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Learn Assorted Languages With Assorted Coldplayers


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And I've been told Salam is right too...


ohhh I'm taking Spanish this year :cool:


Cool, let me know if you need any help! I'd really like to dust off my spanish skills since I haven't really spoken it in over a year.

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sometimes i want to know more languajes... jaja's :D


and now i can...




here i put some phrases that i want to know in any languajes (french, german, ...)


so if anybody can help me...


hi my name is...:

i don't speak....:

i live in...:

where are you from....?:



and some more but know with these are enought



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In portuguese:


hi my name is...: olá, chamo-me ... or o meu nome é ...

i don't speak....: eu não falo ...

i live in...: eu moro ... eu vivo ... (the in it depends on the place where u live, can be em, no, na)

where are you from....?: de onde és? or és de onde?



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