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Silly/Stupid Lyrics?


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Well... there's this new song by this band "Electric Six'... its called "Danger... High Voltage"


It goes... "Fire in the disco... fire in the disco... fire in the... Ta-co Bell... fire in the disco... fire in the disco... fire in the... gates of hellll... Danger.. Danger... High Voltage... when touch... when we kiss..."


Its so retarded its genius!! :lol:

I love it!



Anyone else heard this song?

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a silly, unreleased live only non cover song,


Take Me To The Nearest McDonalds - VH


Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go


We all need to get a little higher

Every day so we can get by her

I know it feels just like a stab in the back (in the back, in the back)

When I go one whole day with no Big Mac


Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go


So my dad thinks that I'm a no-good jerk

He says that I've never done an honest day of work

We sit and we fester in McDonald's all day long

But this is Vertical Horizon's version of McDonald's song


Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go


My mom thinks that I'm a no good son

She said it's sad that Ray Kroc is gone (Ray who? Ray, the guy who

invented McDonald's!)

My mom thinks that I'm a no good boy

She doesn't understand that we can't all fit in the pool


Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go


I went into a McDonalds the other day, and I

went up to the counter. And I said "I'd like a Big Mac, a large Coke, and a large Sundae with no

nuts." She said, "Well, we don't have no sundays with

no nuts" and I said "Fine. I want my Big Mac, my

large Coke, and my large fries." She said, "That's

fine, that'll be $4.87." I said, "$4.87? I only have

like three bucks and I got that from like the couch

under the RV. Or in the RV, at least." She said,

"Well, you can't have your Big Mac," and I said,

"Fine. You know, just throw the Big Mac away. Give

me my fries and my Coke and let's call it even." So

she gives me my meal and I take it back to my orange

revolving chair and I prepare to eat. But I open up

my Big Mac and it's... and it's not a Big Mac. It's a

Whopper. So dazed and confused, I crawl off into

McDonaldland. And I'm in McDonaldland and I look for

the highest point around and I stumble onto Mayor

McCheese. And I climb to the top of Mayor McCheese

and I say to myself, "If I can't get a Big Mac in

America, is it really worth living?" I mean, I ask

you, is it worth living? (No!) Is it worth

living?!?!? (NO!) I didn't think so. So I said,

"No!" And I jumped. And I died!


Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

Take me to the nearest McDonald's

Cause I wanna go

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Ok This by far is the band that would produce stupid lyrics. its blink 182's A New Hope: :lol:


I've got her in my head

At night when I go to bed

And I know it sounds lame, but

She's the girl of my dreams


And of course I'd do anything for her

I'd search the moons of Endor

I'd even walk naked through

The deserts of Tatooine


Princess Leia, where are you tonight?

And who's laying there by your side?

Every night I fall asleep with you

And I wake up alone


And even though I'm not as cool as Han

I still want to be your man

You're exactly the kind of

Alderranian that I need


But when you were available, I was

Drinking Colt 45's with Lando

I was hanging out in the cantina

On Mos Eisley


Princess Leia, where are you tonight?

And who's laying there by your side?

Every night I fall asleep with you

And I wake up alone


Princess Leia

Princess Leia


Princess Leia, where are you tonight?

And who's laying there by your side?

Every night I fall asleep with you

And I wake up alone

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heres another from the same band next track. :D


Crossed the street, naked at night

Bent over to show some moonlight

Pulled out some beer and I gulped it down

Nude in a gutter is how I was found


Thrown in the policecar and the door slammed

No noise, just silence, as I screamed, my Dick was

Jammed, now in prison for one month, no one to see

All I got is a guy Ben Dover


Don't like hesh, don't like rap

Kicked ol' Sally 'cause she's fat

I'm a jerk, I'm a punk

Took a shower 'cause I stunk

Smoked a bong, killed a cat

Had my nuts attacked by rats

Dad got nude, I wore a thong

For a hobby I make bombs


Went to a farm to tip some cows

Forgot that I left my pants down

Bent over to pick them up

Felt a twelve gauge up my hum-diddy-dum


The farmer took me to his house

Showed me the closet from the inside out

The police came, they took me away

Saw Ben Dover again and he's still gay


Don't like hesh, don't like rap

Kicked ol' Sally 'cause she's fat

I'm a jerk, I'm a punk

Took a shower 'cause I stunk

Smoked a bong, killed a cat

Had my nuts attacked by rats

Dad got nude, I wore a thong

For a hobby I make bombs

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"She bangs, She bangs"

:lol: :lol: :lol: whatever ricky...whatever


"If I could turn back time" ~ Cher :angry:

yeah..uh huh, and if i could turn back time she wouldn't exist! :angry: :lol:


"dont tell my heart my achey breaky heart"

*reaches for the sick bag*

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'Im a barbie girl, in a barbie world, its fantastic..blah blah blah u know what i mean' that has to be by far the stupidest lyrics ive ever heard.


oh and also that song that goes 'i get knocked down, but i get up again, no ur never gonna see me down...he drinks a something something'''

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