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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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ok well this is my cheesy story:cheesy::lol:I kind off rushed it:shame:well here goes nothing;)


"Careful Where You Run"Chapter 1

Yeah,I've dated alot of guys in the past and I really liked them but they never actually loved me.They would stay in my life for maybe a month or two and then move on to dating my friend or cheat on me.I guess you would say all guys are the same;annoying,cheating,little monkeys that didn't give two shits about anyone but themselves!!!I sighed and pulled my long black hair in a ponytail,I grabbed my headphones and walked out the door.I was going for my daily walk.

"Hmm lets see,what song should I play first,"I laughed"ooh how about Talk by Coldplay"

I walked down the road,while humming Talk, and a took a left on 42nd street, breathing in the fresh London air.I started to jog and could feel the wind rushing at my face,I was beginning to get real sweaty.I shuffled through my Mp3 player ,not paying attention to what I was doing,I suddenly looked up and got a face full of someones sweaty shirt.I fell down and hit my head on the pavement,I felt a male body on top of me.

"Ow!"I murmured,not caring about the man on top of me.

"Are you ok?!"A sexy Scottish voice asked.I knew that voice from somehwere,I've listened to that voice many times during interviews,I loved to hear that voice sing and moan in my more than pervy dreams with him.

"GUY BERRYMAN???"I yelled louder than I should have and my head started to hurt causing me to clutch at my head

"Yes,yes I am,and you are?"That seductive voice laughed and then suddenly stopped.He put a hand on my head and started feeling around.I couldn't take this ,I wanted to scream from the pain and the fact that Guy Fucking Berryman of Cold fucking Play is fucking touching me:D.The next thing I knew I awoke in an unfamiliar room,a rather nice looking room at that,I began to sit up when a hand gently pushed me down.

"Hey"He said softly "you should try not to sit up oh and drink this"He handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down.

"Thanks"I whispered"Hey um may I know what happened"I asked ,clearly not realizing that I was in Guy Fucking Berryman's house.

"Sure,you were looking down at your Mp3 player,while jogging,and ran staright into me,you yelled my name very loudly and then you fainted"He laughed.

I laughed too and smiled."Oh"I said"I'm really sorry about that"I looked up into those gorgeous brown eyes and sighed.

"Something wrong?"he asked"anything I can get you and what's your name??"

"Amy!! no thank you though,I just really wanted to thank you for helping me and--"I was cut off my him putting a finger to my lips."Shh"he whispered"Just relax and lay down"In the midst of our well my confusion I realized that I sat up,and my head was pounding again.

I sighed again and thought'wow how lucky am I ,I run into Guy Berryman and end up in his house,thank you karma;)'

Guy put his hand on mine and said"I made us some dinner,I hope you like Chicken Stir-Fry and rice"

"oh wow Guy thank you!!I love Chicken Stir-Fry and rice!!"I told him

"Good"He laughed.He pulled the coffee table closer to me and placed the bowl on it.He stuck a fork in the and said "say ahh".

"Its okay,I'm well enough to feed myself"I blushed.

"Nonsense,now say "ahh."He repeared

I laughed and kept my mouth open"Ahhh"he placed the rice and chicken stir fry in my mouth.

I chewed slowly and said"Wow this is great, your such a great cook."The chicken was perfectly cooked and the rice was not over or underdone.

"Thank you"He winked"I don't cook all that well you know.........."



Good Job!! lol

My next chapter is almost done. it kinda reminds me of this lol ;)

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not very long, sorry!! :D










My fingers danced across the neck of his bass. It’d been what, seven, eight weeks since things happened with Diane? No call. No visit. Nothing. I had to get over it somehow, and I knew the way wasn’t alcohol.

I decided to go to Chris’s house. His wife was out of town filming some sort of movie or something, so, I knew I wasn’t going to be around that happy little loving family thing that I had to deal with every day. When I got to the front door, he was just walking out with his two kids. "Hey, Guy, what are you doing here?" he chuckled, adjusting his green military hat.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked, smiling at his kids who were now running around him, screaming like tea kettles.

"No." He shook his head and tossed a pink ball towards his littlest. "No, we were just about to go to the zoo. Wanna come?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I need to talk to you about a few things."

Chris’s face froze. "Okay, but don‘t you curse again. Apple was talking about fucking for two weeks." he whispered the curse word.


The two of us sat on a green wooden bench in front of the tigers as Chris’s kids tried to mimic the animal’s moves. "I just." My voice was really high for some reason. "I remember things more now about that night. She was telling me about how her and her husband really didn’t get along that well anymore, and they might divorce. She even suspected him of cheating!" I don’t know why I had so much energy. "And after we fu-"

"Colored." Chris said loudly, looking down at his kids and back at me.

"After we colored." I repeated. "Chris, she said she was going to leave him. I don’t know if she was drunk or something but, I remembered that."

Chris turned to face me. His bright blue eyes were full of confusion. "Are you sticking up for this cheating woman?"

"I think I am." My heart hid behind my lungs, ashamed by it’s true feelings.

Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrating. Chris scrambled to get something brown and dirty out of his son’s mouth as I pressed the accept button. "Hello?" I grunted.

"Guy?" A familiar voice called.

I stood up, completely alert. "Diane. Um, wow hi."

"Hey." her voice was shaking. "Listen, um, can we get together for lunch? There’s something I really need to talk to you about."

Leaving Charlie. Please let it be leaving Charlie. "Okay." I tried to think. "Geisha house at 12:30?"

"See you then." She said rather quickly and hung up the phone.

Diane snapped her cell phone closed and threw it on the table like it was made of acid. She stared blankly at it while she felt herself getting sick again. As fast as she could, she ran into the bathroom and threw her head in front of the toilet, staring at that stupid pink stick the entire time she vomited.



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I think this is my favorite chapter.




Three weeks later, we did get together. Will and Marianne brought a ton of old movies, and Chris brought the sweets. I just brought myself, but I figured it was good enough. Apart from us, Jonny’s brother (whom I didn’t know too well) was there. Chloe put Violet to bed early and offered to get some beer for the rest of us, but Jonny half-jokingly told her not to bother. If he couldn’t drink, neither could we.


Normally, I liked to have fun at get-togethers, but tonight was different. I sat on the couch towards the window, refusing to engage anyone. Will tried sitting with me for a while, but I wasn’t in good enough humor to take up his offers at conversation. I just felt horrible. I felt horrible for being there, I felt horrible for being invited, and I felt horrible for the fact that Jonny was still limping. They said it might go away completely, but on the other hand, they said it might stick with him forever. His bruises hadn’t gone away either. Mine were mostly faded reminders of the night of the accident, but his were more blatant.


Every time I saw them, I was reminded of when I thought I’d never talk to him again. When I thought I’d killed him. I felt as if I might lose him again, and the thought terrified me. For the first time, I’d experienced just how fleeting and delicate life was...how easy it was to lose a friend. Sure, I’d been to funerals before, but they’d always been relatives whom I hadn’t known so well. But Jonny...he was one of my closest friends; the one I shared my personal problems with. He was the one who was always there to hold my head above the violent waters.


“What’s wrong, sad sack?” asked Jonny, hobbling over to sit on the edge of the couch. My chest tightened, and I focused on the sound of Marianne and Chloe laughing with each other in the adjoining room.




“You’ve been sitting here the whole night, Guy.” I looked up at him slowly.


“I’m just tired.”


“Are your ribs bothering you still? You’re so fucking pale...”


“No. No, I’m okay.” I insisted, waving a hand dismissively. “What about you?”


“Ah...I’m alright.” he said, shrugging. “Then again, some stuff still hurts. But hey, at least I can still play.” He strummed a few notes on an invisible guitar. “We’ll be touring again in no time.”


“Don’t rush it.” I reminded, picking up a can of Pepsi from the table. I looked at it and shook my head. “What’s with this, man? Pepsi? You know I only drink Coke.”


“What,” said Jonny, waggling his eyebrows. “Has snorting it gone out of fashion?” he finished, cracking himself up. I laughed despite myself.


“Oh, Jon!” called Chris suddenly from the kitchen. “Come ’ere, man, I need help.”


“If it has to do with the stove, you’d better call Will. He’s the cook.” Jonny looked at the drummer, who shook his head. “Never mind, I’ll be right there.”


I offered my arm to help him, but Jonny shook his head and made his way to the kitchen himself. Chloe and Marianne had drifted out from the other room, and were now sorting through the movies Marianne had brought. I waited a few minutes, watching the ladies discussing their favorite ‘chick flicks’ and the most handsome actors in them. Will and Jon’s brother shared a look of mild disgust, but I couldn’t really be bothered.


Finally, I decided to check out what was going on in the kitchen. I strolled across the floor and down the short hall to its doorway. But as I got a glance through the door, I panicked and pressed myself against the wall. Chris and Jonny were talking, but not in the way they normally would. Chris looked shaky and upset, and Jonny’s arms were crossed in what looked like frustration. Their mouths moved quickly, but their voices were muted so I hadn’t understood what they were saying. I did notice, however, that Jonny had been leaning against the counter to keep himself steady.


I, of course, headed straight back into the living room. I didn’t want to know what they’d been doing, and I told myself I didn’t care. Somehow, though, I knew it had to do with the crash. What else could make them look so downcast and anxious? I sat back in my spot, and jumped slightly as I realized Marianne was trying to ask me something.


“Guy!” she laughed. “Which do you prefer; Bridget Jones’ Diary or Sweet Home Alabama?”


“Uh...I dunno.” I muttered. “I’ve never seen the first.”


The rest of the evening passed slowly. Once more I was distracted by my longtime friend; suffocating guilt. Jonny and Chris eventually rejoined us, and they seemed to be back to normal. Whatever normal was. We ate on and off for two hours or so, watching football on the television because the women couldn’t agree on a movie. Eventually, the atmosphere began to dwindle and Jonny’s brother left. Will and Marianne headed out an hour later. Chloe fell asleep on the couch, so I moved myself to sit in the kitchen. Chris insisted on sleeping over, so he was invading the shower upstairs. Jonny sat on the couch next to his wife, watching a late night special on World War I.


I picked at a bowl of ice cream, listening to the muted sounds of airplanes and machine guns. Eventually, the noise of the TV stopped altogether and I heard Jonny shuffling down the hallway in my direction. I kept my eyes locked on the quickly melting ice cream as he entered the room. “Are you planning on leaving, or do you want to stay?” he asked.


I grinned a little, still not looking up. “You wanna get rid of me?”


“No! No, of course not. I’m just wondering. You’ve been so...detached. What’s wrong?” he pressed, leaning across the table to look at me. I shook my head, licking some of my dessert off the spoon.


“I’m fine. And if you want, I’ll leave soon.”


“No.” He sounded tired, and not willing to put up with my foul mood. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked again, frowning. “Tell me your problems.”


“My problems? I nearly killed you.” I snapped, chuckling bitterly. “I could’ve...I...” My smile faltered painfully. I felt my throat tightening dangerously, and I finally looked up to see Jonny’s horrified expression. I pushed the bowl away and crossed my arms protectively around my chest. “Jon, I’m sorry.”


“Please, don’t...”


“I should’ve paid better attention to the road, but...” I was beginning to ramble.


“It wasn’t...”


“It’s my fault you’re like this, whatever pain you’re in is my fault!”


“No it’s not.” he corrected firmly. “They told me that you saved that girl. Would you rather she had died instead?” I shook my head wordlessly. “Answer me, Guy.”




“Look at me.” he commanded, his voice thick. I shook my head and glanced away, trembling. “Come on...” He took my head firmly in his hands, forced me to face him, and his features twisted in pain. “Oh, god...Look at you.” he mused aloud, probably noticing the dark circles under my eyes. “When was the last time you’ve slept?”


“What about you?” I asked, my vision starting to blur. “When was the last time you’ve slept?”


He swallowed. “It’s hard.”




“The pain.”


I nodded. “My fault.”


Jonny shook his head again. “We were in there together.” he whispered, his hold tightening. “I could have seen her sooner, but I didn’t. She could’ve looked before she crossed the street, but she didn’t. That doesn’t make it your fault.”


For the first time, I began to believe him. “I don’t know what I would’ve done...if you’d...” My voice cracked and I had to stop speaking. To my distress, Jonny’s shoulders shook slightly as he breathed, and a tear spilled over from his eye.


“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I thought you were getting through this...I thought you were okay.” I shook my head and pulled away from him, running a hand forcefully through my hair. I hadn’t meant to upset my friend, and I wished I could’ve kept my mouth shut about the fucking crash. But then, slowly, Jonny pulled me forward and hugged me tightly. He was trembling, and I could hear the tears behind his uneven breathing. “I’m so sorry, Guy...”


My face twisted with emotion as he held me, but it wasn’t caused by his embrace. He had simply told me the things I’d been waiting to hear from him; the things he needed to reinforce in order for me to start releasing some of the burden I carried. Gradually, I buried myself into him, drinking in his familiar scent. He was alive, and he wasn’t going to leave. He wasn’t blaming me, and he didn’t hate me.


“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I whispered, a few tears dripping to my chin. He pressed his cheek against my hair, rubbing my back gently.


“Same here.”


A minute or two later, he made a small noise of discomfort, and I pulled quickly away. I could tell I was beginning to hurt him. He looked evenly back at me, deeply apologetic. “I’m sorry.”


“You’re in pain.”


“I’m sorry.” he repeated helplessly.


I shook my head and took his hand in mine, as if we were kids sealing a deal. “It’s not your fault.” I echoed, my voice a bit stronger. “Just tell me where the medication is.”


“The cabinet. No... the one to your left.” he admitted. I got up stiffly and rummaged through the things in the cupboard, feeling intrusive. Eventually, I managed to fish out the pills and I wiped my eyes on my sleeve before I turned around. I tossed them to him, and then got a bottle of water from the fridge. “Thank you.”


I paused, watching him carefully count out two pills. “You’re welcome.”



:heart: :heart: :heart:

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not very long, sorry!! :D










My fingers danced across the neck of his bass. It’d been what, seven, eight weeks since things happened with Diane? No call. No visit. Nothing. I had to get over it somehow, and I knew the way wasn’t alcohol.

I decided to go to Chris’s house. His wife was out of town filming some sort of movie or something, so, I knew I wasn’t going to be around that happy little loving family thing that I had to deal with every day. When I got to the front door, he was just walking out with his two kids. "Hey, Guy, what are you doing here?" he chuckled, adjusting his green military hat.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked, smiling at his kids who were now running around him, screaming like tea kettles.

"No." He shook his head and tossed a pink ball towards his littlest. "No, we were just about to go to the zoo. Wanna come?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I need to talk to you about a few things."

Chris’s face froze. "Okay, but don‘t you curse again. Apple was talking about fucking for two weeks." he whispered the curse word.


The two of us sat on a green wooden bench in front of the tigers as Chris’s kids tried to mimic the animal’s moves. "I just." My voice was really high for some reason. "I remember things more now about that night. She was telling me about how her and her husband really didn’t get along that well anymore, and they might divorce. She even suspected him of cheating!" I don’t know why I had so much energy. "And after we fu-"

"Colored." Chris said loudly, looking down at his kids and back at me.

"After we colored." I repeated. "Chris, she said she was going to leave him. I don’t know if she was drunk or something but, I remembered that."

Chris turned to face me. His bright blue eyes were full of confusion. "Are you sticking up for this cheating woman?"

"I think I am." My heart hid behind my lungs, ashamed by it’s true feelings.

Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrating. Chris scrambled to get something brown and dirty out of his son’s mouth as I pressed the accept button. "Hello?" I grunted.

"Guy?" A familiar voice called.

I stood up, completely alert. "Diane. Um, wow hi."

"Hey." her voice was shaking. "Listen, um, can we get together for lunch? There’s something I really need to talk to you about."

Leaving Charlie. Please let it be leaving Charlie. "Okay." I tried to think. "Geisha house at 12:30?"

"See you then." She said rather quickly and hung up the phone.

Diane snapped her cell phone closed and threw it on the table like it was made of acid. She stared blankly at it while she felt herself getting sick again. As fast as she could, she ran into the bathroom and threw her head in front of the toilet, staring at that stupid pink stick the entire time she vomited.



"Okay, but don‘t you curse again. Apple was talking about fucking for two weeks." he whispered the curse word


!" I don’t know why I had so much energy. "And after we fu-"

"Colored." Chris said loudly, looking down at his kids and back at me:lol::lol:loved this part

but HOLY CRAP is she

bloody pregnant?


Guy's going to have mixed feelings about this:lol:

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