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Your VLV/PM Super Playlist


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This was too much fun to make. I could make coldplay playlists all day long.

Not taking away from a great album an EP

But if you could combine the 2 into 1 what would it be.




Life in Technicolour II

Rainy Day

Lovers in Japan (Osaka)




Chinese Sleep Chant

Glass of Water

Postcards From Far Away

Viva La Vida

Violet Hill

Prospekts March/Poppy Fields

Strawberry Swing

Death and All His Friends

Now My Feet Wont Touch the Ground

Lovers in Japan (Acoustic)

The Escapist



Listened to it all together on my iPod and it all flowed great.

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Hi all,


This is my first post on the forum. My name is Simon and I’m obviously a big Coldplay fan! To me, these guys are the U2 and R.E.M of their generation.


Reading this thread, I got to thinking, what if Viva La Vida and Prospekt’s March were released as one double album? I think VLV flows very well as an album, including all the ‘double tracks’ in the equation. So when I tried to include the Prospekt’s March tracks into the album, I didn’t play around with VLV too much. Here’s what I came up with: (I’ve divided it into four sides as if it was on vinyl)



1. Life in Technicolour (Great opening as an instrumental – I almost see it as intro to Cemeteries of London, so I couldn’t possibly separate the two)

2. Cemeteries of London – as above, this has to stay as Track 2

3. Lost! (Original version – no Jay-Z please! I wanted to include the acoustic version later in the album as a ‘reprise’ of sorts – so I left this one early in the tracklisting – so that there was ‘space’ between them)

4. Glass Of Water – I played around with the placement of this one, but in the end, felt it belonged early on in the album. Also, up to this point, there were no guitar led ‘rock’ tracks – so I thought it was time to put one in!)



5. 42 – Time to slow things down a little after the first side – hence ‘42’ goes right here

6. Prospekt’s March / Poppyfields – Like the best live shows – an album has to have ‘ebb and flow’ – this one takes it down a notch further from 42. Poppyfields also makes a nice little ‘segue’ into Lovers in Japan

7. Lovers in Japan / Reign of Love – Couldn’t possibly separate these two songs either. By the way, I’ve left off the Osaka Sun Mix. Can’t see the point when the two versions of the song are damn near the same. I place this track here, as it makes for a nice little lighter pop moment after 42 & Prospekt’s March.

8. Rainy Day – To my ears, this song sounds a lot like VLV in parts (particularly the string section) – so didn’t want to place these two songs back to back. Hence Rainy Day goes right here – makes a nice finish to Side 2



9. Yes / Chinese Sleep Chant – Time for some more guitars to kick off the second half of the album.

10. Postcards from Far Away – I thought carefully about where to place this one. I wanted it to be like a mid-album ‘respite’ – a nice little ‘classical’ moment. I also wanted it to become an intro for the next track – I think it works very well paired with Viva La Vida (which, in a different sort of way, has a very ‘classical’ feel to it as well)

11. Viva La Vida – As above – works well with PFFA.

12. Violet Hill – to me, this song couldn’t be seperated from VLV. In between, they almost fade into each other anyway.

13. Strawberry Swing – never liked this track much, but have left it on, because it exemplifies one of the more ‘experimental’ moments on this album – almost fades out at the end to bring Side 3 to a close




14. Life in Technicolour II – into the closing chapter of the album – a great start to Side 4. This track obviously needed to be placed a fair way away from Track 1. It also needed to make a statement as the big ‘pop’ moment that represents the climax of the album, before it starts to wind down.

15. Lost? (Acoustic Version) – A reprise ‘of sorts’, of Track 3. I love this gorgeous version of the song. For me, this is where the album begins to ‘wind down’.

16. Now My Feet Won’t Touch the Ground – this was the obvious ‘penultimate’ track to me – the brass gives it a very majestic feel.

17. Death and All His Friends / The Escapist – as on the original version of VLV, this has to be the last track. Very anthemic yet understated.


Sorry for such a long post – but I wanted to explain my reasoning between the placement of each song.




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1. Life In Technicolor II

2. Postcards From Far Away

3. Violet Hill

4. Death and All His Friends

5. Glass of Water

6. Lost!

7. Viva La Vida

8. Prospekt's March

9. Yes

10. 42

11. Strawberry Swing

12. Lovers In Japan(Osaka Sun Mix)

13. Now My Feet Wont Touch The Ground

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¡ Viva La Prospekt ! (59.8 Minutes)


1. Life In Technicolor II

2. Postcards From Far Away

3. Cemeteries Of London

4. Glass Of Water

5. Lost!

6. 42

7. Prospekt's March/Poppyfields

8. Lovers In Japan/Reign Of Love

9. Yes

10. Death Will Never Conquer

11. Viva La Vida

12. Violet Hill

13. Lost?

14. Death And All His Friends

15. Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

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Hi all,


This is my first post on the forum. My name is Simon and I’m obviously a big Coldplay fan! To me, these guys are the U2 and R.E.M of their generation.


Reading this thread, I got to thinking, what if Viva La Vida and Prospekt’s March were released as one double album? I think VLV flows very well as an album, including all the ‘double tracks’ in the equation. So when I tried to include the Prospekt’s March tracks into the album, I didn’t play around with VLV too much. Here’s what I came up with: (I’ve divided it into four sides as if it was on vinyl)



1. Life in Technicolour (Great opening as an instrumental – I almost see it as intro to Cemeteries of London, so I couldn’t possibly separate the two)

2. Cemeteries of London – as above, this has to stay as Track 2

3. Lost! (Original version – no Jay-Z please! I wanted to include the acoustic version later in the album as a ‘reprise’ of sorts – so I left this one early in the tracklisting – so that there was ‘space’ between them)

4. Glass Of Water – I played around with the placement of this one, but in the end, felt it belonged early on in the album. Also, up to this point, there were no guitar led ‘rock’ tracks – so I thought it was time to put one in!)



5. 42 – Time to slow things down a little after the first side – hence ‘42’ goes right here

6. Prospekt’s March / Poppyfields – Like the best live shows – an album has to have ‘ebb and flow’ – this one takes it down a notch further from 42. Poppyfields also makes a nice little ‘segue’ into Lovers in Japan

7. Lovers in Japan / Reign of Love – Couldn’t possibly separate these two songs either. By the way, I’ve left off the Osaka Sun Mix. Can’t see the point when the two versions of the song are damn near the same. I place this track here, as it makes for a nice little lighter pop moment after 42 & Prospekt’s March.

8. Rainy Day – To my ears, this song sounds a lot like VLV in parts (particularly the string section) – so didn’t want to place these two songs back to back. Hence Rainy Day goes right here – makes a nice finish to Side 2



9. Yes / Chinese Sleep Chant – Time for some more guitars to kick off the second half of the album.

10. Postcards from Far Away – I thought carefully about where to place this one. I wanted it to be like a mid-album ‘respite’ – a nice little ‘classical’ moment. I also wanted it to become an intro for the next track – I think it works very well paired with Viva La Vida (which, in a different sort of way, has a very ‘classical’ feel to it as well)

11. Viva La Vida – As above – works well with PFFA.

12. Violet Hill – to me, this song couldn’t be seperated from VLV. In between, they almost fade into each other anyway.

13. Strawberry Swing – never liked this track much, but have left it on, because it exemplifies one of the more ‘experimental’ moments on this album – almost fades out at the end to bring Side 3 to a close




14. Life in Technicolour II – into the closing chapter of the album – a great start to Side 4. This track obviously needed to be placed a fair way away from Track 1. It also needed to make a statement as the big ‘pop’ moment that represents the climax of the album, before it starts to wind down.

15. Lost? (Acoustic Version) – A reprise ‘of sorts’, of Track 3. I love this gorgeous version of the song. For me, this is where the album begins to ‘wind down’.

16. Now My Feet Won’t Touch the Ground – this was the obvious ‘penultimate’ track to me – the brass gives it a very majestic feel.

17. Death and All His Friends / The Escapist – as on the original version of VLV, this has to be the last track. Very anthemic yet understated.


Sorry for such a long post – but I wanted to explain my reasoning between the placement of each song.





I love how you've worked it out, I ran through the tracklist and it sounds just about perfect. Welcome aboard the forum BTW.

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As much as I enjoy most of the songs, I'm gonna axe a few off my list just to make room and not overcrowd my fictional album (too stuffed = bad):


1. Life in Technicolor

2. Lost!

3. Cemeteries of London

4. Glass of Water

5. 42

6. Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun)

7. Postcards from Far Away

8. Viva La Vida

9. Violet Hill

10. Strawberry Swing

11. Rainy Day

12. Prospekt's March / Poppyfields

13. Death and All His Friends / The Escapist


Threw Postcards exactly in the middle seeing as how I feel it's a good "intermission" track. Chose the original LiT for the sole purpose of having the connection with The Escapist at the end (even though I actually prefer LiT II). Was a little cautious about throwing Rainy Day in there, as I wanted to space out the upbeat stuff. And while I like NMFWTTG and all, I feel DAAHF is a more appropriate closer.

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As boring as it is, I like just playing them back to back. VLV then Prospekt's March (minus the two remixes). I realized that they took out the long intro in LIT ii because it's kind of a continuation of the escapist. DAAHF's runs smoothly into the E.P. and since the set lists on both C.D.'s are just about perfect, I play them in that order. Maybe Chris was being somewhat literal when he described it as the second of half of VLV.

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Hello all...first post, so id better make it count! =]


Life In Technicolor

Cemeteries of London

Prospekt's March/Poppyfields


Rainy Day


Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun)

Reign of Love



Chinese Sleep Chant

Life In Technicolor II

Viva La Vida

Violet Hill

Glass of Water

Postcards From Far Away

Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

Strawberry Swing

Death And All His Friends

The Escapist

Death With Never Conquer

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I was just looking through the Viva booklet and took a good look at the middle picture with all the lyrics. I took note of the song titles in the picture and added them to a playlist in the clockwise order of the picture. It flows great, it kinda makes me believe it was the original tracklist.


01. Lovers In Japan

02. 42

03. Yes

04. Viva la Vida

05. Glass Of Water

06. Strawberry Swing

07. Chinese Sleep Chant

08. Cemeteries of London

09. Prospekt's March/Poppy Fields

10. Reign Of Love

11. Lost!

12. Postcards From Far Away

13. Death And All His Friends

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