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I'm not actually happy right now...


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I'm not happy but hopeful. Whats going on in your life?


Hopeful is a good way to be- I'm hopeful too.


I've had a long two weeks. A long six months, actually. And I was just feeling better about the world and myself and my future when a boy in my class died. It's hard to feel happy when everyone around you is grieving.


What's going on in your life?

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I'm sorry to hear that about the boy.


I decided to not fear death, or at least not try to, because if I can tackle that fear most the smaller ones will fade away and I can move on. I'm hopeful because I'm finally making progress on every level in my life, but for the next few month's I'll have to focus so much on a few mistakes I've made life will probably suck, but after that hopefully I'll have a lot to do and look forward too.

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Life's tough Nick. Anyone who's realized that can't be happy :shame:


Life is tough, but that is what makes it more fun, a good challenge. Its how you see the world. Life is meaningless, a wise man and a fool suffer the same fate, I used to view this and become depressed, but now I view it as uplifting. Have some fun, we'll all be dead soon enough, enjoy life, go crazy. Take it from someone who has been to the bottom, find out what is making you unhappy and fix it but at the end of the day don't take it too seriously and have a little fun.

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Life is tough, but that is what makes it more fun, a good challenge. Its how you see the world. Life is meaningless, a wise man and a fool suffer the same fate, I used to view this and become depressed, but now I view it as uplifting. Have some fun, we'll all be dead soon enough, enjoy life, go crazy. Take it from someone who has been to the bottom, find out what is making you unhappy and fix it but at the end of the day don't take it too seriously and have a little fun.


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I was gonna right a metaphore I read on an email but I'm too lazy to type it :dozey:

Life is not tough or sad either, you are the one who can mold it as you desire ;)







(sorry I'm not inspired today. I may come up with something better later)

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