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Coldplay Top 20 on Phoenix FM, 2nd August 2008


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I managed to pop in just before the first song started, but now I'm wishing I hadn't missed the somewhat-intentionally witty banter at the beginning. :lol:


"Talk; this is the proper version, not our monkey version" :laugh3:

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Ben better play Shiver next time he's online :P


I havent seen him online in WEEKS ! I think he just forgot about us after stealing coldplayers' ideas for gifts and questions ! :dozey: :P :lol:


edit : when is this supposed to end ? I gotta go to work tomorrow morning :bigcry:

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I havent seen him online in WEEKS ! I think he just forgot about us after stealing coldplayers' ideas for gifts and questions ! :dozey: :P :lol:


edit : when is this supposed to end ? I gotta go to work tomorrow morning :bigcry:



Midnight BST :)

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when is this supposed to end ? I gotta go to work tomorrow morning :bigcry:


Well, if each song is about 5 minutes (adding the stuff between songs), probably about and hour and a half after it started; 2 hours at the most.


Edit: Or just read the above post. :P


Edit again: Amsterdam!!! :dance:

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(maybe i should've voted more that once, huh?hehe)

I had the same tought...but then again I hardly remember what I voted for the first time, I started to pick songs at random, it was too difficult



I guess my audio is a bit behind yours, Amsterdam just started for me :laugh3:

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Midnight BST :)


Well, if each song is about 5 minutes (adding the stuff between songs), probably about and hour and a half after it started; 2 hours at the most.


Edit: Or just read the above post. :P




means 1am here.. alarm clock set up at 7:30am.. hmm I guess it'll do.

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where is #15???

Amsterdam is #14


The numbers got a little messed up, I guess...but this is the list so far:


#20: Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love

#19: Warning Sign

#18: White Shadows

#17: Lost!

#16: Talk

#15: God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

#14: Amsterdam

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