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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Well, I hope you like it and as usual I don't have a plan :lol: It might be just a little one-shot with an open ending, I don't know...



A Song For You










Guy was never shy when it came to his bedroom mirror. He would sing, dance and do all kinds of things in front of it.


The knowledge that no one else saw him made him feel more liberated than anyone could ever imagine. He only did this things in public when he was completely wasted which didn’t happen too often these days so he had to find another way. In front of his beloved, full-length mirror.


But being in a band helped him loosen up and feel relaxed as well. He had to play everyday in front of thousands of people, so he got used to it. However, he would never do what he did in private for all the audiences to see. It was bad enough the guys caught him one day while he was getting dressed after a shower, singing “Sexual Healing”, fully committed to the song. He could remember vividly the looks on his friends’ faces. Will, Chris and Jonny didn’t shut up about it for a whole month.


Today, Guy was softly singing something new, something he created all by himself. Lyrics, melody, everything. He knew he had a decent voice, but he was just afraid to use it out loud sometimes. He was afraid of failing, of being laughed at. He guessed it was a complex from a long time ago, from a time where boys teased him in the playground at school, right after he moved from Scotland. Stupid assholes!, he thought.


It was unusual for him to consider the idea of showing a song he wrote to the other members of the band but today he just gathered up the courage to do it. He had a lot of unfinished songs that no one else knew about. Maybe he would show it someday and give them the opportunity to be heard.



In the studio, Jonny and Will were playing PlayStation like they always did before rehearsals.

Chris said he would be working on a piano part before they joined him downstairs but they all knew he was just on the phone with his wife, telling her about some recent hair loss. She would tell him it didn’t matter to her even if he was completely bald which resulted in a lovey-dovey conversation, which in turn resulted in a very productive session for the band. It was a win-win situation for everybody.


Guy parked his car and slowly walked towards the front door, whistling along the way. He was nervous with the material he brought to show his mates. But they were his best friends, they wouldn’t make him feel embarrassed or humiliated. He hoped.


“Hey! I’m sorry I’m late. I overslept.” He told his football-addicted friends. “You ready to go downstairs and work a little?”


The two other men didn’t look up. “Huh?” Will asked, deeply concentrated on the game he was playing. “We’ll be right there.”


“Yeah, go ahead, we’re just finishing this.” Jonny added, furiously pressing most of the buttons at the same time.


They were just like his nephews, Guy realized. Except his nephews were 4 and 5 years old. Maybe it’s these guys mental age, he mused.



Walking down the stairs, Guy could hear Chris make kissing noises to the phone he held in his hand and he knew that meant the call was almost over.


“Love you more…No, you hang up….You…You hang up.” Chris was giggling like a little kid, facing the wall, so he couldn’t see Guy entering the room. “Tell the kids I love them, okay?... Now you hang up.” He repeated, softly.


Oh boy, this could go on and on, Guy just knew, so he decided to make some noise with a chair.


Chris turned around, his cheeks reddening. “Honey, I gotta go. Guy’s here… Love you too.” He flipped his cell phone shut.


“Hello! So who hung up?” Guy teased, smiling coyly at his blue-eyed friend.


“Shut up!” Chris responded, with a small smile.


“Hum, Chris?”




“I made a little song and I… uh, I was wondering if you wanted to listen to it…”


Chris looked up at him, surprised. Guy never presented them any kind of song. Never. He worked with them on studio, he stayed in there afterwards or came in before all of them but he never showed them any musical work that wasn’t related to the songs based on Chris’ lyrics.


“Of course.” He said, sitting down immediately in front of the bassist.


Guy didn’t move for his bass or the electric guitar he brought with him, going to the piano instead. Now that was another surprise for Chris, who stood quietly in his seat.


The bass player took a deep breath and then, his hands and voice took over. The deep sounds of the instrument assaulted the whole building, grabbing Jonny and Will’s attention.

The duo descended the stairs slowly, not wanting to interrupt the sound. Oddly, they knew it wasn’t the frontman playing. It was different. Why? They couldn’t explain, they just knew.


Sure enough, the singer sat, mesmerized, looking in the piano’s direction where Guy now accompanied the beautiful sounds of the instrument with his own profound voice.


Next thing they knew, the song was over and the three band members sat together, his expressions quite similar. A shocked look in their eyes, their mouths slightly open.


“So, what do you think?” Guy finally asked.






ooh, it's so good!! more!!! :D

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PART 3 (The last chapter for at least 24 hours)


Well, this is my temporary goodbye! I have to leave soon for the flight to Brazil. If you don't hear from me within 72 hours, assume that I've died in a fiery plane crash. Yes, if you haven't been able to figure it out yet, I have a minor fear of flying. :bigcry:





When we reached my front door some twenty minutes later, I realized I had left my key in the car. “You fuckin’ idiot!” cried Guy, punching me in the arm. “Now what?”


“How much Stella did you drink, you twat?” I yelled, shoving him. He weakly shoved me back.


“You can just fuck yourself, Chrissy!”


“You son of a female dog!” I gasped, slapping him upside the head. “I should’ve let you drive home and kill yourself!” Immediately after I said that, I regretted it. Guy was just high-strung. Why wouldn’t he be? We’d just seen a bloody ghost! “Look, I’m sorry...”


“Screw you.” he hissed, stumbling down the stairs. “This is just fuckin’ excellent! What are we supposed to do, huh? I mean, what the hell did we see? This can’t be happening.” he said, resting his head in his hands. I sighed and moved up to him.


“We’ll just walk to Jonny’s house.”


“Fine.” muttered Guy. “But hurry...I think I’m gonna be sick.”


I grabbed him by the arm once more and started walking...once more. Ten minutes later, we arrived at Jonny’s front door. I tried knocking once, quietly. Then Guy pushed me out of the way and banged on it a few times. “Stop!” I scolded, shoving him. “You’ll wake his kids!”


“He’s upstairs, give him a minute, Mr. Berryman.” said an old woman to our left. We turned, and Guy screamed, running behind me and affixing himself to my back.


“Mama!” he cried. “It’s Mama!”


“What?” I choked out, wondering what the hell he was talking about.


“I asked you to call me Mama, remember?” the lady said, smiling sweetly. Guy nodded, but I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.


“Look, uh, Mama...why are you doing this to us?”


“I told you, Mr. Martin...Jonathan is in danger.”


“Why?” I asked desperately, my heart pounding. But just like that, she was gone.


“Am I interrupting something?” asked Jonny, who’d just opened the door. He was probably a bit confused by the sight of Guy clinging to my waist and me cowering at the bottom of the stairwell.


“Jonny!” Guy cried, letting go of me and running up the stairs. He hugged Jonny tightly before running into his house.


“Uh...what’s up with him?”


“He’s drunk.” I muttered.


“Oh. That explains it."


"I wish."



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