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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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My eyes opened to complete darkness. I felt my face pressed up against something soft, that smelled like strong fabric softener. There was a cool draft on my back, and I realized it was completely bare. Something was wrong about this picture. Suddenly, I felt another presence in the room. When I turned my head a few inches, this sharp throbbing hit my brain like a ton of bricks. All I could think was that someone must be stabbing me in the head. I moaned loudly in pain. "Guy? Good morning." a soft, innocent voice said to my right. I looked up into bright light, and my eyes couldn’t focus well. When I adjusted, I saw a beautiful blonde woman standing at the foot of the bed. By the smell and the sheet covers, I realized it wasn’t my bed. She looked awfully familiar. Her hair was perfectly straight, she was dressed in a navy blue business suit, and had this look on her face like I was a piece of dirt on a perfectly white rug. "G’ morning." I mumbled softly back.

There was a silence while we both thought of what to say. I looked around the room a little, and all I could see was spotless white furniture, and my bare back. "I’m naked." was the most intelligent thing I could say.

She nodded.

"Did we have sex?" I whispered.



She made that disgusted face again as I tried as hard as I could to remember her name. I noticed an envelope on the end table addressed to ‘Diane Owens’. That was it.

"You want to go get breakfast?"

"Okay." she tried to smile.

We sat in this fancy diner in West Hollywood in silence. I ordered toast, she just got water, claiming she felt queasy. "So, um." my voice shook. "I know this is weird to ask you after… well… everything that’s happened but… what do you do?"

She furrowed her brow. "I’m a lawyer." she chuckled. "We, um. We talked about this last night."

I felt my face get red and heated. "Right. Sorry. Having trouble remembering."

More fucking silence.

"Did I tell you what I do?"

Her smile was beautiful. "I know what you do. My sister is a big fan of yours."

I smiled weakly when her face suddenly paled. I noticed a tall, fit man with short and messy black hair walking up to our table. "Diane." he laughed, I noticed an accent of some sort. "What are you doing here?" he smiled at me. Smile back, you idiot.

Her eyes were wide, and her face was white. "Charlie, hi. I’m just here with a client. Guy Berryman, this is my husband Charlie Owens."

My stomach flipped.







I busted through the front door of the stadium to find Will, Jonny and Chris hanging around for me in front of the stage. Chris’s daughter Apple was sitting on his lap, playing with some sort of doll. "It’s about time."

"Not really in the mood for that." I snapped. "Didn’t have such a great night last night."

Will furrowed his brow. "What happened?"

"Well, I met this girl at this bar."

"Uh-oh." Chris grinned, and put his hands over his daughter’s tiny ears. "Continue."

"Long story short, we got really drunk and I woke up naked in her house. Oh, and I met her husband this morning."

The three of them were silent as their eyes bulged simultaneously. Chris looked at Jon, Jon looked at Will, and Will looked up at me. "Are you serious?" he chuckled.

I noticed Jon and Chris trying to hold back laughter. Instead of laughing as well, I just got angry. "Come on, guys. It’s not funny."

"It kind of is." Jon chuckled. "Seriously Guy, you can’t help but laugh."

"If this guy ever finds out, he’s going to murder me."

"What does he look like?" Chris asked, playfully pulling at his daughter’s golden locks. She giggled loudly and smiled up at him with bright blue eyes.

"He’s tall, fit and British. Might as well be perfect, right?" I jumped onto the stage and grabbed by bass.

"Guy, you couldn’t have known." Jon smiled sympathetically. "She… she um, what do the kids call it?"

"She played you." Will said.

"That’s it." Jon said, shaking a pointer finger. "She played you, Guy."

My heart sunk. And for some reason, I felt like I needed to defend her. "But." My voice cracked as I looked into the distance for an answer. "But I really feel like we got along."

"The alcohol made you feel like you got along." Chris said as Apple nodded, pretending to know what we were talking about.

Scenes of last night were coming back to me now. She was wearing a red dress, and must’ve had at lest seven Cosmos while I was there. We talked for hours. And that night. She was so amazing. And so married. Then I got angry. "Let’s just fucking play guys."

Chris’s eyes bulged. "Watch the language!"











My fingers danced across the neck of his bass. It’d been what, seven, eight weeks since things happened with Diane? No call. No visit. Nothing. I had to get over it somehow, and I knew the way wasn’t alcohol.

I decided to go to Chris’s house. His wife was out of town filming some sort of movie or something, so, I knew I wasn’t going to be around that happy little loving family thing that I had to deal with every day. When I got to the front door, he was just walking out with his two kids. "Hey, Guy, what are you doing here?" he chuckled, adjusting his green military hat.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked, smiling at his kids who were now running around him, screaming like tea kettles.

"No." He shook his head and tossed a pink ball towards his littlest. "No, we were just about to go to the zoo. Wanna come?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I need to talk to you about a few things."

Chris’s face froze. "Okay, but don‘t you curse again. Apple was talking about fucking for two weeks." he whispered the curse word.


The two of us sat on a green wooden bench in front of the tigers as Chris’s kids tried to mimic the animal’s moves. "I just." My voice was really high for some reason. "I remember things more now about that night. She was telling me about how her and her husband really didn’t get along that well anymore, and they might divorce. She even suspected him of cheating!" I don’t know why I had so much energy. "And after we fu-"

"Colored." Chris said loudly, looking down at his kids and back at me.

"After we colored." I repeated. "Chris, she said she was going to leave him. I don’t know if she was drunk or something but, I remembered that."

Chris turned to face me. His bright blue eyes were full of confusion. "Are you sticking up for this cheating woman?"

"I think I am." My heart hid behind my lungs, ashamed by it’s true feelings.

Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrating. Chris scrambled to get something brown and dirty out of his son’s mouth as I pressed the accept button. "Hello?" I grunted.

"Guy?" A familiar voice called.

I stood up, completely alert. "Diane. Um, wow hi."

"Hey." her voice was shaking. "Listen, um, can we get together for lunch? There’s something I really need to talk to you about."

Leaving Charlie. Please let it be leaving Charlie. "Okay." I tried to think. "Geisha house at 12:30?"

"See you then." She said rather quickly and hung up the phone.

Diane snapped her cell phone closed and threw it on the table like it was made of acid. She stared blankly at it while she felt herself getting sick again. As fast as she could, she ran into the bathroom and threw her head in front of the toilet, staring at that stupid pink stick the entire time she vomited.









When I got to the Geisha house she was already there, dressed in another suit. This one black. I smiled softly as I walked towards her table. "Hi." My voice was practically a whisper.

Diane smiled. "Hi. Sit, please."

I took a seat across from her and tried to get used to my surroundings. Diane looked pale, slightly sweaty. I thought of Charlie. "You look very pretty."

"Thank you." she smiled blankly.

I think we were both having flash backs of our meeting in the diner. "Okay Guy, I’m going to get right down to the point."

My toes curled, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Something about this was making me really nervous.

Diane took a few breaths, and stared straight into my eyes. "I’m pregnant."

Shit. Double shit. She couldn’t have meant what she’d just said. This was a dream. This was all a bad dream. Oh my god. My stomach started to churn as the room started to spin. "W…what did you just say?"

She leaned in. "Listen, I know this is a lot for you to deal with. I just wanted you to know."

"How do you know it’s mine?" I panted.

"Charlie and I haven’t slept together in months." She leaned in and put her hand on mine. Either hers were extremely hot, or mine were freezing. "Guy, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You were at wrong place at the wrong time. I was terrible to you all those weeks ago. There was too much alcohol, and my perception was off. You were sweet, you were there. And I just fucked it all up." She paused for a minute, noticing the blood draining from my face. "Guy? Guy are you okay?"

And before I knew it, I couldn’t answer because I’d passed out.

"Good morning." I heard Chris’s voice say. "Come on, wake up. That’s it."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital room, dressed in a gown that reeked of cotton balls. The beeping sound I heard must’ve been my heart beat because it was speeding up. "Where’s Diane?" I groaned.

"She had to go back to work or something." Chris sat on the foot of the bed. "Very nice woman, by the way. She said she’d call you later tonight."

I looked straight into his eyes. "Did you hear?"

"I did. Congratulations, mate."

Did I hear that right? "Did I hear that right?"

He chuckled. "Guy, I know it’s not the best of situations but come on. You’re going to be a father! The best job in the world."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Chris. She’s married and we obviously didn’t plan this."

He tore into something. "Diane told me to tell you that she’s going to tell Charlie, whoever that is tonight, and that you can be apart of the baby’s life as much as possible." He paused. "Again, very nice woman."

I opened my eyes to see him eating my jello. "Do the other guys know?"

He played around with the red cube as it danced off his spoon, like it had a mind of it’s own. "They know you fainted, they don’t know about the baby yet."

Before I could answer a woman in hot pink scrubs walked into the room. "Hello Mr. Berryman." She said with a heavy New York accent. "I’m Sarah I’m going to be needin’ to take some blood from yah tahday."

I sat up and put my arm out as I saw Chris’s face get a little pale. "You okay?"

He looked up at me, back at the needle and nodded. "Yeah."

Sarah took out a long thin needle. She wiped an area of my bare arm with a wet, cold cloth and pushed the needle in. I felt a slight stinging. To my right, I heard a large thump. Sarah and I turned our heads simultaneously to see Chris sprawled out on the floor.

"Well, you’re just a bunch’o fainters, aren’t yah?"










Chris’s eyes opened slowly. He saw a familiar brown haired figure towards the end of the room. "Sorry, Guy. I stole your fainting thunder."

"Apology accepted." Guy chuckled and walked closer to the bed. "Will you be okay here by yourself for a while? I have to go talk to Diane… and Jon won’t be here for another twenty minutes or so."

"I’m not a baby. I’ll be fine." He smiled, and pulled Guy in for a kiss on the forehead. "Good luck, mate."

Chris saw Guy smile for the first time in weeks. He watched him walk out the door, down the hall, and step into the elevator. He was so proud of his friend.

A few minutes later, with nothing to do, Chris started playing with his IV for a few minutes, flicking it around as the water slowly made its way into his arm. He looked up when he suddenly heard a loud bang. There was a tall man dressed in a black suit practically sprinting in his direction. He had dark black hair and piercing blue eyes. Chris was alarmed by all the anger in his expression. The man walked into Chris’s room, closed and locked the glass door behind him. Chris’s heart sunk as the man grabbed him by the hospital gown, pulled him out of the bed and threw him against the wall. "Where the fuck do you get off sleeping with my wife?" he screamed.

The man pulled Chris up and threw his fist into Chris’s jaw, blood starting to fly. "Huh?" The man said, punching him again. "Do you think you can sleep with whoever you want ‘cause you’re in a fuckin’ band, man?" he threw his fist into Chris’s jaw with every two words that came out of his mouth.

Chris could barely open his eyes, his face and jaw swelling from the blows, blood soaking his face. Then, there was a sudden loss of air as the man wrapped his hands around Chris’s neck. He wheezed loudly, trying to suck in any sort of air. Then, he was dropped, as the man was finally pulled off him by a security guard.








I could hear Diane’s heels clicking behind me as I ran to where I left my dear friend. We turned the corner to see what looked like a disaster area. The glass door had been completely shattered. There were utensils everywhere, along with Chris’s blood smeared on the wall and floor. The doctors cleaning up looked up when I gasped in terror. "Room 9." One of them said to me. I jogged down the hall past a few more rooms, and turned into his room. Jonny was sleeping in a chair, a magazine sitting on his lap, and again, I could not help but gasp in terror. My poor friend, the one who told me that accidentally being a father was still ‘the best job in the world’, was as lying so helpless, and so pale. Bruises were set here and there all over his body, especially his neck. His eyes were closed, and a small clear tube was set over his face and into his nose, for breathing. "Oh, Chris." I whispered, taking a few steps toward him.

Diane was standing next to me. Her eyes full of tears, her hands over her mouth. She looked over at me and saw a few tears rolling down my cheek. "Oh, Guy. I’m so sorry." Her touch was soft on my shoulder.

I squeezed his frozen hand. "It should’ve been me."

Her blonde hair danced as she shook her head. "No, no it should not have happened."

"I’m the one he was after."

"And he’s in jail now, Guy." She gently placed her hands on my face, turning my head to face her. "No one deserves this."

My shoulders started to shake, as I was now sobbing. Diane gently leaned my head onto her shoulder as I broke out into tears. Her touch was so comforting, letting me know that I could cry as much as I needed.





CHAPTER 7 [new!]



"How about Oliver?" Diane asked, picking up another cookie.

I furrowed my brow. "Is our child going to be running around in tights singing songs?"

"Maybe!" Diane busted out into laughter.

Everything was going great. It’d been a month since the incident at the hospital. Chris was back home with his kids. He still had a limp, but he was home. Plus, Diane and I were trying to give this a try. We figured we should, since we were having a baby in seven months. She was so caring and so sweet to all my friends and family. For some reason it really did work.

I kissed the little lump growing on Diane’s belly. "You don’t want to be an Oliver, do you?" I whispered. "Oh, how about Harold?"

Diane looked up from the cookie she was dissolved in and thought. "I like Harold. Well, we don’t even know if it’s going to be a boy, so let’s think of some girls names as well. My mother’s name was Emily. What was yours?"


We giggled. I personally liked every name we picked out, I was just having fun making Diane laugh when I made fun of them. She had the most beautiful smile.

She rested her head on my stomach and picked up yet another baby book. "I personally love the name Isla."

"Isla? Ugh, we’re never going to get this right. Maybe we should just name it "Insert Name Here"."

Now we were both laughing hysterically.


On the other side of town, Charlie was sitting in what was left of his home with is now ex wife on the mind. He couldn’t believe what she’d done. He shook in his skin, thinking about the fact that he almost killed the wrong man. The whole situation was wrong. Charlie picked up his keys, and headed over to Diane’s new apartment.




i guess what you would call the 'climax' is coming up in chapter 8. :D

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sorry it took me so long to write this, writer's block sucks :P

but this chapter it long, so it makes up for it :lol:

anyway, without further ado

My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 5



I was in the middle of working on a plan for a new apartment complex when out of nowhere a vase of flowers appeared on my desk. I looked up and saw a beautiful display of tulips, my favorite flower sitting on my desk. They were purple, my favorite color. I smiled immediately.


“These just came for you.” Jenna said beaming. She started working here a year after I did and we’ve grown close over the years.


“Thanks for bringing them over, Jen!” I quickly opened the card and read it. “Can’t wait for tonight. Love, Chris” was written in a penmanship that made my heart flutter. I read it 15 times every second my heart beating faster than the last time. Chris had this big romantic evening planned for us tonight. He’d been talking about it for a week. But I was clueless, I wasn’t allowed to know anything. Something kept telling me we both knew where the evening would end up.


We’ve seen each other every day for the last 3 weeks, starting with our first date. It never got old and we never got tired of each other. He was always doing sweet little things like this that made me smile: texting me throughout the day to ask how my day was going, holding my hand every minute we were together, kissing my forehead, remembering everything I say, always asking about me and never talking about himself.


Now it would be impossible for me to get anything done at work.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris picked me up at eight o’clock on the dot. When I opened the door he was standing there in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. Very classy, and incredibly gorgeous. He smiled looking me up and down in my light blue v-neck dress that came down to my knees.


“You look absolutely stunning” He flashed another big smile. I blushed a little.


“Thank you,” I said kissing him on those incredible lips. “You look so amazing. I’ve never seen you so dressed up!” I let out a small chuckle and he did the same.


“Ready?” he asked.


“Let’s go!” I was excited now.




The second Chris started driving I got insanely curious as to where we were going.


“Where are we going?” I figured it was worth a shot. He shook his head laughed.


“Not a chance, Steph.” He replied.


“Aww please!” I starred into his beautiful blue eyes.


“No! Absolutely not, stop trying.”


“Pretty please?” I pouted and made the puppy dog face. He looked over and sighed.


“Fine,” he began and my ears perked up, “I’ll tell you this,” he stopped and looked right at me, “you’re going to love it!” he said with a cocky smile on his face. Even though he was teasing me I couldn’t help but smile. We spent the rest of the car ride just telling each other about our days.


We pulled up to a very tall building. In the dark, that’s all I could make out. Chris opened my door and I saw we were standing outside of a hotel. My stomach flipped. Without me even realizing it Chris pulled me towards a back entrance and let me in. We went up in an elevator and then went up some stairs after that. Before Chris opened the door he put his hands over my eyes to cover them. Must he keep insisting with the whole surprise thing? I heard a door creak open and felt a small breeze come through. Chris helped me wobble through the door. After walking about fifteen feet he let go and said “open”


My eyes flew open and I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. We were on the roof of the hotel. With the most breathtaking view of New York City, no matter which direction you looked at.


“Chris…” I saw him with the biggest smile on his face, “this is so amazing. Truly incredible. I can’t believe it.”


“So, you like it?” he asked almost unsure.


“I love it!! I can’t believe you did this.”


“I’d do anything for you,” he said before leaning in to kiss me.

We had the most incredible meal up on the roof. It was seriously some of the best food I’ve ever tasted. Then we were just finishing up the delectable chocolate cake we ate for dessert.


“So, now what?” I gave him a flirtatious smile and looked him up and down. He held my gaze and smiled. Next thing I know, we’re back in Chris’s car flying towards my apartment.



Chris lifted me up and carried me through the door, kissing me the entire time. He tasted so good, I couldn’t get enough. We made our way over to my bedroom. He threw me on the bed and tore his jacket and shoes off. He was kissing me passionately again. He lifted my dress off of me and I unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants. It all happened in a blur, a dreamlike blur.



:wink3::wink3:I love this!!!:lol:id great and you're a great write

can't wait for the next chapter:dance::dance:

(whats your name by the way?:lol:)

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We were curled up on the couch, watching a movie when there was a knock at the door. Diane looked confused, obviously saying she wasn’t expecting any guests. I stood up as she walked towards her front door slowly, as the knocking continued. There was some mumbling outside as she unlocked the chain and turned the knob. Standing outside the door, soaked from the pouring rain was Charlie. He was in one of his usual suits, anger filling his bright blue eyes when he locked with my eyes. Anger also filled my eyes, coming face to face with the man who almost killed my best friend. "Charlie." Diane said softly. "Please, just go away."

He happily let himself in and paced the floor. "I can’t fucking believe I’d find you here with him. With him! After all I’ve done for you, Diane!"

"Charlie, stop!" Diane yelled.

I stepped forward and swallowed hard. "Come on, man. Do yourself a favor and don’t make a scene. Just leave." You have no idea how much I wanted to strangle him, like he did Chris.

"Diane, come on. This is crazy. You know me, I just got angry and I did the wrong thing and I’m sorry!" He turned to me. "Okay, you can tell your friend that I’m very sorry."

"Do you think that your ‘sorry’ will deal with the fact that his two kids could’ve never seen him again?" I yelled. "Come on, man. Be serious."

Charlie was silent. "Okay, Diane. Please. Just tell this joker to go home, and let’s talk this through."


"I’ve done everything for you."

"Charlie, don’t."

He paced the floor, making himself at home. "Your car."

"Charlie, stop."

"Your job."

"Charlie, STOP!" she screamed.

I really didn’t know what to say. Charlie looked at her, to me, then back at her. "You haven’t told him?"

There was something very, very wrong about this picture. Diane looked like she was about to faint. "Diane?" I said softly.

Tears were streaming down her face. "I have skin cancer, Guy."




dun dun dun. :stunned:.

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We were curled up on the couch, watching a movie when there was a knock at the door. Diane looked confused, obviously saying she wasn’t expecting any guests. I stood up as she walked towards her front door slowly, as the knocking continued. There was some mumbling outside as she unlocked the chain and turned the knob. Standing outside the door, soaked from the pouring rain was Charlie. He was in one of his usual suits, anger filling his bright blue eyes when he locked with my eyes. Anger also filled my eyes, coming face to face with the man who almost killed my best friend. "Charlie." Diane said softly. "Please, just go away."

He happily let himself in and paced the floor. "I can’t fucking believe I’d find you here with him. With him! After all I’ve done for you, Diane!"

"Charlie, stop!" Diane yelled.

I stepped forward and swallowed hard. "Come on, man. Do yourself a favor and don’t make a scene. Just leave." You have no idea how much I wanted to strangle him, like he did Chris.

"Diane, come on. This is crazy. You know me, I just got angry and I did the wrong thing and I’m sorry!" He turned to me. "Okay, you can tell your friend that I’m very sorry."

"Do you think that your ‘sorry’ will deal with the fact that his two kids could’ve never seen him again?" I yelled. "Come on, man. Be serious."

Charlie was silent. "Okay, Diane. Please. Just tell this joker to go home, and let’s talk this through."


"I’ve done everything for you."

"Charlie, don’t."

He paced the floor, making himself at home. "Your car."

"Charlie, stop."

"Your job."

"Charlie, STOP!" she screamed.

I really didn’t know what to say. Charlie looked at her, to me, then back at her. "You haven’t told him?"

There was something very, very wrong about this picture. Diane looked like she was about to faint. "Diane?" I said softly.

Tears were streaming down her face. "I have skin cancer, Guy."




dun dun dun. :stunned:.




this is shocking!!!:bomb:

chapter 9!!!!:lol:

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YUM, MARISA. :wink3:!!



i love it!! :heart:!!!


EDIT: the next chapter of 'canyon' will be up soon, by the way.

thanks christina!!:dance::heart:

OMG i love golden opportunity


and hey guys !! x

thanks emma!! :D

@christina- yay! :dance:

@marisa- ooh, steamy!! :wink3: :D

:lol: :wink3:





My eyes opened to complete darkness. I felt my face pressed up against something soft, that smelled like strong fabric softener. There was a cool draft on my back, and I realized it was completely bare. Something was wrong about this picture. Suddenly, I felt another presence in the room. When I turned my head a few inches, this sharp throbbing hit my brain like a ton of bricks. All I could think was that someone must be stabbing me in the head. I moaned loudly in pain. "Guy? Good morning." a soft, innocent voice said to my right. I looked up into bright light, and my eyes couldn’t focus well. When I adjusted, I saw a beautiful blonde woman standing at the foot of the bed. By the smell and the sheet covers, I realized it wasn’t my bed. She looked awfully familiar. Her hair was perfectly straight, she was dressed in a navy blue business suit, and had this look on her face like I was a piece of dirt on a perfectly white rug. "G’ morning." I mumbled softly back.

There was a silence while we both thought of what to say. I looked around the room a little, and all I could see was spotless white furniture, and my bare back. "I’m naked." was the most intelligent thing I could say.

She nodded.

"Did we have sex?" I whispered.



She made that disgusted face again as I tried as hard as I could to remember her name. I noticed an envelope on the end table addressed to ‘Diane Owens’. That was it.

"You want to go get breakfast?"

"Okay." she tried to smile.

We sat in this fancy diner in West Hollywood in silence. I ordered toast, she just got water, claiming she felt queasy. "So, um." my voice shook. "I know this is weird to ask you after… well… everything that’s happened but… what do you do?"

She furrowed her brow. "I’m a lawyer." she chuckled. "We, um. We talked about this last night."

I felt my face get red and heated. "Right. Sorry. Having trouble remembering."

More fucking silence.

"Did I tell you what I do?"

Her smile was beautiful. "I know what you do. My sister is a big fan of yours."

I smiled weakly when her face suddenly paled. I noticed a tall, fit man with short and messy black hair walking up to our table. "Diane." he laughed, I noticed an accent of some sort. "What are you doing here?" he smiled at me. Smile back, you idiot.

Her eyes were wide, and her face was white. "Charlie, hi. I’m just here with a client. Guy Berryman, this is my husband Charlie Owens."

My stomach flipped.







I busted through the front door of the stadium to find Will, Jonny and Chris hanging around for me in front of the stage. Chris’s daughter Apple was sitting on his lap, playing with some sort of doll. "It’s about time."

"Not really in the mood for that." I snapped. "Didn’t have such a great night last night."

Will furrowed his brow. "What happened?"

"Well, I met this girl at this bar."

"Uh-oh." Chris grinned, and put his hands over his daughter’s tiny ears. "Continue."

"Long story short, we got really drunk and I woke up naked in her house. Oh, and I met her husband this morning."

The three of them were silent as their eyes bulged simultaneously. Chris looked at Jon, Jon looked at Will, and Will looked up at me. "Are you serious?" he chuckled.

I noticed Jon and Chris trying to hold back laughter. Instead of laughing as well, I just got angry. "Come on, guys. It’s not funny."

"It kind of is." Jon chuckled. "Seriously Guy, you can’t help but laugh."

"If this guy ever finds out, he’s going to murder me."

"What does he look like?" Chris asked, playfully pulling at his daughter’s golden locks. She giggled loudly and smiled up at him with bright blue eyes.

"He’s tall, fit and British. Might as well be perfect, right?" I jumped onto the stage and grabbed by bass.

"Guy, you couldn’t have known." Jon smiled sympathetically. "She… she um, what do the kids call it?"

"She played you." Will said.

"That’s it." Jon said, shaking a pointer finger. "She played you, Guy."

My heart sunk. And for some reason, I felt like I needed to defend her. "But." My voice cracked as I looked into the distance for an answer. "But I really feel like we got along."

"The alcohol made you feel like you got along." Chris said as Apple nodded, pretending to know what we were talking about.

Scenes of last night were coming back to me now. She was wearing a red dress, and must’ve had at lest seven Cosmos while I was there. We talked for hours. And that night. She was so amazing. And so married. Then I got angry. "Let’s just fucking play guys."

Chris’s eyes bulged. "Watch the language!"











My fingers danced across the neck of his bass. It’d been what, seven, eight weeks since things happened with Diane? No call. No visit. Nothing. I had to get over it somehow, and I knew the way wasn’t alcohol.

I decided to go to Chris’s house. His wife was out of town filming some sort of movie or something, so, I knew I wasn’t going to be around that happy little loving family thing that I had to deal with every day. When I got to the front door, he was just walking out with his two kids. "Hey, Guy, what are you doing here?" he chuckled, adjusting his green military hat.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked, smiling at his kids who were now running around him, screaming like tea kettles.

"No." He shook his head and tossed a pink ball towards his littlest. "No, we were just about to go to the zoo. Wanna come?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I need to talk to you about a few things."

Chris’s face froze. "Okay, but don‘t you curse again. Apple was talking about fucking for two weeks." he whispered the curse word.


The two of us sat on a green wooden bench in front of the tigers as Chris’s kids tried to mimic the animal’s moves. "I just." My voice was really high for some reason. "I remember things more now about that night. She was telling me about how her and her husband really didn’t get along that well anymore, and they might divorce. She even suspected him of cheating!" I don’t know why I had so much energy. "And after we fu-"

"Colored." Chris said loudly, looking down at his kids and back at me.

"After we colored." I repeated. "Chris, she said she was going to leave him. I don’t know if she was drunk or something but, I remembered that."

Chris turned to face me. His bright blue eyes were full of confusion. "Are you sticking up for this cheating woman?"

"I think I am." My heart hid behind my lungs, ashamed by it’s true feelings.

Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrating. Chris scrambled to get something brown and dirty out of his son’s mouth as I pressed the accept button. "Hello?" I grunted.

"Guy?" A familiar voice called.

I stood up, completely alert. "Diane. Um, wow hi."

"Hey." her voice was shaking. "Listen, um, can we get together for lunch? There’s something I really need to talk to you about."

Leaving Charlie. Please let it be leaving Charlie. "Okay." I tried to think. "Geisha house at 12:30?"

"See you then." She said rather quickly and hung up the phone.

Diane snapped her cell phone closed and threw it on the table like it was made of acid. She stared blankly at it while she felt herself getting sick again. As fast as she could, she ran into the bathroom and threw her head in front of the toilet, staring at that stupid pink stick the entire time she vomited.









When I got to the Geisha house she was already there, dressed in another suit. This one black. I smiled softly as I walked towards her table. "Hi." My voice was practically a whisper.

Diane smiled. "Hi. Sit, please."

I took a seat across from her and tried to get used to my surroundings. Diane looked pale, slightly sweaty. I thought of Charlie. "You look very pretty."

"Thank you." she smiled blankly.

I think we were both having flash backs of our meeting in the diner. "Okay Guy, I’m going to get right down to the point."

My toes curled, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Something about this was making me really nervous.

Diane took a few breaths, and stared straight into my eyes. "I’m pregnant."

Shit. Double shit. She couldn’t have meant what she’d just said. This was a dream. This was all a bad dream. Oh my god. My stomach started to churn as the room started to spin. "W…what did you just say?"

She leaned in. "Listen, I know this is a lot for you to deal with. I just wanted you to know."

"How do you know it’s mine?" I panted.

"Charlie and I haven’t slept together in months." She leaned in and put her hand on mine. Either hers were extremely hot, or mine were freezing. "Guy, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You were at wrong place at the wrong time. I was terrible to you all those weeks ago. There was too much alcohol, and my perception was off. You were sweet, you were there. And I just fucked it all up." She paused for a minute, noticing the blood draining from my face. "Guy? Guy are you okay?"

And before I knew it, I couldn’t answer because I’d passed out.

"Good morning." I heard Chris’s voice say. "Come on, wake up. That’s it."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital room, dressed in a gown that reeked of cotton balls. The beeping sound I heard must’ve been my heart beat because it was speeding up. "Where’s Diane?" I groaned.

"She had to go back to work or something." Chris sat on the foot of the bed. "Very nice woman, by the way. She said she’d call you later tonight."

I looked straight into his eyes. "Did you hear?"

"I did. Congratulations, mate."

Did I hear that right? "Did I hear that right?"

He chuckled. "Guy, I know it’s not the best of situations but come on. You’re going to be a father! The best job in the world."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Chris. She’s married and we obviously didn’t plan this."

He tore into something. "Diane told me to tell you that she’s going to tell Charlie, whoever that is tonight, and that you can be apart of the baby’s life as much as possible." He paused. "Again, very nice woman."

I opened my eyes to see him eating my jello. "Do the other guys know?"

He played around with the red cube as it danced off his spoon, like it had a mind of it’s own. "They know you fainted, they don’t know about the baby yet."

Before I could answer a woman in hot pink scrubs walked into the room. "Hello Mr. Berryman." She said with a heavy New York accent. "I’m Sarah I’m going to be needin’ to take some blood from yah tahday."

I sat up and put my arm out as I saw Chris’s face get a little pale. "You okay?"

He looked up at me, back at the needle and nodded. "Yeah."

Sarah took out a long thin needle. She wiped an area of my bare arm with a wet, cold cloth and pushed the needle in. I felt a slight stinging. To my right, I heard a large thump. Sarah and I turned our heads simultaneously to see Chris sprawled out on the floor.

"Well, you’re just a bunch’o fainters, aren’t yah?"










Chris’s eyes opened slowly. He saw a familiar brown haired figure towards the end of the room. "Sorry, Guy. I stole your fainting thunder."

"Apology accepted." Guy chuckled and walked closer to the bed. "Will you be okay here by yourself for a while? I have to go talk to Diane… and Jon won’t be here for another twenty minutes or so."

"I’m not a baby. I’ll be fine." He smiled, and pulled Guy in for a kiss on the forehead. "Good luck, mate."

Chris saw Guy smile for the first time in weeks. He watched him walk out the door, down the hall, and step into the elevator. He was so proud of his friend.

A few minutes later, with nothing to do, Chris started playing with his IV for a few minutes, flicking it around as the water slowly made its way into his arm. He looked up when he suddenly heard a loud bang. There was a tall man dressed in a black suit practically sprinting in his direction. He had dark black hair and piercing blue eyes. Chris was alarmed by all the anger in his expression. The man walked into Chris’s room, closed and locked the glass door behind him. Chris’s heart sunk as the man grabbed him by the hospital gown, pulled him out of the bed and threw him against the wall. "Where the fuck do you get off sleeping with my wife?" he screamed.

The man pulled Chris up and threw his fist into Chris’s jaw, blood starting to fly. "Huh?" The man said, punching him again. "Do you think you can sleep with whoever you want ‘cause you’re in a fuckin’ band, man?" he threw his fist into Chris’s jaw with every two words that came out of his mouth.

Chris could barely open his eyes, his face and jaw swelling from the blows, blood soaking his face. Then, there was a sudden loss of air as the man wrapped his hands around Chris’s neck. He wheezed loudly, trying to suck in any sort of air. Then, he was dropped, as the man was finally pulled off him by a security guard.








I could hear Diane’s heels clicking behind me as I ran to where I left my dear friend. We turned the corner to see what looked like a disaster area. The glass door had been completely shattered. There were utensils everywhere, along with Chris’s blood smeared on the wall and floor. The doctors cleaning up looked up when I gasped in terror. "Room 9." One of them said to me. I jogged down the hall past a few more rooms, and turned into his room. Jonny was sleeping in a chair, a magazine sitting on his lap, and again, I could not help but gasp in terror. My poor friend, the one who told me that accidentally being a father was still ‘the best job in the world’, was as lying so helpless, and so pale. Bruises were set here and there all over his body, especially his neck. His eyes were closed, and a small clear tube was set over his face and into his nose, for breathing. "Oh, Chris." I whispered, taking a few steps toward him.

Diane was standing next to me. Her eyes full of tears, her hands over her mouth. She looked over at me and saw a few tears rolling down my cheek. "Oh, Guy. I’m so sorry." Her touch was soft on my shoulder.

I squeezed his frozen hand. "It should’ve been me."

Her blonde hair danced as she shook her head. "No, no it should not have happened."

"I’m the one he was after."

"And he’s in jail now, Guy." She gently placed her hands on my face, turning my head to face her. "No one deserves this."

My shoulders started to shake, as I was now sobbing. Diane gently leaned my head onto her shoulder as I broke out into tears. Her touch was so comforting, letting me know that I could cry as much as I needed.





CHAPTER 7 [new!]



"How about Oliver?" Diane asked, picking up another cookie.

I furrowed my brow. "Is our child going to be running around in tights singing songs?"

"Maybe!" Diane busted out into laughter.

Everything was going great. It’d been a month since the incident at the hospital. Chris was back home with his kids. He still had a limp, but he was home. Plus, Diane and I were trying to give this a try. We figured we should, since we were having a baby in seven months. She was so caring and so sweet to all my friends and family. For some reason it really did work.

I kissed the little lump growing on Diane’s belly. "You don’t want to be an Oliver, do you?" I whispered. "Oh, how about Harold?"

Diane looked up from the cookie she was dissolved in and thought. "I like Harold. Well, we don’t even know if it’s going to be a boy, so let’s think of some girls names as well. My mother’s name was Emily. What was yours?"


We giggled. I personally liked every name we picked out, I was just having fun making Diane laugh when I made fun of them. She had the most beautiful smile.

She rested her head on my stomach and picked up yet another baby book. "I personally love the name Isla."

"Isla? Ugh, we’re never going to get this right. Maybe we should just name it "Insert Name Here"."

Now we were both laughing hysterically.


On the other side of town, Charlie was sitting in what was left of his home with is now ex wife on the mind. He couldn’t believe what she’d done. He shook in his skin, thinking about the fact that he almost killed the wrong man. The whole situation was wrong. Charlie picked up his keys, and headed over to Diane’s new apartment.




i guess what you would call the 'climax' is coming up in chapter 8. :D

SOOOOOOO good!!! :D:D:D:D:D:clap::clap:!!!

Holy crap...:uhoh2: I'm scared, Christina!

*stuffs popcorn in mouth as if watching a scary movie*

*joins kyra*

:wink3::wink3:I love this!!!:lol:id great and you're a great write

can't wait for the next chapter:dance::dance:

(whats your name by the way?:lol:)

thank you!! :D:D

i'm marisa. you?






We were curled up on the couch, watching a movie when there was a knock at the door. Diane looked confused, obviously saying she wasn’t expecting any guests. I stood up as she walked towards her front door slowly, as the knocking continued. There was some mumbling outside as she unlocked the chain and turned the knob. Standing outside the door, soaked from the pouring rain was Charlie. He was in one of his usual suits, anger filling his bright blue eyes when he locked with my eyes. Anger also filled my eyes, coming face to face with the man who almost killed my best friend. "Charlie." Diane said softly. "Please, just go away."

He happily let himself in and paced the floor. "I can’t fucking believe I’d find you here with him. With him! After all I’ve done for you, Diane!"

"Charlie, stop!" Diane yelled.

I stepped forward and swallowed hard. "Come on, man. Do yourself a favor and don’t make a scene. Just leave." You have no idea how much I wanted to strangle him, like he did Chris.

"Diane, come on. This is crazy. You know me, I just got angry and I did the wrong thing and I’m sorry!" He turned to me. "Okay, you can tell your friend that I’m very sorry."

"Do you think that your ‘sorry’ will deal with the fact that his two kids could’ve never seen him again?" I yelled. "Come on, man. Be serious."

Charlie was silent. "Okay, Diane. Please. Just tell this joker to go home, and let’s talk this through."


"I’ve done everything for you."

"Charlie, don’t."

He paced the floor, making himself at home. "Your car."

"Charlie, stop."

"Your job."

"Charlie, STOP!" she screamed.

I really didn’t know what to say. Charlie looked at her, to me, then back at her. "You haven’t told him?"

There was something very, very wrong about this picture. Diane looked like she was about to faint. "Diane?" I said softly.

Tears were streaming down her face. "I have skin cancer, Guy."




dun dun dun. :stunned:.

oh my god.


this is SO good!!! :D:D:D:D:dance::dance:

can't wait for 9!!! :dance:

:P!!! tomorrow, really!! chapter 9!! :D!!

how about now? :whip:


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