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Say Nice Things...I need cheering up!


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a brother?? :wink3:


you definitely should post a pic :wink3:


does he like coldplay? :wink3:




Mc's gonna get jealous when he reads this.. he might spank you, not that you won't like mwhahahaha :whip:

















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:D, Thank you everyone for your kind/not so kind thoughts! :D, WOO! GEORGE IS GOING! :D


Yeah, I just want to go to sleep which I probably will do in like 20 mins, and I would just like to say something, just because I'm younger than some of you doesn't make me a little kid, I don't like lots of your stereotypical views of me, I'M 14, not a kid, and I get it alot because I am small for my age, so, can i ask you nicely to stop! :D, Thanks.




you're right about age, simon :D. you're as old as you act, and if i hadn't seen you/previously known you were so young, i would never have guessed. people tend to think i'm much older until they actually see me, and its definitely better to be mistaken for older! (at least until you hit like, 30 :uhoh:)


keep the faith, Chelsea, thay can't go Republican three times in a row - I just asked my Magic 8 ball, everythings going to be ok :D


haha, yay! that magic 8 ball better be good, or else i might have to smash it when i flee the country on wednesday night and set up permanent shop in england :P :lol:


Obama will win, Chelsea.. and we'll celebrate it too :dance:


oh, believe me, i have a thread for tomorrow in mind and a celebration thread in mind if (when?) he wins! :dance:

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