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Green Cars

chuck kottke

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I would go as far as to say I don't like modern sport cars at all, sure thier fast and everything but to me the older ones are so much more beautiful and cool, plus they sound kind of amazing too, I like some modern cars like the SUV I mentioned and the Peugeot 207 but if I had the choice of a modern Ferrari or that Bugatti or a 60's Cobra I would pick the Cobra every time, it isn't just about the performance but the heritage,looks and sound for me.

:laugh3:Well, I'm sure Carol Shelby would be pleased to hear that!! The older ones are neato, and they do sound like freight trains with those big-block engines, that's true. But driving one every day? Better buy a tanker fleet to go with em'!

You had the choice of A Bugatti?!:stunned: How much money do you have then??:P

Hmm.. would you prefer a planet which isn't undergoing a rapid transition to a different climate, partly from our actions? How about fuel which doesn't require us to dig, scrape, dredge, pump, or blast and cook vast swaths of the planet? There's a huge hidden cost to those muscle cars, although I have to agree, they are fun to drive & ride around in! ;) (it's a good Sunday car, or Friday night car..)

But looks and sound are not the mainstay with vehicles for me - I'd go for a bit unusual and quiet, if the machine saves enormously on the energy side of the equation..

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:laugh3:Well, I'm sure Carol Shelby would be pleased to hear that!! The older ones are neato, and they do sound like freight trains with those big-block engines, that's true. But driving one every day? Better buy a tanker fleet to go with em'!

You had the choice of A Bugatti?!:stunned: How much money do you have then??:P

Hmm.. would you prefer a planet which isn't undergoing a rapid transition to a different climate, partly from our actions? How about fuel which doesn't require us to dig, scrape, dredge, pump, or blast and cook vast swaths of the planet? There's a huge hidden cost to those muscle cars, although I have to agree, they are fun to drive & ride around in! ;) (it's a good Sunday car, or Friday night car..)

But looks and sound are not the mainstay with vehicles for me - I'd go for a bit unusual and quiet, if the machine saves enormously on the energy side of the equation..


I'm not saying I had a choice of one, I'm saying in theory if I did have that choice I would pick the Cobra:P.

I'm not saying I would be against a differently fueled efficient modern car just as long as people didn't outlaw works of art from the 60s:D

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O Tay!:P I doubt they'll ever be outlawed, since most of them just get trailer-ed from show to show!:laugh3: (besides, they're too much fun to ban; everyone knows that!)

Hmm. . I think I would go for the Bugatti; I like the wood.;) Shelby's were masterpieces though, that's for sure!

Anyhow, on the green car thingy thread here, I was designing an improved version, and was just realizing that one could add shorty wings with flaps, which could both aid in traction control, and breaking ability..

Aptera lost their bid for government grants for electric cars because they're three-wheelers, so I was trying to come up with a way to get 4, and keep the aerodynamics.

Interestingly, the big savings are simply power plant and drivetrain; everything else is peanuts, but at speed, aerodynaics is big..

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Don't think i would ever purchase an electric car...........:thinking:



yeah my friend told me that some of her friends' parents bought an electric car. Then there was a storm. And after the storm the car was totally screwed up and didn't work at all :tongue:

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Well, no technology is fool-proof. My brother lost his car when the puddle he tried driving through during a storm turned out to be fairly deep, and the car's air intake sucked water into the engine.:laugh3: So, nothing's fool-proof! But seriously though, you're all gonna get blown away by electrics - just you wait and see! Batteries pack a wallop of power, and if you add some capacitors, it's a power rush to the electric motor! The IC engine is going to be relegated to backup power for cars, I predict.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!;)

(it might take a little time to work all the bugs out, but electrics will win the day soon)

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Finland has some great producer gas car enthusiasts, which use green biomass powered machines! ;)

Any new model car tends to be a bit buggy the first years of production, but I'd be willing to buy one if funds permit. Jay Leno drives a Ford Model T to work in LA - it's green in the sense that it has already been built (no energy to make the parts), gets pretty good mileage at the slow speeds on the clogged freeway, and is so simple that it's relatively maintenance free.

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One of the advantages off electric motors is that they produce maximum power from the moment you put your foot down,as opposed to a piston engined car which takes a while to produce maximum power,and in the case of turbocharged cars....you have lag..whereas the electric motor suffers no such problems.

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Sump Wet sumped

Compression ratio 19.00:1

Fuel system direct diesel injection

Maximum power 100.4 PS (99.0 bhp) (73.8 kW)

@ 4000 rpm

Specific output 52.2 bhp/litre

0.86 bhp/cu in

Maximum torque 240.0 Nm (177 ft·lb) (24.5 kgm)

@ 1800 rpm

bmep 1590.7 kPa (230.7 psi)

Specific torque 126.58 Nm/litre

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