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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: are you lost?


You: or incomplete?


Stranger: i'm 20 female looking for a muscular man having a webcam


You: do you feel like a puzzle you can't find your missing piece?




Your conversational partner has disconnected.




:laugh3: She obviously didn't get your Colplay sensitivity

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: was a long and dark december

You: from the rooftops i remember

You: there was snow.

Stranger: cool story bro

You: white snow.

You: yep.

Stranger: go on

You: clearly i remember

You: from the windows they were watching

You: while we froze down below.

You: when the future's architectured by a carnival of idiots on show

You: you better lie low


Stranger: you better copy paste it, it takes too long for you to type it

Stranger: cya

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


wtf? that guy took like ten minutes to write that it takes me too long to type. :rolleyes:

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: we live in a beautiful world.


Stranger: yeah


You: yeah, we do.


Stranger: yes


Stranger: so


You: uh huh


Stranger: what do you want to say


Stranger: how old


You: 42


You: tell me how you feel.


Stranger: male or female


You: hmm, let me think about that.


Stranger: let me think about that.


You: female.


You: or am i?


Stranger: you are male


You: could be


You: or i could be a girlie


Stranger: or female


You: but you'd never know


Stranger: maybe both


You: or maybe neither


You: oh geez!


You: maybe i'm an alien


You: that'd be interesting


You: "hey guys, i met an alien on omegle!"


Stranger: interesting



You: yep.


Stranger: what?


You: unless you're an alien too, then i don't think anyone would be impressed.


Stranger: where are you?


You: mars.


Stranger: ok


Stranger: maybe we can talk about sex


You: how about not.


You: unless you mean gender... but we already discussed that.




You have disconnected.






this is kinda fun, but i still feel like a piece of my soul is missing. :(

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hi

You: What would you do for love?

Stranger: Many things...

You: would you steal for love?

Stranger: Yes

You: would you give them 1000 pounds?

Stranger: Yes if I really was in love

You: Would you kill someone?

Stranger: WTF?

You: would you?

Stranger: No, I don't think so

You: Forget it

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I love trying to freak people out :P

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It didn't work... :disappointed:


You: Would you say you're a deep person?

Stranger: comfuse

Stranger: confuse

You: Do you think alot? Too much, maybe?

Stranger: u know , sometimes i want to think a lot

Stranger: but difficult for me

You: Ah.. interesting.. Did you have a good childhood?

Stranger: yeah! of coure

Stranger: of course

You: Really? Why do you think so?

Stranger: there are several children, but nobody play with me

Stranger: that intersting

You: Aw.. Do you think that has made you the person you are today?

Stranger: i always feel happy

You: That's great.

Stranger: u know , nobody can make me feel sad easily

You: That's great aswell. Why do you think so?

Would you say you're a strong person? Inside, I mean.

Stranger: yeah

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You: Hello

Stranger: Hello!

You: Hello

Stranger: Hello!!!!!! :)

You: Hello

Stranger: ...hello?

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: HELL!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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You: Hello

Stranger: Hello!

You: Hello

Stranger: Hello!!!!!! :)

You: Hello

Stranger: ...hello?

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hello

Stranger: HELL!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hahah the Coldplay-thing actually worked for me one time. Forgot to save the conversation , but I started with the oening lines of Violet Hill, and the Stranger was like


: Coldplay?

: yeah. :) you a fan?

: they're ok.


and then we startet talking about music. :)

I think Omegle is kinda fun actually...

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