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Green Cars

chuck kottke

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Green Car Thread? Let's think green. Now, we all like a clean environment, and sustainable modes of transportation, so here's some nifty information on biopolymers, useful in cars as interior components, body parts, and even structural members are made more and more frequently from plastic:Bioplastic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Biopolymer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What’s Stopping Bioplastic? | Boldly Go!


Even more than horsepower, is the horsepower to weight ratio, traction on wet or slippery surfaces, and crash safety factors. Personally, I'll take the horse to the horsepower - more smiles per mile!:)

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Yes, GM did do a daffy thing there - I agree. They could have been way-ahead of their competition, but after spending some ungodly sum of money on the development of the EV1, they dropped it. Which makes one wonder, if the collusion did it between the oil companies and Generous Motors?? One more reason to clamor for honest government, to investigate and prevent corporate collusion..

I think, in a way, going green is dependent on honest government to a large extent as well - both to obtain more unbiased scientific investigations of environmental matters, and to promote change when change is due, and save lives in the process.

I was just reminiscing about how long it took for auto makers to eliminate the use of lead in car bodies and paint finishes - and the horror stories told to me by neighbors who worked on the lines, and how many people wound up poisoned from lead exposure years ago. Some say regulation isn't necessary, but there's a direct example, and the dramatic effect it had on improving human health!

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Dave, I think you're right! Recalling how Ford closed their doors for a week or two in the 70's out of protest - claiming that they couldn't build a car that would get the mileage the government mandated, or reduce emission to the level set by our Government here in the US - it seems like Ford's execs. were just throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way, and that was their final effort at scaring the public.. So, trust execs as far as you can toss them!:laugh3:

We need to clean up politics for real, and get their influence pedallers out of closed-door meetings. Our press isn't all that sharp on investigative reporting (competition, market forces, and conglomeration/consolidation have taken a toll on investigative reporting branches of major media outlets)

The science is there - and the tampering has been rejected (finally) after the fall of the Bush regime. Now comes the matter of finance reform, so the will of the people can again be represented in Congress, and in Statehouses.

Which, in the end will help even those belligerent types - after all, they breath the same air, drink the same water, and eat the same fish as the rest of us pretty much. The story of King Midas comes to mind, for some reason...:crown: Even the kings cannot escape the consequences of their wishes.

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I know you would Rick :P


But I would destroy your car with my knowledge of speed camera locations :P


It wouldn't really matter though, he could just drive through the cameras as I assume his car would be registered in his home country and not the UK, therefore not on the UK database.

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It wouldn't really matter though, he could just drive through the cameras as I assume his car would be registered in his home country and not the UK, therefore not on the UK database.




Ah yes,excellent observation there miss....:nice: :thumbsup:

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What?? Are we off topic here??

Look, planet earth is about to be fried like some zucchini dipped in beer batter and plopped into hot oil, and we're discussing evasive maneuvers?:laugh3:





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Nah, it's all in how you see it Rick.

Toads, a vital part of nature and an indicator group

Sprockets, on bicycles, which are by their nature the ultimate "green auto-mobiles"

And by historical anecdote, bicycle manufacturers were the first modern car makers..

Plus frogs and toads sing,

So it all comes full circle..

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Oh ye, of little creativity.:dozey: You'll never be a great artist with that kind of an attitude, Rick!:laugh3:

We discount the lowly bicycle, but really, Ford's first was called a "quadracycle" built in 1894, and bicycles really are green machines;

Maybe the real problem is how marketing can get at the human psyche, and why it is human beings are fixated on large automobiles. It's a serious question - when tribes people in one African state were shown a National Geographic, they were immediately transfixed by an SUV ad, even though they had never (maybe never) seen an automobile! So, it is perhaps the 'together riding in a wagon' effect? The 'notice my peacock fan tail' effect?

This matters, because if we're going to make progress, we out to understand what the impediments are, both physically (is the car comfy?), and psychologically (does the car do something to our psyches?).

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It wouldn't really matter though, he could just drive through the cameras as I assume his car would be registered in his home country and not the UK, therefore not on the UK database.


I want to move to Swindon, mainly because they have removed all their speed cameras :)

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