Silence 4 period too, but it seems to me that he was so... how to say..'desesperately unloved' at this time and also a bit confused personally. :thinking: well he was much younger and in some way is normal that he were like that, but still.. :\ About his Humanos period i can say few, it was between his first album and the second, may be this experience made he had more light of what he had on the first one,... the only things that i would 'underlight' of this period is that at the begining of it he got married (yeah i even analize his videos), and at the same time he got more national recognition from the people and also other musicians. and at the end of Humanos era he had his son. (i read on his board, that when he finished his last Humanos concert he drove back to his place, because his son was born few days before). so again, i don't believe that he don't compose about personal things. For an artist is impossible to do so, imo. i hate to write so long posts.. believe me :embarassed: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chavi Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 Haha ! and I feel ashame because my posts are so short comparing to yours ! :lol: they're long but interesting to read so I dont mind about the length ! and you know you would probably be able to write an entire book about him. Make an unofficial biography. That's an idea, think about it ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted April 30, 2008 Author Share Posted April 30, 2008 Haha ! and I feel ashame because my posts are so short comparing to yours ! :lol: they're long but interesting to read so I dont mind about the length ! and you know you would probably be able to write an entire book about him. Make an unofficial biography. That's an idea, think about it ! lol, yes i noticied that yours are shorter but well you know, sometimes the best things are on small things :) lol i'll think about it, although if i ever do that, i'd like to had met him personally first and why not to had told him about it hehe. but still there are things that i don't know about him so.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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