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Learn Assorted Languages With Assorted Coldplayers


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:clap::clap: Very well !!! :P


Eglantine i just asked that because i see the flag from Iceland :embarassed: sorry, i love iceland, i have this dream to go there someday..

S'alright, I have the same dream. :)


ahh i didn't knew you are learning it too :surprised:

is it very different from your language?

It sure is. My language is from the Indo-European family, Finnish is from the Finno-Ugric family. It's just as different to Spanish as it is to Slovene.
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S'alright, I have the same dream. :)


It sure is. My language is from the Indo-European family, Finnish is from the Finno-Ugric family. It's just as different to Spanish as it is to Slovene.


I'll make some more research on those phrases tomorrow, can't do it tonight.

ahh i see... so is as complicated / easy for both us.


ok no rush to it, do it when you can. :)

thanks a lot for the help :nice:

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So me wants to learn finnish, and possibly czech :uhoh:

And I can teach erm Russian :P

yay another finnish student :scholar:

*organizes freshmen event*


today is... Tänään on tiistai.

tomorrow will be... Huomenna on keskiviikkona.

yesterday was... Eilen maanantaina.


Tbh, that's what google translator says. Sorry :disappointed:

oh thanks, that at least is something :thumbsup:


ah btw i asked rolle, and she explained me a bit, that ¨ is used on a and o only.... and changes the pronunciation, i yet have to check better the link she gave me.


if anybody want to learn spanish or catalan ... i'm here to answer your questions

i'd be interesting in catalan, won't be difficult since i already know valencià.


I can teach german... deutsche sprache, schwere sprache... :D

oh and I'm learning spanish and english, but i need some support in spanish ._.

would you teach me some german and i'll teach you spanish? :)



oh now i really need a notebook for all those languages i want to learn :uhoh:

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Eilen maanantaina (yesterday)

huomenna on keskiviikkona (tomorrow)

tänään on tiistai (today)


Minä olen espanjalainen

puhun espanjaa, englantia, rasnkaa ja portugalia


minun nimeni on Ari

mikä sinun nimesi on? (what is your name?)

kuinka vanha sinä olet? (how old are you?)

mitä kuuluu?

yay i know something now :nice:


now how do i say:

i am 22 years old.

i like listen to music, reading and writing.

i'm brown eyed and brown hair, and short. :thinking:


i ask so much i know :shame: (but i could be more boring/annoying about grammar :p )

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if anybody want to learn spanish or catalan ... i'm here to answer your questions


how do you say my name is?


I can teach german... deutsche sprache, schwere sprache... :D

oh and I'm learning spanish and english, but i need some support in spanish ._.


I can help you with Englishm and learn German :cheesy:

good morning everyone :D


how r the students and the teachers today? :)



bem, obrigada :D

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Zeoir? :nice:



Will check that out, thanks! :)

you are welcome, i found another link myself explaining a lot (downloaded the whole site :wacky: ), with few examples but a lot of theory and grammar.... it seems more complicated than spanish, in fact it seems as complex as latin to me. :thinking: many things, but hey once you learn them is fine ;) will give you the link tomorrow if you are interested. :)


Me wants to speak german

Je veux parler allemand

Quiero hablar alemán

me too, seems german teacher are on holidays. :\


ah btw i found the rosseta stone software myself but seems is not able for free, and it features no finnish :\ but have a lot of languages :D

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