Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted May 16, 2008 Author Share Posted May 16, 2008 so this one makes the post 100 on this thread: I'm going to see him next 22nd May, at his concert in Leiria. I'm going to spend the whole day there, going by myself, once i arrive there i'll meet the girl that had bought the tickets, i want to visit the city by myself too: castle mainly. later at 15:00 will arrive the rest of the people (one of them has give me his phone number), and so at 20:00 we will have a dinner all together (we will be like 17 people includying me). the concert is at 21.30. at first will play Rita Redshoes herself (so surelly at some point of the concert they will sing 'Hold Still' together), just 4 or 5 songs and then will play David. they had told me that the concert will finish at about 1am, and that after that they will go to talk with him, ask him for authographs and all that.. i'll take my camera (ust 1GB, that allows me to film almost 2 hours in not so good quality or to take like 7000 pics), so i'm undecided what to do.. surelly i'll end buy a 2GB memory :idea2: and i'll bring my cd in order that he sign it to me.. tomorow i'll look for more albums of him, hope i have good luck. :nice: the problem is that i'll have to stay there this night and i need to find where :worried: there are no bus until 8am, unless someone take me back here :rolleyes: btw that day is a national bank day so there are no lectures. i had added this event to my last, as it didn't existed i had to create it and tah da someone created a 'poster' of it. bad i can't add the poster :( but be sure i'll bring here a great review ;) (i'm enjoying those review things), too bad that i can't attend to more concerts of him until this summer (i hope i can come here this summer). :dance: lol long post once more :wacko: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted May 23, 2008 Author Share Posted May 23, 2008 LEIRIA CONCERT 22 MAY 2008. New song, first time played ever, called Música de Leiria (Leiria Song), to know more read the review. i've been the whole day in Leiria yesterday, and took part on the 'convivio' there, but i will skip it all and just post what refers only to the concert and post-concert moment. The concert begun at 21.30 as it was said, but Rita didn't opened it. The concert finished at about 12.30... but i arrived back to my place there at 2.15 :uhoh: As them were a lot of songs i don't remember the whole setlist, at least not in order. I wanted to record the whole concert song by song but cameras weren't allowed :uhoh: David opened the concert, with the that opens the albums that is '4th chance' (personally after the concert this song has a more special meaning for me). When he played 'Silent void' my row (so 14 people from his board) stand up and we clapped and sing and even jumped, so be break the ice (that was the third song and before that everybody was too silent). He played mainly the songs of his album, but he played also old songs and songs of other artists. for some songs he introduced them: someone that cannot love, adeus nao afastes os teus olhos dos meus, hold still (he sung with Rita, when she sung her part he sat on the floor). officially he finished the concert with 'adeaus nao afastes os teus olhos dos meus' he did some other covers linking his songs like: 'video killed the radio star + the 80s', he also sung 'Song to the Siren' (with the bulb), and 'Rocket man'. he told some stories about himself, like that when he was a teen he used to pick up the phone and call to some number randomly and helped with a cassete recording and a writing machine (for sound efects) he told them they had won some poll, award.. stuff like that... lol :rolleys: another story was a bit related with inspiration, he said something like he can't control it, that he use to have a cassete recorder and that he even bring it when he goes shopping and that one an old woman came close to him and told him 'i'm sorry' (i think she thought he was a fool, lol)... but he did an encore, and finished it with 'together in electric dreams + a little respect'. but we got that they came out 3 times more :o... on the second encore, he came alone, and he introduced a song, is a new one. he said he begun to write it there in Leiria, but that he finished it in the music festival 'South by Southeast' in Texas, and he sung it there, and that was the first time he was going to sing it for an audience, and that as the song even didn't had a title yet, he called it 'Musica the Leiria' (Leiria's music), the song is in english, he played that song with the Loop machine, and really it was something amazing to see, and listen :surprised: He got to play 'Kiss me oh kiss me' 3 times, the last one when really finished the concert, and he devoted it to his wife (i think he said something like that ...). As this was the last song, people went just down the stage and Fiel, (the guitarist) came down the floor with the audience and played guitar, that was great, he even came to the seats (he was just 2 meters far of me :surprised:) He played The 80's twice, as people asked him to do so. There was no medleys and today would had been a perfect day for him to had done a cover of umbrella :laugh2: it was a rainy there in Leiria yesterday. :P I have to tell you that for how he played some songs i was so thinkful, about some things that i was afraid to cry or so.. but i solved it singing :rolleyes: (he played the songs: who are u?, someone that cannot love, and hold still just in that order). And of course when he played 'This Raging light' i couldn't avoid myself to even jump when he played it :rolleyes: When he finished the concert he was smiling, vey happy, (i personally think he didn't expected such a success with people jumping and all that, and were us who brought that magic, as i told you people was too silent and quiet at first until we came up :D and we hardly sat on the seats since then :P we ROCK! :thumbsup: ) so when he finished, we went to the room before the theatre room, and waited to can talk to him. there came his bands members: Simoes (bassist), Pereira (synthetizer), Fiel (guitarist), and we talked with them. then when David had attended all the people that wanted to talk with him, we talked with the theatre guards and told them that we were people from his board (12 people), and he came out :O (i couldn't believe it, and as i knew i was silent and shy, just listening and looking i didn't said a word, even didn't asked him for an authograph or something :( and he looked at me twice, like thinking to himself 'people from my board, how that i don't know about that girl' :uhoh: (you know what i mean). He was so funny and talkative and knew many of them already (may be because some of them use to attend to a David concert per month :rolleyes: ), we took a group picture. when we just came out the theatre to wait for him on the previous room, we saw his wife and son leaving the place, nobody took a pic of that, as it was quick and even if they would had done so, i won't post it on any place. But i can tell you them are so lovely, specially the kid (that is the one i could saw more). before the concert started, at 15.00 i was around the theatre and i saw how workers were taking off trailers the materials for the concert, but i didn't took any pic either. Btw another thing i can confirm is that he runs his sites and that he do read his board :surprised: And today i had left a comment on his myspace :D Credits: pictures taken by Paulo Martins (from DF official board, the only brave guy that took pics on the concert). **WARNING: this post doesn't mean i'm back on the board yet, but as i've said here before i decided to left the board for a while that i would bring a review of the concert. Enjoy! EDIT: People from his board had already showed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jMTtYPRHyQ^Música de Leiria, first time played. (Thanks to Andreia). Its in your eyes, an absent stare that cries again I dont know why you take it out, you take it out on me again and you fear, that when it breaks down i can't take the fall we are already broken, broken.. you can't hurt me at all so let it all come out now, let it all pour it down just let it go, just throw it all on me now you wanna drown me, you wanna show me how your world feels my world is already broken, it was broken before i let you in so go and burn me down, just tear it down in fire, flames, flames that get higher and in the end, lay and sleep as the ashes fall you, you'll be broken, we faded to it all we faded to it all Lyrics, thanks to Paulo. sorry for the bad images of the vid, but what matter is the audio and the fact it the first time it is played on a concert, and yeah we were there :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted May 28, 2008 Author Share Posted May 28, 2008 :dance: :dance: almost a week after i had attended his concert, two blogs had been published.. i've found 2 interesting fan sites but the best is now to come. thanks to my 'diving' on his board old threads and thanks to make as 'stupid' simple question on one of them, a girl gave me a link to his old 'blog' entrances and tah dah in the middle i've found my doubts solved he knows COLDPLAY, in person :dance: :dance: I was sure of it. check what he says although i don't find the context of it but here it is: Quarta-Feira Depois de mais uma reunião-almoço e de um sound-check relâmpago, preparo-me para um evento privado numa sala gigante de um hotel lisboeta. O concerto corre bem, arrumamos as nossas coisas e saimos do hotel. No foyer, à saída, encontramos os Coldplay (menos o baterista, onde andaria ele?) e trocamos umas breves palavras. O Chris Martin revela toda a sua british politeness e Johnny Buckland sorri com ar de quem precisa de ir dormir rapidamente. Apesar da segurança que esteve sempre presente, fiquei surpreendido com a afabilidade e proximidade de um dos maiores grupos mundiais actuais. Antes de adormecer vi um episódio do Millennium (de Chris Carter, o senhor dos X-Files) e sonhei com coisas estranhas e não reproduzíveis aqui. Now i have something to talk about next time i'll see him :P the date of this post is: Healthy days 2005-11-28 01:15 translation: after one more lunch-meeting and of a quick sound-check, i get ready for a private event in a huge room of a hotel in Lisbon. The concert goes well, we take our things and we leave the hotel. In the 'foyer'*, at the exit, we met Coldplay (all them but the drummer, where could he be?) we exchanged some brief words. Chris Martin shows all his british politenss and Johnny Buckland smiles with an air like who needs to sleep soon. Despite de bodyguard that was always there, i was surprised by the kinderness of one of the biggest world bands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted June 3, 2008 Author Share Posted June 3, 2008 as i've said on my previous post here... he posted twice on his blog... one is about Leiria concert and the other two concerts he had that week (2 weeks ago almost), and he said that he injured his feet accidentally.. (at Leiria concert, when the guitarist went down the stage with us, the audience.. :uhoh:) the other post is about, (he makes a bit strange-interesting post some times), once he was packing to leave the hotel after last concert in Évora he stopped to listen a song (by Duffy where she cries), and so he posted another 3 videos that he remembers about someone (a girl) crying, and asked people to post more videos. (don't he is cool :P). [He says more things a part of that but i won't translate them literally-completelly now] btw on his board, people had organized a meeting this last weekend, they've visited 4 places ( Consolação, Peniche, Óbidos and Nazaré) and had a great time (been on a theatre, the beach, playing music..). :nice: (I should had gone :cry:, but they will organize another meeting this summer :dance:) well the reason why i post here is that has been announced that: He'll launch his last album (Dreams in Colours) in Italy, he'll be promoting it next 12-13 June, in Milan. :surprised: so cool :dance: best wishes. p.d.: how this thread can have 1120 readers and so few posters and posts here... :uhoh: (only 103) so strange :inquisitive: don't he shy, c'mon people, post your questions, comments... :nice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted July 7, 2008 Author Share Posted July 7, 2008 :dance: David Fonseca last album has been realised in Italy (20th June) and Greece (30th June) already in Spain it will be next September surely. For Italy he even went to a tv programe in MTV to play his music the last 12th June. His music is being played in Greek radio. (Already it is being played in my city, at least on my car :P) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted August 2, 2008 Author Share Posted August 2, 2008 he is the cover of the portuguese music mag BLITZ, for the month of August. i hadn't had the chance to read this mag interview yet, but i'll do and resume it here :D he is going on with his summer tour in Portugal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted September 2, 2008 Share Posted September 2, 2008 As requested by many families, here it is some pics of the concert :D And the best videos i found on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMSZxzmh7xw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VQUL_QsMBY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMqORWsInaY My pic and autograph And the autograph i asked for Ari :) Well, it was the 2nd time i met him, and i assure you, he talks and talks and talks :lol: He treats every fan as a friend, touches you, laughs with you, listens to you, he doesn't mind being 1h talking with you. It was simply the best day of my life. P.S. I was the 1st one arriving, 2h before the concert :lol: i didn't even had dinner! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 4, 2008 Author Share Posted September 4, 2008 wow great pics and vids daniela. thanks a lot :kiss: i am sure it was great :dance: he wore an astronaut (rocket) suit :cool4: i wish i were there too. :cry: thanks a lot for asking him an autograph for me :kiss: yeah i know, he is so nice, too bad that when i met him at Leiria's concert i was too shy so i was mute, he even looked at me like ... do i know her? is she going to talk any time? :uhoh: :embarassed: did he played any new song? or one of the newest ones like: Orange Tree (played at Coliseu concert) or Borken (played at Leiria concert)? did he played any medley? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted September 4, 2008 Share Posted September 4, 2008 Sorry, he didn't play any of those, but he played Song to the Siren by Tim Buckley and Together in Electric Dreams by Human League. These are the songs he played (not in order): The 80's Someone that cannot love Who are u Our hearts will beat as one Adeus, não afastes os teus olhos dos meus 4th chance Kiss me, oh kiss me Rocket man Silent void Superstars This raging light Angel song A little respect Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 8, 2008 Author Share Posted September 8, 2008 i'm noticing that he uses to sing a lot Someone that cannot love, and who are u. :smug: lovely :heart: great concert i see, This Raging light :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted September 8, 2008 Share Posted September 8, 2008 I screamed so much in The 80's :rolleyes: DANCE, DANCE, DANCE, LIKE U WERE SIXTEEN! :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 13, 2008 Author Share Posted September 13, 2008 i can imagine :dance: dance, dance, dance, DANCE. :dance: the time that i clapped and singed most was on his concert, even more than on a coldplay concert :stunned: btw did i told you that i've seen twice a guy that looked a lot like DF on Coldplay concert in Barcelona? :surprised: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 20, 2008 Author Share Posted September 20, 2008 i just got an email from his site mailing list. :dance: great news. He is going to play in Athens on the 4th october in MTV, already Kiss Me Oh Kiss Me videoclip is on the top of the list. still you can vote for that vid on that link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTVQCrTjqKY He says that Rita Redshoes (artistical name of his pianist that is going solo now) is chosen on MTV Music Awards as best portuguese artist, you can vote for her here. He says also that his board is going to be changed to be nicer and that they will fix some technical problems that hey have had, a part of that, the e-mail has a cool panoramic picture of the sea. :nice: great news :dance: best wishes man. :dance: i hope to get news about his album being launched in Spain soon. :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted September 21, 2008 Share Posted September 21, 2008 Go get'em tiger! :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 21, 2008 Author Share Posted September 21, 2008 :dance: ok more info, surfing on his forum on the thread about Athens concert (seems that 4 or 5 people is going there too :surprised: ) i've read something about the launch of the album in Spain, i dunno the exact source but here is what it says: David Fonseca actua em Outubro na Grécia O músico português David Fonseca actua a 04 de Outubro pela primeira vez em Atenas, no âmbito da abertura oficial da estação de televisão MTV Grécia, anunciou hoje o cantor. A MTV Grécia, que iniciou as suas emissões a 01 de Setembro, convidou o músico português para actuar na Semana da Música, em Atenas, evento que assinala o lançamento do canal de música regional. Será a primeira vez que David Fonseca actuará na Grécia, onde o seu álbum "Dreams in Colour" foi editado em Junho, no âmbito de uma estratégia de internacionalização do seu projecto a solo. Desde que a MTV Grécia arrancou, David Fonseca tem integrado os primeiros lugares das preferências dos espectadores gregos com o teledisco "Kiss me, oh kiss me", ocupando actualmente a terceira posição. "Dreams in colour", o terceiro álbum a solo de David Fonseca, já está editado também em Itália e sairá em Novembro no mercado espanhol. O álbum apresenta onze temas compostos por David Fonseca, com excepção de "Rocket Man", versão de uma canção de Elton John. Dele foram já retirados os singles "Superstars", "Rocket Man", "Kiss me oh kiss me" e "Silent Void". it will be realised in November in Spain, yet two months to wait. :worried: but once it will be released here i will go to ask for his previous works on each music shop/store i'll see here. :inquisitive: :dance: As i dunno the exact day yet i can't add a countdown yet :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted September 21, 2008 Share Posted September 21, 2008 Wow Ari...you really fell in love with him... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 21, 2008 Author Share Posted September 21, 2008 Wow Ari...you really fell in love with him... nah, i just like his work, he is very talented really. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted September 23, 2008 Author Share Posted September 23, 2008 :wacko: woho :dance: David Fonseca recebe finalmente platina por Dreams in Colour Terceiro álbum do cantor ultrapassou a barreira das 20 mil unidades vendidas. DVD de concerto no Coliseu de Lisboa chega em Novembro. Quase um ano depois de ter sido editado, Dreams in Colour de David Fonseca atinge o galardão de platina. É a primeira vez na sua carreira a solo que o cantor ultrapassa a barreira das 20 mil unidades vendidas. O terceiro álbum de David Fonseca teve até à data três singles editados: "Superstars II", "Rocket Man" e "Kiss Me, Oh Kiss Me" e foi lançado em Itália e na Grécia (estando também prevista edição em Espanha). O DVD do concerto esgotado no Coliseu dos Recreios, em Lisboa, no passado mês de Abril, deverá estar nas lojas em Novembro David Fonseca has won a Platinum album for his Dreams in Colours, almost a year after the album was launched/released. Is the first time that he gets it as solo. The album has sold more than 20.000 units. The DVD of Coliseu dos Recreios concert will be released in November. The album has been released in Italy and Greece and will be released in Spain in November. :dance: :smug: Source: Blitz magazine great news. :wacky: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grids Posted September 28, 2008 Share Posted September 28, 2008 well, as i am not europian and i dont know much about their musics.. but i like this one :D i said twice with ari i think (in msn) :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted October 5, 2008 Author Share Posted October 5, 2008 ^i see ;) good one. well, some news. Yesterday he gave his first foreign concert, it was in Athens. It was a big concert with many artists given for MTV Greece. He was there with his band, and here is a video of the show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gY55mcjYpY He sung Kiss Me Oh Kiss Me, that is the song that has been chosen to promote him there, and is his last videoclip, the third one taken from his last album "Dreams in Colour", and see, people already knew it. :cool4: btw he and Rita Redshoes (his pianist) have been awarded by a portuguese radio station, the one of his hometown (Leiria). he on the category as best live act, and she as best new artist. :D There are no news about his album being released in Spain yet. :\ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted October 5, 2008 Share Posted October 5, 2008 Thanks for the info Ari :nice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aRushofLeonor2TheHead Posted October 14, 2008 Share Posted October 14, 2008 hey!! :D:D:D YAY!! never knew about this thread!!! awesome!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted October 14, 2008 Author Share Posted October 14, 2008 you are welcome Dani. ;) thanks a lot Lys, and glad that you like him. :nice: no more new info, he won't have any concert until next month i think (I can understand why :baby: ), next concert will be Recepçao ao Caloiro em Covilha, I believe. :bigcry: i can't believe that he will go to play so near to where i was just a year ago, and I can't see him :bigcry: BTW I've got to download his first album as solo "Sing Me Something New". (I'll try to get a legal copy once he releases DiC here, soon I hope). I loved that album too, wonderful and so "experimental", still a bit Silence 4 like, but is a cool one. May I should make a review of that album too. :idea2: ops, sorry for such a long post... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsSeverusSnape Posted October 14, 2008 Share Posted October 14, 2008 Ari, listen to Haunted Home. Just one word: perfection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darlene_Ihnfsa Posted October 14, 2008 Author Share Posted October 14, 2008 Yeah, I know that, i used to have this video linked on my siggy. :nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yifiyVyda4c ^How he feels what he sings :surprised: (Btw I love the intro, he speaking portuguese). He is just amazing live. But my fave now of that album (Sing Me Something New) is U Make Me Believe. :) Haunted Home is one of my top 10 songs of him. :nice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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