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Saw it yesterday night . . .

Man ! FANTASTIC ! All of you described it so well I won't try to put words on it.

I was amazed to recognize all the places in the movie . . . Killiney Hill, North Bull Island . . . I love these places, I just love Dublin.

It had been a long time since a film had touched me like that.

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If you like falling slowly, try "when your minds made up" another amazing song.


^ aw, completely agree. its the best song of their in my opinion :nice:


I completely missed this thread, and now I'm too late to come up with anything new to say. But I thought I'd chime in anyway, because it really is a brilliant little film. I didn't know anyone else who'd seen it until after their grammy appearance (and win !) Its great (:


I don't know if its been said, but its semi related.. what do you guys think of The Swell Season/ The Frames?



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HMV had the DVD for Ā£7. I had it in my hands but for some reason I put it back because I'd just spent Ā£14 on Vampire Weekend and Goldfrapp. Argh, wish I'd bought it now, it looks really good.

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aaaaah!!! the dvd just arrived(i preordered it) yesterday and I watched the film immediately...

well...I :heart:it....but..hihi I really wanted them to get together in the end:P:P:P

I think that's one of the thing that made me love this movie, the end is not the usual happy end but it's not sad at all (even though I was almost crying :P)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that's one of the thing that made me love this movie, the end is not the usual happy end but it's not sad at all (even though I was almost crying :P)


yeah u're right! I was sooo crying too but the end is great!:heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally i have seen it too. it's great! i mean REALLY great!!!!

i love the music and gotta buy the soundtrack.


u know what i really liked about it?... it felt like real life! i mean there r no happy endings and usually one part will end up being disappointed. or perhaps i just feel like that coz it happened to me too. don't know but the film is great!


btw i loved the hoover!!!!!!!! :laugh3:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I love that movie as well!

I work at a beautiful independent cinema and we are currently re-showing it again.

When it was new in the cinema I watched it and then immediately bought the soundtrack and played it in the foyer / lobby during the selling times. Many customers asked us what that music is and then they didn't need persuasion to watch it anymore :) (We have a lot of customers who ask for recommendations)


Do you know Damien Rice? "Eskimo" is my favourite.

I put "O" and the "Once" soundtrack together on one CD. <-- reason for my mental leap...

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