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Is the Lounge Dead?


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I know i'll still come to the forum cuz of all the coldplay shit going on but i'm not sure the lounge is worth coming to right now! whats going on here? I came to the loung to see no new posts! thats crazy!

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^^ Haha yeah.


I just want the old action back but it's just silly (and stupid) to think that way 'cause it will never come back!


There've been a few active newbies around in the lounge but that's just not enough.. I liked it more when 1 or 2 newbies arrived at the same time 'cause then i had time to get to know to them. But now there are just too many of them so it's hopeless to try to know all their names

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It sucks cause it's not real discussions anymore.


I come on and get disheartened at looking through pages of HAPPY BIRTHDAY .... and


type threads.


Can we not have 2 stickies at the top?


The Happy Birthday Shout out Thread


The posting milestone announcement thread.



That way the real threads about proper things can be on the front page, and any duplicates of these threads above can just be merged/deleted.



The Happy Birthday ones especially annoy me cause that can just be done by PM, that's what they're for.





I'd also sticky the Pictures,webcams etc thread too.

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it has peaks & troughs as does the coldplay forum. The Coldplay forum is currently going through a peak, a while back it had a trough where practically all the current posts were about the anatomy of the guys and not much else. the lounge is currently in its new release trough.

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