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Happy Birthday Tracie and mrcool011


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Aw, thanks! Who wouldn't want a Mulder or a Scully for their B-day??:D


Thanks everyone!:) I didn't get to party last night since I was exhausted, so I'm going out with my guitarist tonight (today's hid b-day) and getting PISSED,lol! Maybe I'll do some drunken Coldplaying later.

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Thanks, I had a great birthday. Hung out with my family, went to one of the best malls in America, had nice dinner and saw 2 of my favorite bands live. And got hit on by a 40 year old drunk lady at the concert. She kept talking to me and asking me about my life, then put her arm around me and started singing, so her husband came and got her, a few minutes later she came back and started to talk to me again and her very pretty daughter who was my age came over and apologized and took her away. It was awkward.

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