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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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the whole random story thing is becoming another coldplay-themed obsession for me, and i seem to enjoy placing the guys in random situations. like a forest.:lol:






Jonny shoved the twig over the fire, watching his marshmallow slowly turn brown. "Why are we here again?"


"Chris said he read something online that camping builds trust and friendship or bloody something," Guy frowned, sitting by Jon on a log.


Will sat near the tent, using a flashlight to read. "Hey! Toss me a marshmallow!"


As Guy handed Will a marshmallow, Chris randomly appeared from the forest around them. "OOH! MARSHMALLOWS!!!"


"Where've you been?" Jonny handed him a branch and the bag of s'mores supplies.


Chris shoved a marshmallow onto the stick. "When a guy has to go, a guy has to go!"


Guy cautiously inched away from Chris, forcing Jon to move over as well. "Look at those stars!" he changed the subject.


Will glanced up, too. "Wow."


They spent a few minutes silently watching the stars.




"What-OH MY GOD!" Chris had been holding his marshmallow over the fire, and now, it was ON fire. "WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO?" he shouted, flinging the twig back and forth.


Before anyone could answer, the marshmallow flew off the stick, and landed on Guy's lap. He screamed, jumping up and shaking it to the ground. Jonny stomped on the marshmallow, as Guy smacked himself :lol:, trying to extinguish the flames.


Finally, the flames were gone, and Guy glared at Chris. Will burst out laughing, falling backwards in his chair. The rest of the boys began to laugh, too, and for the rest of the night, Chris was not allowed to cook his own marshmallows.









part 1




Christopher Martin threw his last newspaper at the last house on his route. He smiled, riding his bike to his shack-like house uber fast. Once there, he hopped off and ran inside, finding his mother making their usual dinner-twiglets.


He set his pay for the week on the table, taking a seat. "I got a .3865731 of a cent raise today, mum!"


His mum grinned and set a bowl of twiglets onto the table, getting one for herself, too. Chris' dad burst through the door, grinning as always.


"How was work?" Chris smiled as his dad sat beside him.


"Just wonderful!" he replied, shoving a forkful of his dinner into his mouth. "George says the tuba-making business is going to be booming...and he's never let me down before!"


Chris thought about how his dad built tubas for a living. "Great!"


His mum turned on their battery operated TV, flipping to the news.


"In the latest news," the announcer began, "famous candy maker Brian Eno is holding a worldwide competition. He has placed five golden magnets in his candies, which will allow five children to take a tour of his factory, and possibly win lots of cool stuff."


"Wouldn't it be great to win something like that?" Chris smiled at his dad.


His dad laughed. "It would...but it's very unlikely..."


"Just don't get your hopes up," his mum added. "And eat your twiglets before they get cold."


"Yes, mum."

















My knuckles were white form Diane squeezing the life out of them. I didn’t mind. She was nervous, and no one should tell her not to me. A human was about to be surgically removed from her stomach.

I was freaking out a little, too. This was it, and not until this moment had I realized exactly what was happening. A father. I was going to be a father. Yeah, I was ready thanks to the guys giving me some advice. But it was still scaring the shit out of me.

A few hours in, the guys finally arrived at the hospital. A sea of flowers and balloons filled up the window, waving at Diane who was really not in the mood to wave back. So, I did. They were all bummed to realize they had to be directed to the waiting room.

"You okay?"

I looked up. She was glowing. Sweaty, pale, but glowing. "Just a little nervous." She chuckled, and I kissed her on the forehead. "You’re doing amazing."

"Am I?"

I frowned. "I don’t even know what you should be doing."

She laughed hysterically. "Me neither!"

We talked for another hour or so, holding each others hands as tightly as possible, as if about to fall into a canyon.

Finally, the doctor busted through the door. "It’s time." was all he said, and a few nurses came in to wheel Diane’s bed out the door.

"Don’t you let go of my hand." She said, smiling up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"I won’t." I said, giving her a reassuring pat on the back. Ugh, I was such a wimp.

The nurses lead us through a maze of halls, past many people who just smiled and mumbled ‘congratulations’ as we passed by. Finally, the doctor was at our side as we reached the delivery room.

"It seems that Diane is toward her end stages." He frowned. "I’m so sorry."

I nodded, getting used to those heart wrenching words. "Hey doc. Is it possible that this will affect the baby immediately?"

He shook his head, and put a hand on my shoulder. "You’ll be taking care of this kid for a long time."

I felt my heart take a sigh of relief. Going through this once with someone you love was bad enough. Twice, twice probably would’ve killed me.

"Guy." Diane said, getting my attention again. "Let’s name her Maggie."

She was too sweet to me. After all the people I’d met in my life, after all the places I’d been, for the first time I knew exactly where I wanted to be. With her.

"No." I kissed her little pink lips. "No, let’s name her Isla."

"Really?" A tear rolled down her cheek.


It felt like forever, waiting for them to get that little baby out of her stomach. We sat there, talking about our son or daughter. I joked, saying I was praying it was a boy. She giggled, knowing I was a liar. I wanted it to be a girl, hoping it would look most like her.

"And here she is." The doctor said.

"She?" Diane and I said simultaneously.

He nodded, holding a tiny, greasy little baby up for us to see. "Congratulations you two, it’s a beautiful girl."

I couldn’t believe that I was a father. Everything got a little brighter. Air tasted a little sweeter, and that baby and her mother were just everything to me. I never believed that Chris was right about fatherhood, but he really, really was.

Her eyes, her lips, and especially her smile looked exactly like Diane. She did have my short, brown hair, though. The guys came in to our room, "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing at our little baby girl.

"What’s her name?" Will asked, wiggling his finger over her head, as she tried to figure out what it was.

"Isla." I said. "Isla Owens Berryman."



We were like a little family. First baths, first feeding, first everything. Of course, I couldn’t be there all the time as much as I wanted to. I had a few gigs those first couple months. Isla seemed to understand, though. That’s the great thing about kids, they just understand everything, no matter what it was.

When Isla was two months old, Diane was re-admitted to the hospital. She was always smiling though, always happy. The guys would come visit as well, and just hang out, singing songs and having a good time. Isla seemed to be very interested in Chris’s guitar, but always screamed her head off when he sang. Isla and I got along great. Just the way she’d look at me with those big blue eyes let me know that she knew exactly who I was, and how I was scared shitless. She was patient when I had to read directions on something, quiet when fed, and barely ever cried. We would go and visit her mother every single day, and she’d fall asleep right on Diane’s chest, spitting images of each other.

And one day in the summer, Diane was gone.





hope you liked it! :D!


awww :cry:

great ending!


well i posted ch4 up there^^^^^^first post on this page

heres ch5


"Good evening madam."Gordon said,and took her hand and kissed it.She introduced herself and he scooted in beside me.

"Hey,Guy,hows my favorite Scottish rockstar doing?"He said,shaking my hand.

"Just great and you?"I laughed.

"Perfectly alright,do you see anything you like other,than Miss Amy?"He smirked.

It was my turn to redden."Hmm,which wine do you prefer?"

"Bordeaux"She replied.



"Great ,I'll get you guys your wine and when I come back I hope to see you guys ready to order and not smooching,yes?"Gordon laughed.

"maybe..."We both said and laughed.

"So how do you like Gordon?"

"Holy shit Guy,I didn't know you knew Gordon Ramsay!!"

"Well now we both do!"I said.

She got up and slid in next to me,she wrapped her arms around me,"thank you so much,you dont know how much this means to me!"She whispered.

"Meeting Gordon?"I questioned.

"Not only that:wacky:everything you've done so far,especially treating me nice:)"She grinned.

"Your very welcome,and I always treat ladies nice,particularly ones who treat me nice back."I grinned too.We looked each other straight in the eyes ...

"I thought I said no smooching."Gordon laughed.Amy,smiling,returned to her original seat,whilst he set the drinks down on the table,the wine tasted great.

"Now what would you like to order?"he continued.

"Amy will have the Lemon Butter Chicken and I will have the Mushroom Ravioli:D"I replied.Gordon walked off to place our orders.

"I'm glad I came to dinner with you Guy."She stated.

"I am too Amy,I'm really glad:elvis:."I said truthfully


i like your story!! :D

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How Infinite is Space?

Part 20 AKA last part :uhoh:



"Are we almost there, yet? I like seeing, you know." Chris was sat, blindfolded, in the passenger seat of Jonny's car. They were driving to have lunch at some secret location that Jonny didn't want Chris to know about.


"Almost. Just wait a few more minutes."


"I don't see why you had to blindfold me, it's not like I can't just take it off."


"Yeah, but you've been sitting like that for half an hour. If you really wanted to, you'd have taken it off already."


"Hmm, good point." A few minutes passed by, and suddenly the car stopped.


"OK, you can take it off now. Um, the blindfold, I mean." Chris laughed as he pulled the blindfold off.


"I know what you meant, silly. Whoa..." They were parked on the side of the road, in front of a beautiful park Chris had never seen before. Dozens of trees lined the horizon, and there was a fountain of a man and woman in the center. They both got out of the car, and Jonny opened the trunk to get a basket out as Chris stood against the side of the car, stunned and trying to absorb the magnificent sight in front of him.


"Happy one-year, love!" Jonny said as he walked towards Chris.


"Aw, J! You are... amazing, d'you know that?"


"Well, I try. Come on, I've got another surprise for you." Jonny grabbed Chris' arm and led him to a spot near the fountain. He laid down a blanket and they both sat, admiring the beauty that surrounded them.


"It's so beautiful here."


"I know," Jonny replied, staring at Chris. "Um, do you want to eat now? I made sandwiches."


"Yeah, OK." Jonny reached in the basket and pulled out two sandwiches. They sat on the blanket, eating and chatting about basically nothing for twenty minutes. At one point their conversation even included an in-depth analysis of The Spongebob Movie. Eventually they both ended up silently staring at the billowing clouds that were formed in the gorgeous blue sky.


"Do you ever think about life?" Jonny asked, breaking the silence.


"What do you mean?"


"Well, do you ever just sit and think about all the things that can happen to a person in one lifetime?"


"Um, I guess so... kinda?"


"Well, take us, for example. Like, we've been through so much together. I mean, we've been best friends for how long now?"


"Ten years."


"Exactly! And look at what we've gone through in the last year alone! Aliens, and spaceships, and..."


"...You almost died..."


"Yeah. And I know that was really hard on you. But I made it through just fine. We made it through just fine. And I have confidence that... hold on, let me get something first." Chris stared off at the fountain while Jonny rummaged through the basket. The man and woman looked so happy together. Very peaceful. He wondered if he and Jonny looked like that. They probably did. Then it suddenly hit him- how had he not noticed that before? The fountain... that man was proposing...


"Oh! Here it is!" Chris turned to Jonny. Sure enough, Jonny was holding a ring. "Um... where was I before?"


"Dunno," Chris mumbled absentmindedly, his gaze fixed on the ring.


"Oh... oh, right! I have confidence that... we can make it through anything together. Yeah? So... I know we're both guys, and it's a little weird, but... it is legal now, so it's all good, right?" Jonny chuckled, but Chris just continued staring. "...Chris?"


Chris moved his stunning blue eyes up and looked at Jonny. He grinned as his eyes met Jonny's.


"Is that a 'yes'?" Jonny grinned back.


"Yeah." Jonny squealed and hugged Chris.


"Oh my God, I can't believe I just squealed."


"Well, at least you stopped saying 'hells to the yeah'," Chris laughed.


"Yeah, I guess that's a plus." Jonny and Chris remained in a tight embrace, and may have stayed like that forever, had there not been a huge crash somewhere in the field.


"Why are there always crashes around us?" Chris looked around to see where the interruption had come from. He scanned the field, and saw what looked like a giant wooden box about fifty yards away from their picnic. "Oh, shit."




Commentary (by me)



ugh, cheesy ending. :rolleyes:

i kept thinking about this picture when i wrote this.




also, i wrote jonny's proposal speech a few days ago, and then i watched an interview with him and chris where the first words out of his mouth were "we've been through a lot together." :dead:


and, last but not least, an alternate ending for those who aren't so pleased with the cheesy happy ending:





"I had another one of those dreams again..."


"Oh, Chris. Not the one where-"


"Where Jonny's alive. And he proposed to me in the last one." Chris was on the phone with his psychiatrist. He'd been seeing the psychiatrist at least three times a week since his return to Earth. Although it had been a year, the sessions didn't help to fix the gaping hole in Chris' life.


"You need to get over this. I know it's very sad, and he meant a lot to you, but Jonny is in a better place now, and he'd want you to live your life to the fullest."


"I just want it to end."


"If you try to get over his death, you will. Maybe not completely, but the hurt will begin to fade if you go out and live a little. Go out to a club tonight and socialize a bit. You don't have to replace him, Chris. You just need to realize that there's more out there for you to experience."


"I just want it to end. All of it."


"... Chris? Where are you?"


"I'm at home."


"Stay there. I'll be over in about five minutes."


"I'm on the roof."


"Oh, God. Chris, please don't do anything. I'm coming over right now, and we can talk this through, OK? Just stay right there." Chris hung up the phone and tossed it to his right. He stood up and looked over the edge of the building. It was a long way down, but it looked promising. The end to his misery. And he could finally be with Jonny again. He climbed the small step that edged the roof, closed his eyes, and stepped forward.


He could finally be with Jonny again.













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NEXT CHAPTER!! finally :D


Ohh the drama :uhoh:


Something Worth Fighting For


Chapter four





Chris’ POV


I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. And another one. It went through my body with the speed of sound, causing me to arch in pain.


Will shoved his fist right into my abdomen, making my bowels moving inside me. I coughed out as one of his fists hit my chest and all the air went out of my lungs. I groaned out loud in hurt and couldn’t hold myself any longer up to my feet.


“Fucking faggot, fight like a man!” I heard Will shout through the waves of pain rolling inside my head and body.


He continued punching fists into me like if I was a sandbag. Always into my weakest spots where he would cause the most damage. He jumped down on me and pressed me down into the dirt again, I felt blood in my mouth, making its way down my throat.


With each punch he gave me he swore and spat on me. I could barely lift my arms to protect at least my face somehow, but I felt those strong and brutal hands ripping them away. The pain was growing inside me, I didn’t even feel his single punches anymore.

I just saw blood on his fists, which was probably mine, then on his clothes, and after a few more punches also on his face.


I closed my eyes in pain, just hoping that he would stop, I couldn’t, no, I didn’t even want to know I looked right now. My whole body was probably a mess of blood and gore and from what I’ve felt from my face, there had to be the same situation.


He finally stopped hitting me. I slowly opened one of my eyes again, because the other one was already swollen.


I saw him looking down at me, with a satisfied expression on his face, like an artist who is about to finish his painting.


“That’s how I feel everyday Chris, every bloody day, but thousand times worse. Do you know now why I couldn’t take it anymore?” he asked me, but his face expression changed, he looked almost hurt… caring.


I answered with the rest of air in my lungs, but only managed to gurgle up the blood in my throat. I moved my head slightly to the side where the big locked door was, and finally I saw my friends.


Their faces were ash-coloured, pure horror written on them, and I spotted also Jonny there, hammering, kicking and crying against the bloody door which just didn’t unlock.


“Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you!” Will shouted at me, now back with that deadly anger. I turned around quickly and stared into his eyes.


“Oh wow.” He suddenly said rather surprised.


“I’ve never thought I could fuck you up so much. Oh damn, haha, look at you man, you look like shit!” he laughed. He… he just laughed. He roared with laughter. He didn’t stop, and his aggressive laughter hurt in my ears.


Oh god, if there is any, please make it stop.


Then he stopped.


Will looked like as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with me now.


But I just wanted him to end this, the pain, just everything.


I was somehow able to understand him. He was only a human, who kept everything bottled up inside. And well, today it had to get out, and unfortunately I was near him.

The sorrow and the fact that he couldn’t change anything drove him crazy, his body was now a weapon of a lunatic mind, not of his own.


Because the old Will died back then, in the burning car, which was driven by his drunk wife.


I took all strength together which was left, and lifted up my hand. I ignored the massive pain it caused, and also the blood streams dripping down from it, and moved it upwards.

I moved it right onto Will’s face and rested it there.


He didn’t move, he didn’t even twitch. He seemed like as if he knew what was coming.


I breathed in as deeply as I could.


“I forgive you.” I whispered.


He gazed down at me, his dull glance clearing again, and little sparkles forming in his brown eyes.


“Thank you” he whispered even quieter. He placed a hand on my cheek and stroked me softly.


The edges of my view started getting all blurry, and Will’s face suddenly was so bright. I saw him smiling lovely at me, and I was so confused I didn’t know how to interpret it. Maybe he was sorry for what he had done, or maybe he was just happy that I was on my way to die, but hell, it didn’t matter anymore.


He stood up, and my eyes followed him.

He moved to the door, as if someone else was driving him.

Then I saw him opening it, and immediately Jonny attacked him and wrestling him to the ground.


I turned my head back again, looking at the ceiling. My vision got brighter and brighter.

Wasn’t it in the evening already? Why is it so bright? It hurts, my eyes are burning.


Suddenly someone else appeared in that little bit of my vision that was remaining.


It was Guy.


He had tears in his eyes, they were all red. For how long was he actually standing behind the door? For how long was Will torturing me?


Guy kneeled down next to me, his hands all over my body, and I could see his face was getting whiter and paler with every second. He probably looked at all the blood on me.

Then his glance came back on me.


He said something, but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t hear anything. I was deaf.


But I could feel him, so I turned my head into his direction.


He put his hands on my face, holding it carefully. He was still talking. Maybe he was asking what exactly caused all this.


I felt his hands trembling on my skin. My poor friend, don’t worry, I don’t feel any pain.


Suddenly there was another person appearing in my view. It was Jonny.


He looked as appalled as Guy, and his eyes were red too.


Then there was something hitting me. I felt it. And it felt horrible.


It hurt. I looked back at Guy, he was pressing both of his hands right onto my chest. And he was pushing them down on me in regular intervals.


I looked him in the eye, and he looked back at me, his glance so full of fear and loss.


And then I realised what was going on.


I was dead.





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NEXT CHAPTER!! finally :D


Ohh the drama :uhoh:


Something Worth Fighting For


Chapter three





Chris’ POV


I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. And another one. It went through my body with the speed of sound, causing me to arch in pain.


Will shoved his fist right into my abdomen, making my bowels moving inside me. I coughed out as one of his fists hit my chest and all the air went out of my lungs. I groaned out loud in hurt and couldn’t hold myself any longer up to my feet.


“Fucking faggot, fight like a man!” I heard Will shout through the waves of pain rolling inside my head and body.


He continued punching fists into me like if I was a sandbag. Always into my weakest spots where he would cause the most damage. He jumped down on me and pressed me down into the dirt again, I felt blood in my mouth, making its way down my throat.


With each punch he gave me he swore and spat on me. I could barely lift my arms to protect at least my face somehow, but I felt those strong and brutal hands ripping them away. The pain was growing inside me, I didn’t even feel his single punches anymore.

I just saw blood on his fists, which was probably mine, then on his clothes, and after a few more punches also on his face.


I closed my eyes in pain, just hoping that he would stop, I couldn’t, no, I didn’t even want to know I looked right now. My whole body was probably a mess of blood and gore and from what I’ve felt from my face, there had to be the same situation.


He finally stopped hitting me. I slowly opened one of my eyes again, because the other one was already swollen.


I saw him looking down at me, with a satisfied expression on his face, like an artist who is about to finish his painting.


“That’s how I feel everyday Chris, every bloody day, but thousand times worse. Do you know now why I couldn’t take it anymore?” he asked me, but his face expression changed, he looked almost hurt… caring.


I answered with the rest of air in my lungs, but only managed to gurgle up the blood in my throat. I moved my head slightly to the side where the big locked door was, and finally I saw my friends.


Their faces were ash-coloured, pure horror written on them, and I spotted also Jonny there, hammering, kicking and crying against the bloody door which just didn’t unlock.


“Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you!” Will shouted at me, now back with that deadly anger. I turned around quickly and stared into his eyes.


“Oh wow.” He suddenly said rather surprised.


“I’ve never thought I could fuck you up so much. Oh damn, haha, look at you man, you look like shit!” he laughed. He… he just laughed. He roared with laughter. He didn’t stop, and his aggressive laughter hurt in my ears.


Oh god, if there is any, please make it stop.


Then he stopped.


Will looked like as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with me now.


But I just wanted him to end this, the pain, just everything.


I was somehow able to understand him. He was only a human, who kept everything bottled up inside. And well, today it had to get out, and unfortunately I was near him.

The sorrow and the fact that he couldn’t change anything drove him crazy, his body was now a weapon of a lunatic mind, not of his own.


Because the old Will died back then, in the burning car, which was driven by his drunk wife.


I took all strength together which was left, and lifted up my hand. I ignored the massive pain it caused, and also the blood streams dripping down from it, and moved it upwards.

I moved it right onto Will’s face and rested it there.


He didn’t move, he didn’t even twitch. He seemed like as if he knew what was coming.


I breathed in as deeply as I could.


“I forgive you.” I whispered.


He gazed down at me, his dull glance clearing again, and little sparkles forming in his brown eyes.


“Thank you” he whispered even quieter. He placed a hand on my cheek and stroked me softly.


The edges of my view started getting all blurry, and Will’s face suddenly was so bright. I saw him smiling lovely at me, and I was so confused I didn’t know how to interpret it. Maybe he was sorry for what he had done, or maybe he was just happy that I was on my way to die, but hell, it didn’t matter anymore.


He stood up, and my eyes followed him.

He moved to the door, as if someone else was driving him.

Then I saw him opening it, and immediately Jonny attacked him and wrestling him to the ground.


I turned my head back again, looking at the ceiling. My vision got brighter and brighter.

Wasn’t it in the evening already? Why is it so bright? It hurts, my eyes are burning.


Suddenly someone else appeared in that little bit of my vision that was remaining.


It was Guy.


He had tears in his eyes, they were all red. For how long was he actually standing behind the door? For how long was Will torturing me?


Guy kneeled down next to me, his hands all over my body, and I could see his face was getting whiter and paler with every second. He probably looked at all the blood on me.

Then his glance came back on me.


He said something, but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t hear anything. I was deaf.


But I could feel him, so I turned my head into his direction.


He put his hands on my face, holding it carefully. He was still talking. Maybe he was asking what exactly caused all this.


I felt his hands trembling on my skin. My poor friend, don’t worry, I don’t feel any pain.


Suddenly there was another person appearing in my view. It was Jonny.


He looked as appalled as Guy, and his eyes were red too.


Then there was something hitting me. I felt it. And it felt horrible.


It hurt. I looked back at Guy, he was pressing both of his hands right onto my chest. And he was pushing them down on me in regular intervals.


I looked him in the eye, and he looked back at me, his glance so full of fear and loss.


And then I realised what was going on.


I was dead.






Wow!! :stunned:


Somehow I hate Will now :laugh3:

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NEXT CHAPTER!! finally :D


Ohh the drama :uhoh:


Something Worth Fighting For


Chapter three





Chris’ POV


I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. And another one. It went through my body with the speed of sound, causing me to arch in pain.


Will shoved his fist right into my abdomen, making my bowels moving inside me. I coughed out as one of his fists hit my chest and all the air went out of my lungs. I groaned out loud in hurt and couldn’t hold myself any longer up to my feet.


“Fucking faggot, fight like a man!” I heard Will shout through the waves of pain rolling inside my head and body.


He continued punching fists into me like if I was a sandbag. Always into my weakest spots where he would cause the most damage. He jumped down on me and pressed me down into the dirt again, I felt blood in my mouth, making its way down my throat.


With each punch he gave me he swore and spat on me. I could barely lift my arms to protect at least my face somehow, but I felt those strong and brutal hands ripping them away. The pain was growing inside me, I didn’t even feel his single punches anymore.

I just saw blood on his fists, which was probably mine, then on his clothes, and after a few more punches also on his face.


I closed my eyes in pain, just hoping that he would stop, I couldn’t, no, I didn’t even want to know I looked right now. My whole body was probably a mess of blood and gore and from what I’ve felt from my face, there had to be the same situation.


He finally stopped hitting me. I slowly opened one of my eyes again, because the other one was already swollen.


I saw him looking down at me, with a satisfied expression on his face, like an artist who is about to finish his painting.


“That’s how I feel everyday Chris, every bloody day, but thousand times worse. Do you know now why I couldn’t take it anymore?” he asked me, but his face expression changed, he looked almost hurt… caring.


I answered with the rest of air in my lungs, but only managed to gurgle up the blood in my throat. I moved my head slightly to the side where the big locked door was, and finally I saw my friends.


Their faces were ash-coloured, pure horror written on them, and I spotted also Jonny there, hammering, kicking and crying against the bloody door which just didn’t unlock.


“Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you!” Will shouted at me, now back with that deadly anger. I turned around quickly and stared into his eyes.


“Oh wow.” He suddenly said rather surprised.


“I’ve never thought I could fuck you up so much. Oh damn, haha, look at you man, you look like shit!” he laughed. He… he just laughed. He roared with laughter. He didn’t stop, and his aggressive laughter hurt in my ears.


Oh god, if there is any, please make it stop.


Then he stopped.


Will looked like as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with me now.


But I just wanted him to end this, the pain, just everything.


I was somehow able to understand him. He was only a human, who kept everything bottled up inside. And well, today it had to get out, and unfortunately I was near him.

The sorrow and the fact that he couldn’t change anything drove him crazy, his body was now a weapon of a lunatic mind, not of his own.


Because the old Will died back then, in the burning car, which was driven by his drunk wife.


I took all strength together which was left, and lifted up my hand. I ignored the massive pain it caused, and also the blood streams dripping down from it, and moved it upwards.

I moved it right onto Will’s face and rested it there.


He didn’t move, he didn’t even twitch. He seemed like as if he knew what was coming.


I breathed in as deeply as I could.


“I forgive you.” I whispered.


He gazed down at me, his dull glance clearing again, and little sparkles forming in his brown eyes.


“Thank you” he whispered even quieter. He placed a hand on my cheek and stroked me softly.


The edges of my view started getting all blurry, and Will’s face suddenly was so bright. I saw him smiling lovely at me, and I was so confused I didn’t know how to interpret it. Maybe he was sorry for what he had done, or maybe he was just happy that I was on my way to die, but hell, it didn’t matter anymore.


He stood up, and my eyes followed him.

He moved to the door, as if someone else was driving him.

Then I saw him opening it, and immediately Jonny attacked him and wrestling him to the ground.


I turned my head back again, looking at the ceiling. My vision got brighter and brighter.

Wasn’t it in the evening already? Why is it so bright? It hurts, my eyes are burning.


Suddenly someone else appeared in that little bit of my vision that was remaining.


It was Guy.


He had tears in his eyes, they were all red. For how long was he actually standing behind the door? For how long was Will torturing me?


Guy kneeled down next to me, his hands all over my body, and I could see his face was getting whiter and paler with every second. He probably looked at all the blood on me.

Then his glance came back on me.


He said something, but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t hear anything. I was deaf.


But I could feel him, so I turned my head into his direction.


He put his hands on my face, holding it carefully. He was still talking. Maybe he was asking what exactly caused all this.


I felt his hands trembling on my skin. My poor friend, don’t worry, I don’t feel any pain.


Suddenly there was another person appearing in my view. It was Jonny.


He looked as appalled as Guy, and his eyes were red too.


Then there was something hitting me. I felt it. And it felt horrible.


It hurt. I looked back at Guy, he was pressing both of his hands right onto my chest. And he was pushing them down on me in regular intervals.


I looked him in the eye, and he looked back at me, his glance so full of fear and loss.


And then I realised what was going on.


I was dead.







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NEXT CHAPTER!! finally :D


Ohh the drama :uhoh:


Something Worth Fighting For


Chapter three





Chris’ POV


I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. And another one. It went through my body with the speed of sound, causing me to arch in pain.


Will shoved his fist right into my abdomen, making my bowels moving inside me. I coughed out as one of his fists hit my chest and all the air went out of my lungs. I groaned out loud in hurt and couldn’t hold myself any longer up to my feet.


“Fucking faggot, fight like a man!” I heard Will shout through the waves of pain rolling inside my head and body.


He continued punching fists into me like if I was a sandbag. Always into my weakest spots where he would cause the most damage. He jumped down on me and pressed me down into the dirt again, I felt blood in my mouth, making its way down my throat.


With each punch he gave me he swore and spat on me. I could barely lift my arms to protect at least my face somehow, but I felt those strong and brutal hands ripping them away. The pain was growing inside me, I didn’t even feel his single punches anymore.

I just saw blood on his fists, which was probably mine, then on his clothes, and after a few more punches also on his face.


I closed my eyes in pain, just hoping that he would stop, I couldn’t, no, I didn’t even want to know I looked right now. My whole body was probably a mess of blood and gore and from what I’ve felt from my face, there had to be the same situation.


He finally stopped hitting me. I slowly opened one of my eyes again, because the other one was already swollen.


I saw him looking down at me, with a satisfied expression on his face, like an artist who is about to finish his painting.


“That’s how I feel everyday Chris, every bloody day, but thousand times worse. Do you know now why I couldn’t take it anymore?” he asked me, but his face expression changed, he looked almost hurt… caring.


I answered with the rest of air in my lungs, but only managed to gurgle up the blood in my throat. I moved my head slightly to the side where the big locked door was, and finally I saw my friends.


Their faces were ash-coloured, pure horror written on them, and I spotted also Jonny there, hammering, kicking and crying against the bloody door which just didn’t unlock.


“Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you!” Will shouted at me, now back with that deadly anger. I turned around quickly and stared into his eyes.


“Oh wow.” He suddenly said rather surprised.


“I’ve never thought I could fuck you up so much. Oh damn, haha, look at you man, you look like shit!” he laughed. He… he just laughed. He roared with laughter. He didn’t stop, and his aggressive laughter hurt in my ears.


Oh god, if there is any, please make it stop.


Then he stopped.


Will looked like as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with me now.


But I just wanted him to end this, the pain, just everything.


I was somehow able to understand him. He was only a human, who kept everything bottled up inside. And well, today it had to get out, and unfortunately I was near him.

The sorrow and the fact that he couldn’t change anything drove him crazy, his body was now a weapon of a lunatic mind, not of his own.


Because the old Will died back then, in the burning car, which was driven by his drunk wife.


I took all strength together which was left, and lifted up my hand. I ignored the massive pain it caused, and also the blood streams dripping down from it, and moved it upwards.

I moved it right onto Will’s face and rested it there.


He didn’t move, he didn’t even twitch. He seemed like as if he knew what was coming.


I breathed in as deeply as I could.


“I forgive you.” I whispered.


He gazed down at me, his dull glance clearing again, and little sparkles forming in his brown eyes.


“Thank you” he whispered even quieter. He placed a hand on my cheek and stroked me softly.


The edges of my view started getting all blurry, and Will’s face suddenly was so bright. I saw him smiling lovely at me, and I was so confused I didn’t know how to interpret it. Maybe he was sorry for what he had done, or maybe he was just happy that I was on my way to die, but hell, it didn’t matter anymore.


He stood up, and my eyes followed him.

He moved to the door, as if someone else was driving him.

Then I saw him opening it, and immediately Jonny attacked him and wrestling him to the ground.


I turned my head back again, looking at the ceiling. My vision got brighter and brighter.

Wasn’t it in the evening already? Why is it so bright? It hurts, my eyes are burning.


Suddenly someone else appeared in that little bit of my vision that was remaining.


It was Guy.


He had tears in his eyes, they were all red. For how long was he actually standing behind the door? For how long was Will torturing me?


Guy kneeled down next to me, his hands all over my body, and I could see his face was getting whiter and paler with every second. He probably looked at all the blood on me.

Then his glance came back on me.


He said something, but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t hear anything. I was deaf.


But I could feel him, so I turned my head into his direction.


He put his hands on my face, holding it carefully. He was still talking. Maybe he was asking what exactly caused all this.


I felt his hands trembling on my skin. My poor friend, don’t worry, I don’t feel any pain.


Suddenly there was another person appearing in my view. It was Jonny.


He looked as appalled as Guy, and his eyes were red too.


Then there was something hitting me. I felt it. And it felt horrible.


It hurt. I looked back at Guy, he was pressing both of his hands right onto my chest. And he was pushing them down on me in regular intervals.


I looked him in the eye, and he looked back at me, his glance so full of fear and loss.


And then I realised what was going on.


I was dead.






THALIA! :bigcry: THIS IS SOOOOOOO GOOD. :wideeyed:

And thank you for finally posting another chapter! :lol:




There were a lot of chapters to read, but your story is very good so far.

I'm Kyra by the way...nice to meet you! :D


Edit: Okay, so I finished it...and...:bigcry:

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