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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 2||CUZ WE IZ COOL


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okay, here is my first crack at this fan fic.

It is called Daylight, I also have a few Coldplay puns incorporated in there as well.

tell me what you think...


Chapter one



Chris sat in the bakery, alone, writing. The veins underneath his make trade fair logo on his hand were pulsing with frustration as he couldn’t get the chorus right.

Behind him, many pieces of paper lay crumpled up in balls; their fate chosen. Chris had been in the writing room for twenty four hours. His eyes were beat red due to lack of sleep. Throughout the night, after Will, Guy and Johnny left, Chris had the freedom to scream out of frustration with his lack of progress.

‘Fuck!’ he screamed about every ten minutes.

The day before, the quartet was busy at work piecing together new chords for their new record. It seemed that many painful days were behind them, Chris and Johnny had several goes at each other on specific bridges and intros. Guy often lounged in a chair, reading a book or finding time to twitter. Will however seemed to be the negotiator; as he was often stepping in between Chris and Johnny before punches were thrown.

As these thoughts ran through Chris’s head he found a few lines and scribbled them down on the paper in front of him.

Placing his hands on the piano keys, Chris began to play a melody he had worked out hours before.

The words seemed to be the hardest part.

At the time Chris was about to sing the verse he just wrote, there was knock at the door; Johnny, who seemed just as tired as Chris was, walked into the room.

‘Chris, sorry about earlier, I know it’s been frustra-’

‘Johnny! Just get the bloody hell out of here! Please! I’m not in a good mood,’ Chris exclaimed.

‘Fine, but go home, see your kids, see your wife, you’ve shut yourself up Chris,’ and with those piercing words, Johnny slammed the door hard, causing a few pieces of paper to go flying.

Chris spent the rest of the night in that room, alone.

When the morning came, he had not made much progress, he was tired, sick and sorry for the trouble he had caused his band-mates, not to mention, his best friends.

Deciding to change his attitude, Chris walked out of the room and into the lounge, the daylight’s warmth cloaked him, he then sat on the couch, and fell asleep.



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Chapter Two



‘Just let him sleep’

‘Well should we just go in the studio and mess around?’

‘No, we will wait for what he has to show us’

Johnny, Guy and Will were sitting across from the couch Chris was sprawled out on. His jacket was on top of him, used as a blanket; its worn fabric from countless touring was starting to show.

Chris woke, peacefully.

‘Morning guys,’ he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Chris’s eyes were bloodshot. He was either really tired or did a little bit of crying last night.

‘You okay?’ Guy asked.

‘Yeah, I am fine,’ Chris said, looking down ‘sorry for being the biggest asshole ever last night, especially to you Johnny.’

‘Don’t worry mate, let’s hammer out some new songs,’ Johnny said with a little grin on his face, ‘we brainstormed some pretty good ideas while you were asleep.’

‘Great,’ Chris said with a smile blooming on his face, ‘can I hear it, I won’t interfere.’

‘Of course,’ Will said, picking Chris up from the couch with his strong grip.

For the next few hours the four spent time in the studio, laughing and working together. It seemed nothing could bring them apart; they were having too much fun.

The strings on guitars broke many times, and often during the sessions, Chris would hop on the piano and make a joke song to lighten the mood after not being able to work a chorus or verse out.

They were all easy to please.

Most of the day was spent in the bakery, until Will’s drum stick broke and he received pieces of ricocheted splinters into his eye.

Sessions had to be stopped. And the spirits of the band was dampened.

They took Will to the hospital, covering his eye and trying to keep as low key as possible.

Guy and Johnny stood outside the ER, looking at attractive nurses that passed them by. The two bet on who could take an illness and get a ‘check-up’ with one the fastest. Chris meanwhile stood by Will who was getting examined.



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Starting Over


Chapter 5




The gig was in a small club in the north of London.

The sign on the door said that by order of the local fire marshal occupancy was not allowed at over fifty people.

The fire marshal had nothing to worry about on this night.

The boys were supposed to go on at nine o'clock, however things were held up when one of the breakers in the fuse box blew out.

The manager of the place taped some bare wires back together and reset the fuse.

Chris had just started to sing the first song when someone threw a water bottle at the stage.

Unfortunately, it wasn't filled with water, but with urine.

Fortunately, Chris ducked and the bottle flew harmlessly over his head and landed behind Will.

But Chris, ever the professional was not flustered by the event and kept singing.

About half-way through the second song, a pretty little waitress came on stage with a tray of beer and started passing them out to the guys.

Jonny took one.

Guy took one.

Will waved her away.

Chris just did his best to dance around her.

The entire audience consisted of four very drunk sailors, two elderly women, and three young women that might have been hookers.

Or they might have been cross-dressers.

Or they might have been cross-dressers who were hookers.

Chris kept trying to figure out which was the correct assessment as he was singing, "Yellow."

One of them kept winking at Jonny and the other one kept sticking its tongue out at Chris.

He was kind of amused by the whole idea so he stuck his tongue out back at the person.

They played about three songs and one of the drunk sailors kept yelling for them to take a break.

So the boys decided they would take a break.

"I think I need to wash my hands," Chris told the others.

He turned around to look for the restroom when one of the sailors confronted him.

"You look just like my old boyfriend," he told him.

"Why thank you," Chris said, "I guess."

He looked around warily at the others.

"How about a little kiss?" the drunk sailor asked.

Chris jumped back.

Will approached and told the sailor to back off.

"I just want a little kiss for old times sake," he told Will.

"See here, old man," Will said, "He is not your old boyfriend. So move along now."

"Please?" the sailor said, starting to cry.

Chris took a deep breath.

"Oh hell," he said, leaning across and giving the sailor a kiss on the cheek.

Jonny and Guy were watching all this with great amusement.

Until Chris kissed the sailor.

Then Jonny just felt jealous.



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Bonding Over Baby




I was completely overwhelmed. Holding my newborn daughter in my arms was like nothing I’d ever felt before. She was so small; just like a miniature person. Her tiny limbs, large head, minuscule fingernails…every part of her was perfect. “Hi,” I whispered, running a finger over her feathery hair. “I’m your daddy. Yeah, I know…what luck, eh?” I grinned.


When I’d run out into the hallway announcing breathlessly that she’d been born, Will had been the first person to drag me into his arms and lift me off my feet in a bone-crushing hug. Then Jonny pushed him out of the way and did the same, as did Chris and my brother. Since Joanna had been in labor so long, quite a few of my friends and family had been able to make it to the hospital.


“Daddy!” squeaked Chris, pinching my cheeks. I was too happy about my daughter to knock his hands away. Instead I laughed.


“Congratulations, mate. Welcome to hell.” said Will, grinning.


“It’s not that bad.” muttered Chris. “Once you get over the late night feedings and crying fits.”


“Theirs’ or yours?” asked Will, snickering.


I apologized and said that I should probably go back to Jo. They all agreed, and I hopped back into the maternity room.


An hour later, Jo was asleep. She lay peacefully on the bed, her dark hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. I was holding Nico, swaying her gently in my arms and staring into her wrinkly, pink face. Most of the visitors had left, but I knew Chris was still around. His own family was out of town and he insisted that he was lonely. Sure enough, I spotted him standing at the doorway.




“Hey,” I whispered.


“You look tired.”


“Thanks. I am.”


Chris shifted a bit on his feet, running a hand through his hair. I looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was thinking about. He finally cleared his throat. “Can I hold her?”


I blinked once and looked down at my daughter. She was only hours hold; I hadn’t even considered the prospect of someone other than Jo or me holding her. I looked back at Chris, biting my lip. I trusted him, maybe even with my life. But did I trust him to hold my newborn daughter? Yes, I supposed I did. ‘Okay,” I said, carefully lowering her tiny, bundled up body. He reached forward and took her smoothly out of my hands, resting her head on the inside of his elbow.


“My god...she looks like you,” he cooed, completely charmed.


“Really?” I murmured. That’s what Joanna had said, but I couldn’t really see it.


“Of course. Look at her nose and her dark hair...” I followed his gaze and turned my head sideways, frowning in concentration.




“Oh, forget it. You’ll see it sooner or later,” he said dismissively. “Oh, Nico. Your daddy’s gonna have the time of his life with you. I’m Chris. Uncle Chris.”


“Uncle Chris?” I repeated.


“Yep.” He looked up at me, grinning. “Man, you do look tired.” I sat down on the chair next to him and nodded.


“Yeah...” I glanced over at Nico, who was completely calm. “She likes you.”


“All children like me.”


I snorted with laughter, curling up to try and stifle the sound. Chris laughed too, rocking Nico back and forth at the same time. I breathed out through my nose, worried about disturbing her or Joanna.


“Look, thanks for coming, Chris.”


“No problem.”


“It means a lot to me,” I insisted quietly.


“Well, you’re welcome then,” he said, offering Nico back to me.


“I love ya, man,” I said, smiling as I took her. “As a friend, that is.”


He stared at me, blinking in surprise. “Now that you have a kid, you’re nice to me...You should have one every nine months.”


“Careful, or I’ll take it back.”


“Ah,” said Chris. “There’s the Guy I know.”


“Hmm...” I muttered, laying Nico in her basket.


“Oh, Guy?”




He grinned. “I love you too.”




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Chapter 3



The guys were stuck in the hospital for several hours; Will’s eye swelling seemed as if he had a black eye.

Chris was with him the entire time, Jonny joined him after a few minutes as Guy was able to convince one of the attractive nurses that he had a ‘rash’ and needed to have it checked, hoping there would be a cream she could prescribe to him.

After Will was finally checked out and cleared to go, the band made their way through the hospital, hoping to go unnoticed by fans that could be around any corner.

Their wishes were denied as they were stopped for several autographs to a couple groups that seemed very excited to see them.

After returning to the studio, Guy seemed a little guilty, seeming upset with what he had done, looking for a ‘prescription’.

Will was still holding a piece of cloth wrapped in ice around his eye, to numb the pain.

Chris carried himself back into the studio to work on more demos as Will recovered.

He, yet again, was having little success at writing something he thought had potential.


The band had to resume tour in the coming days. Breaking from touring was a nice break; however everyone was tired and really wished they had something new to play. Flying to North America to do another leg of the tour was exciting to Chris; he really enjoyed travelling and loved seeing cities all the time, being if it was only the crowd that he saw.


Will was feeling better and updating the website with the news of his injury was a little reassuring, knowing his fans were excited to know he was healthy and doing well. Guy and Jonny were also excited as having free time while on a long tour took away their rhythm of moving at such a fast pace, from city to city and song to song.


Coldplay was to begin the Canadian leg of their tour. Vancouver was the first stop, on the west coast. Chris and the rest of the band really wanted to bring upon a new set list. Which songs have the not played in a long time? Or not even played at all? Amsterdam was one which Jonny wanted to bring back, and Chris really felt like having Daylight on the set list too. Amsterdam would be in the encore, something Chris could start and the rest of the band could join them halfway through. Daylight was to brought on in the middle, something to take the mood up a bit.


The band managers and tour organizers approved what the band thought and agreed to the set list changes. Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will were all excited to get back to playing, and the flight to Vancouver seemed to test their nerves because they were all aching to get back onto the stage.



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Chapter 6


Starting Over




Over the next few weeks the band played a variety of shows in tiny hole-in-the-wall clubs all over Britain.

They were paid in cash by the bar owners.

This avoided the legal problems suffered by both the band and the club owners.

Yet, the band still wasn't making much money.

Almost all the cash went back into transportation and equipment costs.

However, when the band finally booked a gig outside London, Will allowed the band to take the train and stay overnight at a hotel.

This was not a hotel by any standards that you and I know as a hotel.

This was a small house with an extra crawl space in the attic that was called a room.

The other so-called room was above the animal stalls on the second floor of the barn.

Will and Guy gladly opted to sleep in the barn above the animals.

Chris was going to sleep in the crawl space.

"Stay up here too, Jon," he said, looking around, "It's a little creepy."

"What's creepy about it?" Jonny asked.

"What if there are bats living up here or something?" Chris asked, looking around in the half-light of the lantern.

"That's ridiculous," Jonny told him.

"I don't want to be alone," Chris said, sounding like a little boy.

Jonny looked at him for a long moment.

"Oh shit," he said, "Fine. But go to sleep, dammit. I need rest and I don't want you up all night."

Fortunately, Chris did just as Jonny ordered.

He was exhausted and he fell asleep quickly.

Jonny, on the other hand, could not fall asleep.

He was keenly aware of Chris lying so close to him.

He could feel Chris' warm breath on his neck.

Jonny turned over so that he would be farther away from Chris.

Chris stirred a little and woke up.

"Jonny? You aren't leaving me here alone are you?" Chris asked.

"No," Jonny said, still facing the other way.

"Good," Chris said, snuggling up next to Jonny's back.

"Damn Chris," Jonny said, "You are like a leech. I can't breathe with you hanging all over me."

Chris didn't say anything.

Jonny sat up to look at him.

"I'm sorry," Chris said, quietly, "All this....all of it....it's my fault. Look at where we are now compared to where we were. We have nothing.

And it's all my fault."

"How is that?" Jonny asked, feeling like shit for having yelled at Chris.

"I should have known better. I should have kept up on things," he said.

"We all trusted Phil," Jonny said, "How were you supposed to know?"

"I wasn't," Chris said, "But I should have kept an eye out. I've learned my lesson. I will never trust anyone implicitly again."

"That's no answer," Jonny said, "Not everyone is suspect."

"Well I didn't mean you, Jon," Chris said, looking at him, "You aren't just anyone. You are....You are Jonny. I always trust you."



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Starting Over


Chapter 7




"How long do you suppose we should keep doing this?" Guy asked.

"What?" Will asked.

"Traveling around....playing these little shows," Guy said.

"I guess as long as it takes," Will said.

"For what?" Guy asked, "I don't know if I want to go through all this again. I am old now."

Will laughed.

"You are only thirty-two," he said.

"I know," Guy said, "But I thought by now I would be on the way to a regular life. You know with a wife and a kid

or at least a girlfriend. Instead I am sleeping above some animals in a barn."

"What else would you do?" Will asked.

"I don't know," Guy shrugged, "Maybe just take photographs and sell them or something."

Will looked at him.

"You would leave us?" he asked.

"Hell, I don't know," Guy said, "I'm just tired of this existence."

"You are just spoiled from all those years that we lived like royalty," Will told him.

"That's true. And I am not ashamed to admit it," Guy said, "I liked the easy life."

So did I," Will said, "But I can't imagine a life where we don't all play music together."

"Do you think the others will keep on?" Guy asked.

"Chris and Jonny? Yeah, those two will always be playing music together. Even if they are just a duo playing somewhere in a

roadhouse," Will said.

"You know what I would like to have right now?" Guy asked.

"A hot chick?" Will asked, laughing.

Guy laughed too.

"No," he said.

"A six-pack of beer?" Will asked.

Guy shook his head.

"A thick steak?" Will asked.

"No, but that is tempting," Guy said.

"What would you like to have?" Will asked.

"The ability to go back in time and relive the past two years," Guy said.

"Why?" Will asked.

"Because I would savor every last second....even when you and Chris are going at each other like two roosters at a cockfight. I would enjoy it all."

Will nodded.

"There's a lesson in there somewhere," Will said.





Starting Over


Chapter 8



"Here's the bottom line," Will told them, "We probably won't have enough money to afford heat."

"What?" Guy asked, "No heat?"

"It is London, in February," Chris said, "We have to have heat."

"Yeah, come on Will..." Jonny said.

Will threw up his hands.

"It isn't me being a penny pincher this time," he said, "There is no money."

Chris took a deep breath and sat back in the sofa.

"That is too much," he said.

"I'm going for a walk," Guy said, going into the bedroom and getting his large coat and a plaid scarf that he wrapped around his neck.

He left quietly.

"He always goes for a walk when he is upset," Will said, looking after him.


Guy thrust his hands down into his coat pocket and walked faster.

It was damn cold out here and a little foggy mist was starting to form.

He stopped outside the little shop with the bright green and red neon lights.

"Just do it," he told himself.

He pushed open the glass-fronted door of the little shop and walked inside.

Somewhere a little tinkling bell announced his arrival.

The shop was warm and toasty and it had a slight cinnamon smell.

He unbuttoned his coat and unwrapped his scarf, enjoying the warmth as it crept into his bones.

The little shop was full of merchandise.

"Can I help you?" a voice asked.

Guy walked to the counter.

"Yes,I hope so," he told the little middle-aged man.

He took his beloved camera out of his pocket and set it in front of the man.

"I would like to sell this," he said.

The man lowered his glasses and picked the camera up.

He turned it back and forward.

"This is a beautiful camera," he said, "Are you sure you want to sell it?"

Guy nodded.

"I have to," he said, "My friends.....I have to help them."

"I'll give you one thousand dollars for it," the man said.

Guy twisted his mouth around a little.

"I could maybe go as high as fifteen hundred," the man told him.

"I'll take it," Guy said.




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Starting Over


Chapters 9 & 10




"How is he?" Chris asked.

Will stood up from the bed where Jonny was laying.

"About the same?" he said.

Chris sat down on the bed and put his hand on Jonny's forehead.

"He's burning up," Chris said.

"Guy went out to get some more aspirin," Will told him.

"That's not going to do any good," Chris said, "We have to get him to a doctor. He needs real medicine."

"I know," Will said, "But I don't know what else we can do. Doctor's take money."

Chris looked around the room.

They had already sold everything that any of them owned that had any value.

The only things they still possessed were a few clothes and their instruments.

"I'm going to make him some more tea," Will said.

Chris laid down beside Jonny and covered himself with a thin blanket.

He could hear Jonny's ragged breathing and knew that his lungs were filling with fluid.

It was only a matter of time before the lungs would fill completely as the pneumonia took hold.

Then it would be too late.

Then Jonny would die.

Chris shut his eyes against such a horrible thought.

"I won't lose you," he whispered to Jonny.

Will came back with the tea.

"Help me wake him up," he told Chris.

It took several moments for them to get Jonny to open his eyes.

Jonny's eyes were glassy and bloodshot.

He wouldn't drink any of the tea and he didn't talk.

He just shifted his position until his head was lying on Chris' chest.

"It's bad," Will said, "It's really bad."

Chris smoothed down Jonny's wild hair and remembered what brilliant green color Jonny's eyes were when he was laughing.

Then he remembered how goofy Jonny's laugh could be.

"Hang on," Chris said to Jonny, "I'll get the money for you somehow."

Then he kissed him on the head.

Chris knew what he must do to get the money.

There was only one way.

He hoped that Jonny would forgive him if he ever found out.

He hoped that he could live with his choice.

He knew he couldn't live with himself if Jonny died.

Chris wrapped his arms around Jonny and held him tight.

"Forgive me," he said to Jonny.



Chapter 10



The pub was dark when Chris went in alone.

He sat at the bar and ordered a whiskey shot.

He didn't want it and he couldn't afford it, but he knew he needed it.

Chris looked around.

The place was packed on this night.

He was wearing his best shirt and best jeans.

Although both were a little threadbare and didn't fit him anymore.

He still thought he looked pretty good.

"Hi," someone said, beside him.

Chris swallowed hard.

"Hi," he said, smiling.

"I haven't seen you here before."

"I haven't been here before," Chris said, feeling a little nauseuos.

"I didn't think so. I would have remembered you. My name is Kevin," the person said.

"I'm Michael," Chris said.

"Is that your real name?" Kevin asked.

"Is Kevin your real name?" Chris asked.

Kevin laughed.

"Good point," he said.

"Listen," Chris said, turning to him, "I've never done this before and I am very nervous so if we could just get it

over with I would really like that."

Kevin stood up and threw some cash on the bar.

"That sounds great to me," he said, "How much?"

Chris was stunned.

He didn't know what to say. He spent so much time worrying about the actual act that he never considered how much.

"How much is it usually?" he asked.

Kevin shrugged.

"Different amounts for different things," he told Chris, "Do you have a specialty?"

Chris felt like bolting for the door, but then he thought of how sick Jonny was.

"No," he said, "Just whatever."

Kevin laughed.

"That could get you in trouble in a place like this," he said.

Chris looked down and fiddled with his bracelets.

"Let's see," Kevin said, walking close to him, "You are gorgeous. God, what eyes you have. I'll give you two thousand dollars for the whole night. Just regular stuff. Nothing fancy."

"Okay," Chris said.

"Let's go," Kevin told him.

"To your place?" Chris asked.

Kevin looked at him and smiled.

"You really haven't done this before have you? Let's go to a hotel. My wife is at my place."



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I Looked Up at the Sky

Part 6




Everyone seemed to be a thousand times happier now that Chris and Jonny were finally together. Everyone except me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, but only about a hundred times happier. I just wanted to find a nice girl who'd like me for more than my body. Was that so hard?


Chris told me that I needed to be more outgoing, or at least not so shy. Girls won't notice you if you don't make yourself at least a tad bit noticeable. It's just so hard. I don't really feel comfortable around a bunch of people I don't know, especially if those people are potential love interests. But I felt so alone.


Sometimes I actually wish I had been born into a culture with arranged marriages. That way I know there'd be someone for me. Of course, then I realize that it wouldn't mean either of us would like each other, just that we'd be stuck together for the rest of our lives. That's probably worse than being alone.


After a few months I learned to deal with it. Chris had been right; things would work out in the end. If I was meant to have someone to love, then she'd show up eventually. If not, then there was nothing I could do, so I might as well be happy with what I got. Three amazing best friends, and a fantastic career doing the only thing I would ever want to spend my life doing. Good things come to those who wait.


And wait, and wait, and wait. Before I knew it, hell, before any of us knew it, we were all gathered around the tiny little kitchen table in Chris and Jonny's flat. They'd been living together for quite a while. Oh, and we were gathered around in celebration of their one year anniversary. A whole year had just flown by. Girls came and went, mostly only staying one night and fleeing the next morning. As boring and routine as it was, I figured that I might as well keep going out to meet girls. If I didn't find the girl of my dreams, I at least got to have sex with a bunch of chicks. That makes me sound like a pig, doesn't it? That's the most optimistic way I can think of looking at it, though.


Unexpected things happen all the time. For instance, none of us expected the fire that was caused by Chris' attempt at cooking- wait for it- instant mashed potatoes. That's right, the kind where you just boil the water and add the flakes. Yet, somehow he managed to set fire to the kitchen. Alarm went off, everyone rushed out of the building, people panicking in the street, Chris apologizing profusely to everyone. A young redhead standing frozen, jaw dropped, staring at me. When she noticed that I looked at her, she turned away. She was really pretty.


"Guy, I'm so sorry, man," Chris said. I looked away from the redhead, and shook my head at Chris.


"I'll never understand how you manage these things, Chris. But you don't need to apologize so much."




"Excuse me?" a sweet voice said. Not only did she have red hair, she also had the biggest, most beautiful hazel eyes.


"I'm so sorry about all this, ma'am," Chris immediately began. "I really should learn to not cook ever."


"Oh, it's fine. Um, this is gonna sound a bit awkward, but are you the guys from Coldplay?"


"Yeah, are you a fan?"


"Well, I've heard some of your songs. They're good, I like them," she smiled.


"Well, thank you."


"You're welcome," she said, then turned to me. "You're Guy, then? Guy... B-Berryman?"


"Yeah," I said. It was weird to think that I felt so nervous around her. She probably felt just as nervous.


"Guy... wow. Wow. I can't believe this... You're Guy!"


"Yeah, that's me." I felt so awkward, but I really wanted to keep talking to her. She seemed kinda interesting. "So... we've established that I'm Guy. And you are...?"


"My name's not important."


"That's an interesting name." Was I being witty? Flirting? I couldn't tell what I was doing. All I knew was that there was something special about her.


"No," she chuckled, "it's just that... well, I don't really like my name."


"Then get a nickname or something. Besides, at least your not called Guy. That's, like, the plainest name ever. Plus, you're a girl."


"It's a lovely name."


"Yeah, and I'm sure yours is, too. So, let's try this whole thing again." I held out my hand. "Hello, I'm Guy."


"Nice to meet you," she replied, smiling and shaking my hand. "I'm Dianna."



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In Confusion Confidence



I: The Ninth Month


Jonny walked out of the dark, tall building he occupied all afternoon in and walked across the street.

He moved swiftly, keeping his eyes on the ground the whole time while lighting a cigarette and sticking it in his mouth.

His mind travelled back in time.



“Happy Birthday Jonnyboy!” Chris sounded giddily down the line.


That was before Jonny got a call from his girlfriend.


Before that phone call that swapped his happiness and left a frown on his face instead.


Thinking maybe he could swap it back, he dialled his best friends’ phone number, intending on telling him everything. Claire, his girlfriend, had called him to deliver the bad news – she couldn’t make it for his birthday because of a big errand she needed to do, and now she was in London while Jonny was in NY. He rubbed his aching temple and prepared himself for Chris’ evident but supportive nonetheless chattering. He had envisioned a whole day with Claire, going out to a nice restaurant, strolling through the park...


“Jonny? Jon? Hey, you there?

“What? Oh, yeah I’m still here.”

“Are you sure?" He asked. "I'm not only talking about you being there physically.”

“Yeah I’m sure...”

“You have no clue what I’m talking about do you?” He was trying to help Jonny forget about her but so far it was not working.

“No.” He sighed. He didn’t feel like talking anymore, he was just about to say it when Chris asked him if he was okay.

“Yeah, I’m okay, just tired.”

“You don’t sound tired, is it Claire? You miss her right?”

He wasn’t even going to ask how Chris knew. Whenever he asked how he knew these things, Chris would just chuckle and say: You’re like an open book Jonny. And you’re a mind reader Chris, he thought.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, just want to make sure my best friend is okay.”

“Right, she was supposed to be here, with me, not miles away doing some errand that’s so important to her.”

Over on the other side of the connection Chris looked down at his beer. He knew Claire was in London, he knew Jonny was by myself, he knew Jonny had dealt with it before, he just didn’t understand why Jonny hadn’t left her yet. Jonny had always put up with Claire’s excuses as if he didn’t care and it didn’t hurt him one bit but it did and that was evident in his voice.

“Listen Jonny, a few of us are having a drink at this new bar its right around the corner where you live, why don’t you join us.”

Jonny smiled sadly. “I don’t know, I don’t think feel like drinking right now.”

“Oh come on Jonny, you can’t be cooped up in your apartment all day, just be here even for a few minutes.”

“Claire always says never to drink your problems away” He said, looking down. He noticed a stain on the floor which he started to scrub it with the sole of his shoe, absentmindedly.

“I’m not telling you to get drunk Jonny,” Chris quietly countered, “Just telling you not to be alone.”

Jonny thought about it for a second. He needed to get over her, if only for a short while. And alcohol always helped when he was stuck in tough relationships... well helped to get out of them but this was no different, she was stuck in his mind and he needed her out, even if it worked for a little while.

“I guess I could come, who else is there?”

‘Oh, you know, Will, Guy...me. The usual,” He replied, smiling.

He told Chris he’ll be there and hung up.

Chris pressed the end button on his cell phone and ordered another glass from the bartender. Knowing Jonny would rather spend his birthday on a romantic evening with Claire, he thought the next best thing he could offer were all four of the tightly bonded guys hanging out. He watched the yellowish, orange liquid in his cup rock back and forth in its circular glass frame until he heard the door behind him open. He turned only to find a man in black, who looked a mess and had dark eyes with a small scar running down his cheek. Not Jonny, he told himself. Will came from his right and patted him on the shoulder, sitting down on a small stool beside him.

“So, what do you think about the drum line I put together earlier?”

“Oh, it’s great, Will. I think we should incorporate it into one of the trillion songs that still wait to be finished.” They both smiled.

“Have you been writing anything lately?” Will asked, already knowing the answer.

“Um, not really, haven’t been in the mood lately.”

“Oh, how come?”

He just shrugged and kept his eyes on the drink.

“Well, Guy and I were just having a little light-hearted competition, see who spends the most money on drinks for the ladies. Care to join us?” He asked, smirking. Chris gave him a look that said he was married. Will shot back a look that said I’m married too, remember?

“No thanks,” Chris replied, “Jonny’s coming soon, apparently he’s so called girlfriend ditched him on his birthday.”

Will did a fake gasp, “She did it again, you know I’m gonna have to teach that boy a thing or two about women and their little lies. I believe she’s cheating on him.”

“Will don’t, don’t say anything about that to him please, it’ll hurt him. And you know how much he likes her.”

“He’s just in denial that’s all. Remember what happened a few months ago? On their first anniversary, She said she had ‘a dying relative in Greece,’ came back five weeks later and looked like she came back from the Bahamas or something. I just think he would know if their relationship is taking a turn for the worst, he’s not oblivious you know,” he added.

“I know, but we don’t know for sure she’s cheating on him, plus Jonny hates it when we meddle with his private affairs.”

“Fine, whatever you say master.”

Chris stuck his tongue out at Will, who got up and went to join Guy. He was having a chat with a random person when the door opened once again, this time Jonny stepped into the small, lit cavern that was the bar. A quick scan around and he spotted his best friend sitting at a long table where the friendly bartender served drinks. He went to join him, realizing that Chris was talking to someone.

“Sorry to have bothered you like this, but my niece is a huge fan.”

“It’s no problem, really, say hi to your niece for me.”

The man beamed, nodded and walked away.

“Even on days off, you can’t go to one place without anyone recognizing you,” Jonny spoke, “Must be a pain.”

Chris turned to see Jonny, who already had a drink in his hand. “Jonny! You made it. Thought you weren’t gonna come.”

“And miss this? nah.”

Chris laughed and put his hand on Jonny’s shoulder.

“I know it’s a lousy way to spend your birthday Jonny, but it’s the best I can offer.”

Jonny looked at him. “It’s okay Chris, not your fault it turned out the way it did.”

It’s certainly not your fault either, Chris whispered to himself, but apparently Jonny heard. He ignored it and continued on his drink.

“So, where is everybody?” he asked.

“Will is with Guy, they’re both over there, surrounded by girls.”

Jonny’s eyes followed Chris’, where they spotted Guy and Will sitting at a booth with about eight girls all giggling and flirting. Guy seemed knocked out drunk and Will had his eye on one brunette.

“Well, lets go over, come on there’s enough of them that we get two each.”

Chris laughed but felt slightly uncomfortable.

“You go, I’ll stay here.”

“Fine whatever you say.” He came closer to him. “Thanks for inviting me.” He smiled before walking over to the small crowd.

A few minutes passed, then another few. Time seemed to drag. Chris had stopped drinking before he got himself drunk. And now it seemed, through the window, outside was as dark as space itself. He wondered what time it was and was about to ask the bartender when he was interrupted by a man.

“Excuse me, Chris Martin?”

He turned. “Yeah, that’s me.” It looked like another fan.

But he wasn’t.

“Can I speak to you for a second? It’s urgent.”

“What’s this about?” From the corner of his eyes Chris caught the man with the small scar, sitting at a corner, starring at him in an eerie way. The man quickly looked away, occupying himself with a magazine.

“I can’t tell you that here, please this is important. I have to speak with you... outside.”

Chris slowly dragged his head away from the man at the corner and stared at the familiar face.

“... Okay.”


He felt heavy weight on his arms and left leg. Jonny opened his eyes slowly, capturing nothing but blur. He blinked a few times before he was able to see around him. Two girls were sleeping by his side, leaning into his arms; one had her leg on his. He tried to move carefully so he could get up, but to no prevail. Guy was gone, and Will was asleep, snoring, his head rested on the brunettes shoulder. When he finally pried himself away from them, he saw that, except them, no one was there. The bartender was busy cleaning glasses when he saw that Jonny had awoken.

He walked over to him. “Sir, I must inform you that the bar is closing in ten minutes.” He quickly glanced at Will, “You might want to wake your friend over there, making quite the noise.”

“Thanks, we were just about to leave.” He went to wake Will.

“Huh? Wha? Wha’s goin’ on?” Will felt Jonny’s hands shake him and he tried to slap them away.

“Will, the place is closing up and no one’s here but us, come on get up, we have to leave.”

There were four girls still there sleeping, or knocked out he couldn’t tell the difference, Guy must’ve taken the rest with him. He didn’t bother dealing with getting to them; instead he dragged Will across the place to the door. Will could barely hold himself up and Jonny had a hard time moving with Will’s weight on him. Near the door he realized Chris was also gone. Did he leave with someone, he thought. Can’t be, he must’ve went home.

Once outside, the cool night air slapped Will in the face, waking him up. He stopped clinging on to Jonny and stood still.

“Will, I’m going to drive you home, where’s your car?”

“No, I’m...fine Jon.” He swayed a little to the right when he started walking. Jonny spotted Will’s car across the street a little ahead where his friend was heading. Will’s car was an impressive red Cadillac he got a few years back, but even the ruby color looked black in the pitch dark night. Jonny wondered what time it was and looked at his watch. As he did, something caught his eye. There at the corner of the bar lay a black lump he couldn’t see too well to recognize what it was. Curious, Jonny walked over and picked it up, it was an abandoned jacket, tossed aside with a couple of footsteps marked on it. But something wasn’t right. It had a familiar symbol on the top, left side of the arm, a familiar sweet scent that filled his nose as it was stirred by strong wind . Realization hit him and he gasped. His head started to pound again and he felt he lost his breath as he clutched on to the jacket.

It was Chris’ jacket.


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Perfect Symmetry

Chapter 1





It was hot outside. There was only a gentle breeze every once in a while to soothe the burning sensation of being on fire.


In the meantime, Chris, Jonny, Will and Guy were out at the beach, enjoying the break from work, all four of them laying on their beach towels, exposing their fair skins to the bright, shining sun.


“Ahh, I can actually feel myself getting more and more tanned by the second.” Chris said, sighing satisfied.


“Of course you can. You didn’t put sun block on your body.” Jonny retorted, looking at his friend’s chest. He knew it was a shallow thing to think but Chris had such a beautiful body. Everything in him was perfect from head to toe. It was times like these when he pondered telling Chris to move in with him and even to ask him to marry him.


If Elton John did it, why couldn’t they?


“Oh, then would you mind?” Chris asked him with a goofy grin on his face, handing him the bottle and adjusting himself so that his arms and legs were wide open.


Jonny stared at him for a few moments.


Ever since they declared their love for each other, their relationship changed drastically. If they were close before, now they were inseparable. The only thing he regretted was waiting as long as he did to tell Chris how in love with him he was since the very first time they met back in college. He remembered the undeniable sparks that travelled through his whole body that day.


He still remembered the pair of intense, bright blue eyes gazing back at him. Those eyes that would entice him and hold him prisoner for the rest of his life. And he couldn’t express how glad he was for that.


“That feels so good, Jonny-boy!” Chris murmured happily as Jonny applied the cream on his toned chest, his hands soft and tender on the other man’s skin.


“I’m going for a swim.” Guy said, abruptly, taking off his sunglasses.


“Right behind you.” Will stood up quickly, running in the direction of the shimmering sea.


Guy couldn’t bear seeing that display of affection. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the idea of his friends together. It was his inability to do the same thing and reveal his true feelings. They had something he dreamed of everyday and every night. His frustration was only increased by the knowledge the person he wanted was right beside him, painfully close to him.


“Hey, are you okay?” Will asked him, noticing the distant look on the dark-haired man’s face and putting a hand on his shoulder to have his attention.


Guy looked at Will’s hand as soon as it touched his skin and then up at the drummer’s face, pausing for a long time.


“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine.” He responded, shrugging away from Will, diving head first on the cold water.


“Liar.” Will muttered, following him suit.


Water was dripping down from their heads to their feet, flowing through their torsos and legs, alleviating the heat that assaulted them with each step they took as they approached their place on the sand, where their towels lay. However, Jonny and Chris were no longer there.


“Where the hell did those two go now?” Guy wondered aloud.


“Probably home to finish what they were starting.” Will chuckled, amusedly.


Guy didn’t laugh though. Instead, he looked at Will, a serious look etched on his face.


Will stared back at him. For some reason his heartbeat quickened its pace, anxiety invading him completely. He felt naked under Guy’s eyes and he couldn’t explain why.


Guy looked down and laid down on his towel, his back exposed to the sun.


For a while now, Will noticed a change in the bassist’s behavior. He was more silent than he used to be even among his closest friends, which consisted of him, Chris, Jonny and Phil. And for some reason he would avoid being alone with him at all costs. Will felt taken aback at first. But now, he was starting to feel angry at the other man when he made up excuses to leave him. He hadn’t done anything wrong at all. He hadn’t pissed him off in a long time. He hadn’t done absolutely anything.


Except love him.





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Perfect Symmetry

Chapter 2





“Hey! Have you noticed anything different in Guy lately?”


They were in the middle of a jamming session a few days later. The bass player was only coming in the afternoon, so that left the other three men to play some songs in development before he joined them.


They were still exhausted from their previous tour but that didn’t stop them from working nonstop on their next record. That was the only way they knew how to exist and the fact that they could still do it was a blessing, in their perspective.


“Actually, yes. Now that you bring it up….” Chris said, frowning in thought. “The other day I was here writing some stuff and I had a CD on my hand that said ‘Property of Guy Berryman’ and I was just looking at it. I grabbed it because I was searching for a list I had lost and next thing I know he came out of nowhere, took the disk right out of my hand and just ran out the door without a single word.”


“Did you ask him about it later?” Jonny asked.


“Yeah, but he said it wasn’t my business with THE tone.” Chris raised his eyebrows. “So I didn’t push him. I wasn’t gonna risk getting hit in the face.”


“Yeah, he can be so cranky sometimes.” Jonny mused.


“But he’s been even more… cranky or whatever you wanna call it now. He barely talks anymore.” Will said, worriedly.


“You’re right. But let’s give him time. Maybe it’s just a phase.” Chris shrugged.




It wasn’t a phase. It wasn’t just a mood.


It was three months later and Guy was still acting the same way. He was still avoiding Will and any kind of conversation with anyone, restricting his words to the minimum.


Guy debated in his head over and over again ending this nightmare by telling Will that he was madly in love with him.


Night and day, he was the one that haunted his thoughts, his dreams, relentlessly. The only way he knew how to deal with this situation was being alone, running like he never had before. He felt he was running in search of something, so he kept going on and on until his legs couldn’t bear the overwhelming fatigue any longer.


It was hard living like there was no other way but conforming to solitude and surviving rather than living.


He wanted to tell Will. He remembered a time when he rehearsed how he would talk to him, what he would say to the drummer, in front of a mirror. But he could only anticipate a bad reaction, he could only see the other man reject him and leave his heart shattered beyond repair. He couldn’t risk their friendship and the stability of the band. However, with the way things were going, that was exactly what he was doing. He was the one to blame for his lack of courage and self-confidence.


He felt like he was some bad character on a cheesy show that people got bored of.


But that was about to change, he decided. He was going to throw caution to the wind and bare his soul to the drummer, no matter the consequences and the possible damaging outcome. He was done being a depressing coward.



The next day, Guy walked in the studio, trying to control his nerves. He took a deep breath before entering the room Chris, Jonny and Will were in.


Before he could even greet them though, Chris came over to him with a huge smile on his face, his bright, blue eyes glistening in delight.


“We have great news!” Chris was beaming. “Jonny and I, we decided we…”


“…we’re getting married!” Jonny finished, his expression similar to the one Guy was seeing on Chris.


“Wow! That’s…” Guy blinked in shock. “That’s really great! Congratulations, man.” He said, reaching over to hug Chris. Then he moved over to Jonny, embracing the guitar player, patting his back.


He realized his resolve to finally confess his love to Will had disappeared. There was no way he could do it now. Now, it was Chris and Jonny that mattered the most. He didn’t want to risk spoiling their happiness if things didn’t turn out so great for him.


“So it’s going to be a small gathering, just a little celebration for us and well, friends and family and stuff. And a minister to make it official.” Chris was saying, excitedly.


“Oh, and what about the best man issue? Who’s going to be your best men?” Will asked, enthusiastically.


“It’s not an issue. You guys are going to be our two best men.” Jonny answered him.


“Mmmm, so what about your bachelor party? That’s not gonna work.” Will pointed out.


“It’s gonna work because there’s no bachelor party. There’s no point to a bachelor party because strippers and booze are more Guy’s type.” Jonny explained, grinning.


Guy looked at him and shot him an angry glare. Once upon a time, that may have been true but for a few years now, not so much anymore. “Maybe we’re going to have a black-eyed groom. Is that your type, Chris?” He glanced at Chris, a fake smile plastered on his face.


“Oh, don’t try to hurt my man.” Chris said, smiling. “By the way, the ceremony will be in two weeks. Is that okay for you guys?”


“Of course.” Guy and Will answered simultaneously. They looked at each other for brief seconds before Guy looked down, playing with his hands.





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this sucks :P but its sorta based on a show i went to see while i was on my cruise. i hated it. the only thing that kept me alive for the whole hour was imagining what Chris and Jonny would do in this situation :P after the show, my dad asked me why i couldn't stop laughing :uhoh: so here it is :P


like i said, it sucks. :p




haha i got you its in the next one





Chris heaved a sigh as he collapsed into the seat beside Jon. They were sitting at a theater, watching as people filed into the rows of chairs.


It was Chris' sister's recital. And Chris had promised his mum he'd go. Jonny had promised Chris he'd come along, since he knew how much Chris would enjoy his company.


The lights in the theater went dark, and an announcer spoke, "Welcome to our show, South Beach Rave, presented by the Awesome People's school of Dance."


"Ready, J?" Chris nudged Jon.


Jonny blinked sleepily. "Sure."


The band started playing upbeat latino music, the sound ringing throughout the theater. Jonny noticed Chris tapping his foot and frowned. That wasn't a good sign.


"You okay?" Jon asked.


"Yeah. Uh-huh. Just fine." He was getting antsy.


Out of nowhere, Chris jumped up in the middle of the aisle beside him and started dancing.


"CHRIS!" Jonny tried to hush his voice.


Chris stopped dancing and frowned. “What?”


“What the hell is your problem?! Sit down!!”


“Hmph,” Chris grumpily slouched into his seat. “I got to dance at the last recital.”


Jonny pressed his palm to his face and watched as the dancers, well, danced around on stage.


“See that?” Chris motioned toward the on-stage band.




“That bassist. Look how happy he is.”


The bassist was, indeed rather happy, prancing along with the dancers and strumming at the strings.


“Why can’t Guy be like that?” Chris smiled.


--------------FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER-----------------


Chris laid back in his chair, his head throbbing from the loud music.


Jonny was sleeping.


“So…bored…” Chris murmured.


“What?” Jonny awoke abruptly, opening his eyes to see a man with a low v-neck top tangoing onstage. For a moment, he thought the man was Chris. “Have you ever worn a v-neck top?”


“A few times…why?” Chris glanced at Jon.


“No reason.” Jonny turned away, quickly turning his head to look at Chris once more.


------------TEN MORE MINUTES LATER-----------


Chris watched the dancers…again. One of the men picked up a his sister, and began twirling her around above his head.


Suddenly Chris pictured himself where his sister was, and Jonny spinning him.


“WEEEEE!” he laughed out loud.


Some people in front of him scowled back, and Chris stuck out his tongue at them.


“Chris, be nice,” Jonny murmured in his sleep.


Chris stuck his tongue out at him, too.


“I saw that.”


Jon opened his eyes, looking around. The show had finally ended, and everyone was leaving.


“Did you like the recital?” Chris’ sister eagerly ran towards them.


Jonny and Chris looked at each other. “It was…the best recital I’ve ever been to,” Chris smiled.


“Really?!” she exclaimed. “Then I can expect you to come back for next week’s show!”





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THE QUEST OF THE CRAB EP. 1, (random story)











EP. 1



1E3 one day a crab built a snowman... 003 the snowman then came to life and told the crab he was a magical burrito wizard... 980980 the crab wished for some burritos... B60B60B60 the snowman tried to give him some but was out, the crab was shocked... 322322322322322


the snowman told that his evil rival had stolen them, the crab was mad...



the crab went to find the burritos and found the villain with them, he said he was going to eat them... 320320980980 the crab beat up the villain... 35F35F35F

the villain then said he would join the crab, as long as he got some

burritos, the snowman, crab and villain sat and ate burritos... 3431E3003 the crab lived happily ever after B60B60B60004BA21E3BA2004B60B60B60B60





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Since it's my 800th post I thought I could make it special and post the third chapter :nice:


Perfect Symmetry

Chapter 3






The following week passed in a blur and before Guy knew it, it was the day before the wedding. He spent almost everyday with the other men, hanging out and preparing things for their special day.


“Oh My God!” Chris screamed.


“What? What’s wrong?” Guy asked him, worriedly.


“I forgot to write my vows!!” He said, in a high-pitched voice, borderline hysteric . “What am I going to do. I can’t do it like this, I know it’ll come shitty and Will is going to say it’s rubbish and Jonny will be so disappointed and, well, I’ll ruin the most special days of our lives…” Chris rambled on, pacing back and forth in Guy’s living room.


Will, Jonny and Phil were out to pick up their suits, leaving Chris and Guy alone to relax for a while.


“Calm down, man. You can do it, just calm down, please.” Guy tried to reason with him. “Look, you’re the one who writes the lyrics to our songs, you can do it. I love what you write, for the most part.” Guy finished, in a lower voice.


“For the most part?! I can’t risk having Jonny with that same idea about our lyrics.” Chris said, agitated. “I can just imagine. ‘So Jonny what did you think of what I said at the wedding?’ ‘Oh, I loved it. For the most part.’”


“I’m sorry, it just came out. I am sure you’ll think of something great.”


“Oh, I just did. You’re going to help me.”


“What? I am not that good with that kind of stuff.” Guy tried to say.


“Nonsense. You’re helping me, I can’t do this alone.” Chris pleaded, with the best sad puppy look on his face.


“Fine.” Guy mumbled. “But you have to start it.”


“Okay. Let me grab a pen.” Chris grabbed a pen and started writing, reading it out loud.





There are no words to express what you mean to me without seeming underrated and clichéd. There is no way to put into words how important the first time we met was. How your green eyes captured mine for eternity, making me fall in love with you at that exact moment, even before I could realize it. Even before I knew what it meant.

I stand here today to promise you all I can truly offer. My heart."



Guy listened quietly, his own emotions starting to surface. He didn’t notice at first but silent tears made their way down his cheeks, uninvited.


They were both unaware of a third person in the apartment. Will came in, unintentionally quiet. He had to come back from the store to grab the certificate of purchase they forgot to bring to pick up the suits. He heard Chris’s voice echo around the quiet apartment. He grabbed the note and was about to leave when he heard him pause.


“You go on.” Chris said, not looking up, his voice tender, his eyes closed for a few moments.


“Okay.” Guy nodded, as Chris prepared to write whatever Guy had to say. He didn’t know anything about their intimate relationship, he didn’t know the little moments, he didn’t know anything, except his own experience with love. He just knew what it felt like to secretly love someone.



“And there’s nothing else I can give you. I give you what I am, for I am the person you see because of you. I know myself before and after I met you and I can truly say I am the best version of me I can be. I promise you bad times, I promise you heartache, I promise you hurt. Because I am not naïve nor I want to lie to you as I also promise you to be faithful. To be the one to love you above anything or anyone else. That is all I am certain of.” Guy paused, before uttering a last sentence.


"I promise you my devotion, my eternal friendship, my undying love, come what may.”



Chris didn’t speak. He wrote the last sentence and turned to look at his friend, speechless. They kept their eyes locked in a silent understanding.


“Who is it?” Chris asked, both knowing what he was talking about.


“I can’t tell you now.” Guy said, softly. “Later.”


Chris nodded his head.


Will had no idea this is what was going through Guy’s mind. He felt a pang of sadness in his chest. He loved someone. He couldn’t bear seeing him with someone else once again. Guy had been single for so long and for some reason he thought it would stay that way. But the way Guy talked… He had never heard him like this, so passionate, so… in love. With someone he didn’t know. Someone he didn’t want to ever know, in fact.


He opened the door and left as silently as he came.




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Violent Waters



This is a pathetically short chapter, which I apologize for. :shame: I had a bad case of writer's block.




“Jon! I...” Chris seemed quite annoyed, but when he saw me, his eyes widened and he trailed off. “Guy?”




“What’s up?”


“What’s up with you?” asked Jonny, crossing his arms.


Chris looked at me again, uncertain. “Will said you all got together at the Bakery.”




“Well, you...you left it a mess,” he said indignantly.


“Sorry,” I muttered, automatically taking the blame. “I’ll go over there later and straighten up.” Jonny and Chris both stared at me in shock. “Um...or not.”


“Why didn’t you invite me?” asked Chris, his lower lip sticking out like a child’s. Jonny heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes.


“I was mad at you.”


“I said I was sorry!”


I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes. Jesus, you two...just kiss and make up already. “Okay, okay! I forgive you,” said Jonny finally. “And I’m sorry I didn’t invite you.” Chris studied the floor, considering his words. His anger slowly seeped away from him, and his shoulders slumped.


“I’m going to head out...” I interrupted, trying to force my way into the conversation. I felt like a little kid watching his parents argue, and I hated it.


“No, no!” said Chris. “You stay, I’ll leave.”


“Oh, Chris...” snapped Chloe. “I just made tea; why don’t you stay?”


“Yeah,” said Jonny grudgingly. “Come on, I’m sorry.”


“Me too...for everything,” murmured Chris, wrapping his arms tightly around his best friend. Jonny hugged him back, just a little slowly. Chloe smiled and waggled her eyebrows at me, and I tried to hold back a sigh.


“How touching...” I drawled.


“Jon, bring him in here,” said Chris. At first I didn’t know what he meant. Then Jonny broke away from Chris and reached out to grab my arm. Before I could react, I found myself in the middle of their embrace. They both had an arm around me. If Will had been there, we could have completed a wonderful pre-gig huddle. “There he is,” Chris whispered, grinning smugly.


“Jesus, this is gay...” I muttered, my skin tingling. I refused to wrap an arm around either of them, and I could feel Jonny grow tenser by the moment.


Suddenly, everyone got a rather large whiff of flowery body mist. Chloe had squeezed in between Jonny and Chris. “Group hug!” she laughed. All of us blushed, and the huddle didn’t last more than another two seconds. “So...” she said, clapping her hands together. “Who wants tea?”




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For You (Part 8)





*Nicole's PoV*


I loved coming over to Chris's house for dinner with the boys. It was so much fun hanging out with them. It was almost as much fun as it was back in college. We all sat on the couch with a plate of Gwyneth's fantastic chicken and mashed potatoes, and let me tell you; Gwyneth could really cook chicken.


Chris sat on the couch flipping through channels on the TV, looking for something interesting to watch.


"There's nothing to wa-." He paused and went wideeyed, "Harry Potter!" In an instant, he changed the channel to ABC Family, showing the first Harry Potter movie; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I'd only watched one Harry Potter movie but I fell asleep by the time the second half started.




By the time it was over, it was already seven o' clock. I felt as if I was about to drift off to sleep already.


"I think I'm going to start walking home before it get's too dark." I announced as I yawned and headed towards the coat rack next to the front door.


"Do you want me to walk you home?" Will asked as he stood up from the couch.


I smiled at his generosity, "Sure," I replied as I threw on my sweatshirt. "Thanks for having me over Chris."


"Anytime cousin Nicky!" he said as he leaped up from the couch and gave me a bone-crushing hug and everyone laughed as I squeaked.


"Thanks Guy, Jon." I thanked both of them with a kiss on the cheek; it was something us Martin's do often.


As soon as Will and I had headed out Chris's front door, Will put his arm around me and I placed my head on his shoulder as we walked. The sun was setting ahead of us, but all I could think about was Will. I cared about nothing and no one else more.


"Will," I whispered in his ear and then looked directly into his eyes, "I love you." and our lips clashed together once more.




The End.




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Starting Over


Chapter 11





"Sit down," Kevin told him.

Chris looked around the room.

It was a very nice hotel room.

He didn't expect it to be like this.

In the movies it was usually a run-down scary looking motel with peeling paint and junkies shooting up in the hallway.

Except for Pretty Woman, that is.

Now he was the female version of Vivian Ward.

"What do you do?" Chris asked.

"I am a lawyer," Kevin said.

Chris laughed.

"That's great," he said, "A lawyer who breaks the law."

"You have a nice laugh," Kevin said.

"Thank you," Chris said.

Kevin walked close to Chris and touched his face.

"How is it that you don't belong to someone?" he asked.

Chris looked away.

"I sort of do," he said, "Only he doesn't know it and....."

"And what?" Kevin asked, running his finger across Chris' mouth.

"And...it is a really long story," Chris said.

"I have all night," Kevin told him, "I am paying for it.. you know."

"Yes,I know," Chris said.

Kevin leaned in closer to Chris and kissed him on the mouth.

Chris had never been kissed by a guy before.

To his surprise, it was much like kissing a girl.

No alarms rang.

The decency police didn't knock on the door.

He didn't immediately fall through a trapdoor in the floor straight into hell.

It wasn't that he liked it. But he knew he would have if it had been Jonny.

"You have a lovely mouth," Kevin said, "This other guy....he is very lucky."

"He is very special," Chris said, "He is the reason I am doing this."

Kevin looked at Chris and stepped back.

"Take your shirt off," he told Chris.

Chris did as he was told.

"I promise you I will make this night worth your trouble," Kevin said, removing his own shirt.

"I hope so," Chris said.






Starting Over


Chapter 12



"Take your time about leaving," Kevin said, "The place is paid up for two more days."

"Thank you," Chris told him.

"I had a really good time," Kevin said, throwing a stack of money on the bed.

"And here's my business card, if you ever decide you would like to do this again."

Chris shivered as he thought about what happened the night before and how it felt to have a strangers hands on him.

"See you later," Kevin said, closing the door behind him.

Chris sat up in bed.

He grabbed the money and counted it.

It was five thousand dollars. Much more than the amount they had agreed upon.

"I have to get this to Jonny," he thought.

He dressed quickly and tried to put thoughts of last night out of his mind.


The hospital was quiet and eerie as Chris walked down the hall to Jonny's room.

He liked to visit in the morning before everyone else woke up.

Today Jonny was going home after a three day stay.

They still owed the hospital a lot more money, but Chris' five thousand had been a good down payment.

Jonny was awake when Chris walked in.

"You look good," Chris told him, truthfully.

"I feel much better," Jonny said.

"I have come to take you home," Chris told him.

"I'm ready to go," Jonny said.

Chris picked up Jonny's bag and opened the door for Jonny.

Jonny stopped and looked at Chris.

"How did you get money for this and the doctor?" he asked.

Chris felt his stomach sink and the blood-drained from his face.

"Oh no," Jonny said, "Did Guy have to sell something else?"

"No," Chris said, quietly.

"Then how?" Jonny asked.

"What difference does it make?" Chris asked, "We all do what we have to in order to keep each other safe."

"What does that mean?" Jonny asked.

"Don't worry about it....geez..." Chris said.

"You didn't sell your piano did you?" Jonny asked.

"No," Chris answered.

"Well there was nothing else to sell," Jonny said, "Except...."

A terrible look came over Jonny's face.

"Guy didn't sell himself did he?" Jonny asked.

"No," Chris said, fidgeting nervously.

"Well, I know Will didn't so that only leaves you."

Chris laughed.

"Are you kidding? As paranoid as I am.....really..."

He never finished.

Jonny was looking at him with such intense pain on his face.

"No....." he said, "Chris.....tell me you didn't....."

Chris didn't say anything.

Jonny grabbed him by the arms and shook him hard.

"Say it dammit!!! Say I'm wrong!" Jonny yelled.

"I can't," Chris said, quietly, "I can't say that you are wrong."



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Starting Over


Chapter 13




Jonny turned and ran out the door.

He ran down the hall past the nurses station and out into the grassy front of the building.

Chris was right behind him.

He caught Jonny by the arm.

Jonny was crying so hard that tears were pouring down his face.

"I'm sorry," was all Chris could think of to say.

Jonny jerked his arm away.

"How could you??!!" he screamed at Chris, "Why didn't you just let me die??!!"

Chris just stared at him.

"It wasn't supposed to be this way...."Jonny kept saying.

"What are you talking about?" Chris asked.

"It was supposed to be you and me.....we were supposed to be together.....and now you've gone and..."Jonny covered his face and screamed.

"I don't understand," Chris told him.

"I've never done anything like that," Jonny told him, "I wanted to... and I wanted to do it with you."

Chris fell back.

He felt like Jonny had slapped him in the face.

"What did you say?" Chris asked.

"I....I...love you," Jonny said, "I really love you."

Chris felt his knees go weak and he slid down silently into the grass.

"NO!!!" he screamed, "You can't tell me that now....not after.....not after what I did."

Jonny knelt down in front of Chris and slid his arms around him.

"I love you, Jon," Chris said, "I would have done anything to help you."

Jonny held Chris' slender little body close to his own.

They both cried.

"Was it terrible?" Jonny asked.

"I don't think you want to hear about it," Chris told him.

"Yes, I do," Jonny said, "I need to hear about it."

Chris looked at him and smiled.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought," he said, "I just kept imagining that it was you."

"Really?" Jonny looked surprised.

"Yeah, I just told myself that it was you and me and we were in that little place in Spain..do you remember it?"

"The one where Will and Guy almost got arrested?" Jonny asked.

"Yeah," Chris nodded, "That one."

"It was beautiful at that hotel," Jonny said.

"I almost told you then how I felt about you," Chris confessed.

"I almost told you too," Jonny said, quietly.

"Do you forgive me, Jonny?" Chris asked.

"There's nothing to forgive," Jonny said.



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Perfect Symmetry

Chapter 4





Chris and Jonny’s wedding was indeed a small ceremony, with no more than 20 people, just their closest friends and relatives. It was the perfect way to celebrate their union.


Right now, they were enjoying themselves with their guests and the lovely banquet. They decided to have the wedding on their future home, more precisely in their spacious, welcoming backyard.


Will was watching how Chris and Jonny never separated throughout the entire afternoon and now that the sun was setting they were seated on the swings, their backs to the party. Still, Will could tell they were smiling, completely happy. He smiled sadly as he turned his head away from their direction, his eyes landing on Guy.


The bass player was talking to Phil and his wife, a glass of champagne in his hand. Just as he took a sip, he caught Will’s eyes. Just like he always did these days, he looked down afterwards. In shame. Embarrassed for not screaming at the top of his lungs he loved him, for not being like everyone else, brave enough to tell their loved ones ‘I love you’.


He excused himself from the conversation, leaving Phil and his wife to their small banter, also happily in love.


Why couldn’t he make it right, like everybody else was doing?


He went into the house, straight to a bathroom upstairs so that no one would bother him. He washed his face with both hands, looking at the mirror to see water trickling down his features. He couldn’t see what others saw in him. Everybody said he was handsome, he just didn’t see it. He felt as average as he possibly could. Unattractive, even.


He dried his face with a towel, took a deep breath and opened the door to find Will on the other side.


“Oh, hey! Bathroom’s free now.” Guy muttered, attempting to go away. But as he passed Will, the drummer grabbed his right arm and made him turn his head towards him.


“That’s the most you talked to me in weeks. Did you realize that?” Will asked, his eyes frowning.


“I’m sorry.” Guy attempted, lamely.


“Sorry for what? For not talking to me, for not giving a crap, for being a complete asshole?”


Guy stared at him. “Yeah, basically.”


“What’s going on with you? We’re your best friends and you barely see us anymore, just when it’s work related stuff. You don’t hang out, you are running all the time, apparently and…”


“And what?” Guy asked, curiously.


“And now there’s someone else in your life you don’t talk to us about.” Will admitted.


“H-How do you know that?” Guy asked, his voice trembling with horror. How did he know?


“I heard you and Chris preparing his vows. It was not on purpose but I heard enough to know you’re in love with someone. Someone we don’t know.” Will finished, hurt visible in his beautiful brown eyes.


Guy decided this was it. It was his chance and he wasn’t going to waste it.


“You know who it is.” He said, his eyes looking straight into Will’s with something in them that the drummer vaguely recognized.


“I do?” Will asked, looking intently at Guy rather afraid of the answer, afraid of what it would come of this. He didn’t want to get his heart broken anymore; as much as he wanted Guy to be happy and in love, he couldn’t handle seeing him with someone else.


“I love you. It’s you.” Guy blurted out. The shocked expression on Will’s face and the silence that fell upon them made him even more nervous. He could swear he was about to have a stroke right in the middle of this hallway.


“I know it’s a shock and it’s unexpected to you, but I couldn’t keep it in any longer, it’s been eating me alive and… I love you and you don’t have to say anything. We’ll get on with our lives, I just couldn’t lie to you anymore. I am tired of it. I have been lying, I have been saying I’m fine, well, I haven’t been fine. Actually, I’ve been far from fine. And that’s all I really needed to say, that’s all I had bottled up and now you know. Probably now you don’t want to see me anymore and-”


Will silenced his rambling with a kiss. He pressed Guy against the wall, passionately grabbing his face with his hands and pressing their lips together.


At first, Guy was too dumfounded to do anything except let Will do whatever he wanted but then he moved his hands to the drummer’s chest and hastily took off his suit’s jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and proceeded to take it off before Will stopped him with his hands.


“Not here.” He said, not taking his mouth from Guy’s, leading him to a nearby, unoccupied guestroom. He closed the door and as soon as he turned around, he could see Guy already taking his own suit off. “I never thought I would have the chance to say this but you look so good all suited up.” Will said, shaking his head in amazement at Guy, who shyly smiled in return.


“And I never thought I would have the chance to do this.” He said, pushing Will onto the bed, standing in front of him, playfully and slowly undressing. First, his shirt landed on the floor, followed by his pants and his socks. Next thing he knew, he was completely naked, looking expectantly at Will. He had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable to someone else before in his entire life.


“Come over here.”


Guy did as he was told. As soon as he lay on the bed, Will rolled over to land on top of him, his shirt open, his short hair messy and his face flushed. His hands travelled through Guy’s muscular torso, getting to know and memorizing every inch of his body, followed by his lips, leaving a trail of kisses, as if to indicate he had been there, he had discovered and conquered those places on the bassist’s masculine, strong form.


He stroked Guy’s cheek softly. “So beautiful.” And for the first time in his life, Guy believed it. The look on Will’s eyes told him he had never meant anything as much as he did now. That realization took his breath away and rendered him speechless.


Will kissed him again before stopping and pausing for a moment to stare into his eyes once more.


“I love you too.”






Chapter 5





Guy took a while to recognize his surroundings. He was laying naked on a bed with a sheet draped over him. He could feel a warm hand resting on his waist and an arm close to his own. Turning around, he could see Will peacefully sleeping.


He had never seen anything more breathtakingly beautiful. The way Will’s mouth showed a half-smile in his deep slumber, his perfect nose, his bare shoulders. Everything left him profoundly mesmerized.


Will stirred in his sleep. He could sense someone watching him so he quickly opened his eyes, to see a pair of brown eyes gazing at him.


“Hey.” Guy whispered, a small smile on his mouth.


“Hi.” Will replied, his own expression reflecting his newfound happiness. “What time is it?”


“Don’t worry. We didn’t sleep for too long. The party downstairs is still on.” Guy answered him. “In fact, I think I heard Chris and Jonny singing, so it’s safe to say it’s just getting started.”


Will grinned, then turned serious.


“Thank you.” He said.


“What for?” Guy asked, confused.


“For being here with me, for being as brave as you are. I’ve been in love with you as well and I don’t think I’d have the guts to tell you soon like you did. I thought of saying something, of letting you know how I felt but every time I tried I was just too nervous. So, thank you for loving me and for telling me.”


Guy stood quiet for a minute, gazing at the drummer, both men laying on their sides.


“I’m sorry.”


“You’re sorry? For this? You didn’t want this to happen?” Will asked, fearing the answer.


“No, nothing like that. Quite the opposite, actually.” Guy reassured him. “I’m sorry for the hiding and the occasional lying. I’m sorry I didn’t do this sooner.”


Will shook his head and smiled, moving closer to Guy to brush his lips against his. “Don’t be silly. I’m just grateful you did it.”


“Me too.” Guy replied, in between kisses.


They lay in each other’s arms for a few minutes before deciding to go back to the party downstairs. They put on their suits and Will helped Guy with his tie.


“What’s in the CD that’s labeled ‘Property of Guy Berryman’?” Will remembered suddenly, as he was inspecting Guy's tie.


Guy blushed immediately. “Some photos I took.” He paused, looking at the floor. “Of you.”


Will smiled and lifted Guy’s head with a finger under his chin, his beard soft against his skin, their eyes instantly connecting.


“You’re the most adorable thing in the world, you know that?” He leaned in and closed the space between them.


It was the most innocent kiss they had ever shared in their whole lives. They weren’t used to that feeling. Of loving someone so passionately and so chastely at the same time, and somehow it provided a sensation of being complete, of finally fitting.


“I am aware of that now.” Guy softly said, planting one last kiss on Will’s lips before moving to the door, grabbing Will’s hand and holding it gently on his own. “Let’s go. We have news to share with the newlyweds.”


For the first time in his life, Will could imagine what his future would be like. No more loneliness, no more waiting, no more waste of time. He didn’t know where it would bring him and where he would end up but at least he knew he had the person he loved the most by his side for the whole ride.



The End




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Starting Over


Chapter 14





"Good news," Will said, when they both walked in to the apartment.

"What?" Chris asked.

"They want us to play Glastonbury again," Guy said.

He and Will were practically dancing around.

"Seriously?" Chris asked.

"Yeah....there was some concern about all our legal problems but they decided to give us a chance anyway."

Chris sat down heavily in a chair.

"Maybe this is the start of something good again," Will said.

"Are we going to get paid?" Chris asked.

"No," Will said.

"Then what the hell good is it going to do us?" Chris asked, angrily.

Will and Guy looked at each other.

"I'm sorry man," Will said, "I thought you would be happy."

"How are we going to get there?" Chris asked.

"Take the train, I guess," Will said.

"Using what for money?" Chris asked.

"Don't be so down....We will figure something out."

Chris thought back to Kevin's business card that he still had stuck in his wallet.

He knew the others were depending on him.

Will was right.

Even though they weren't getting paid, just to be seen playing at the festival again would certainly help them.

Surely, other festivals and venues would take a chance on them if Glastonbury did.

Chris looked around at the faces of Will, Guy and Jonny.

These three people meant so much to him.

He couldn't let them down.

"Did you tell them we would do it?" he asked Will.

"Yes," Will said.

"Good," Chris agreed.





Starting Over


Chapter 15



"Where are you going?" Jonny asked.

"I have to go out for awhile," Chris told him.

"Why?" Jonny asked.

"What's with the third degree?" Chris asked.

"I'm sorry," Jonny said, as he watched Chris getting dressed.

Then he said, "You are going to do it again, aren't you?"

Chris looked at him and thought about lying, but he couldn't bring himself to lie to Jonny.

"Yes," he said.

"I won't let you," Jonny said.

"You can't stop me," Chris told him.

"I'll tell the others," Jonny said, "They won't let you do it either."

Chris sat down on the bed beside Jonny.

"Can't you understand that I have to do this...for all of us...for the band. It is bigger than just you and me."

Jonny was silent.

"Isn't there another way?" he asked finally.

"If there is, I haven't found it," Chris told him, "It's just this one last time. Then we play the festival and maybe

everything is all right."

"I am jealous. I don't want anyone else touching you," Jonny said, "Ever."

"It's all business," Chris said, "It isn't like he touches me in any way that matters. He just touches my skin.

You, Jonny boy,you touch my heart."

"I hope that's true," Jonny said.


"I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," Kevin told him.

"Well, some things came up," Chris said, "And I need the money."

"Oh, I'm not complaining," Kevin told him, "I had quiet a nice time last time we got together."

"That's good," Chris said.

"The usual?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I might need a little more money than last time. Is there something else you would like?"

Kevin smiled.

"There's alot of things I would like from you," he said, "But seeing as you are new at this...I won't push.

However, I think I can come up with something special for you to earn extra money."

"Good," Chris said, "Then that will be the last time."

"Oh, I don't know," Kevin said, with a little smirk, "I think you might actually be enjoying this."



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Starting Over


Chapter 16




Will was sitting at the table going over a list of equipment they would need for the Glastonbury shows.

Guy was helping him.

Jonny was pacing back and forth.

Finally Will asked him what was wrong.

"It's nothing," Jonny said.

Then he stopped pacing and said, "That's a lie. It is something."

What?" Guy asked.

"Do you know how Chris is getting the money for this show? And how he got the money for the hospital?" Jonny asked them.

Guy shrugged.

Will shook his head.

"I just figured he asked his parents or one of his other relatives, "Guy said.

"He is way too proud for that," Jonny said.

"Then how did he get it?" Will asked.

"He....he sold something," Jonny said quietly.

Jonny sincerely hoped that Will and Guy would understand his meaning so that he didn't actually have to say the words.

"Sold what?" Guy asked, looking around, "His piano is still here."

Jonny saw the realization cross Will's face.

"You don't mean he...."

Jonny nodded.

"What?" Guy asked, with a look of total confusion on his face.

Will ran a hand across his face.

"That little bastard," he said, "He didn't have to do it. He didn't have to go that far."

Suddenly, Guy understood too.

"You mean he's.....right now???"

Jonny nodded.

"I don't know what to say," Will said, "That's the stupidest and yet the most unselfish thing anyone has ever done for us."

"Don't let him know that I told you," Jonny said, "He would be crushed if he thought you knew."

"We won't say a word," Guy said.




Chapter 17




Jonny was lying in bed in the dark bedroom when Chris came home.

He wanted to jump up and run to Chris, but he thought that might not be what Chris wanted.

Chris came into the bedroom where Jonny was lying.

He closed the door and took off his jacket.

He laid down beside Jonny on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Jonny asked.

"No," Chris said, with a shaking voice, "I would really like it if you would put your arms around me."

Jonny moved close to Chris and pulled him next to his body.

Chris' entire body was shaking.

"It was so awful," he said, quietly to Jonny.

"Sshh," Jonny said, hugging him tighter.

"I just kept taking shower after shower in that hotel room," Chris said, "I just kept trying to wash it off me. But I can't. It's just like

this big ugly, filthy stain that I can't scrub away."

"Come on," Jonny said, "I'll help you wash it away."


Inside the hot steamy shower, Jonny lathered Chris' entire body with soap and then rinsed it away.

"You are going to be fine," he told him.

Chris put his head on Jonny's shoulder and let the hot water stream down his back.

Then Chris raised his head and looked at Jonny with sad eyes.

"Tell me that you still want me," Chris said.

"Of course I do," Jonny said, "I love you."

"Tell me that you don't think I am damaged and dirty," Chris said.

"I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever known," Jonny said, "I always thought you were gorgeous on the outside

but what you did for all of us....I think you are beautiful on the inside too."

"Will you kiss me, Jonny?" Chris asked.

Jonny kissed Chris softly and gently.

"Will you still touch me?" Chris asked.

Jonny ran his hands down Chris' chest and up along his back.

"Will you still sleep with me?" Chris asked.

Jonny smiled.

"What a ridiculous question that is," he told Chris, "Nothing could stop me from it."

"I'm so sorry you weren't the first," Chris told him.

"Who cares?" Jonny said, "Just as long as I am the last. That's all that matters."



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Starting Over


Chapter 18




They were still playing the small clubs around London as they waited for the big festival in June.

Chris seemed to be doing better.

He was almost back to his old self.

That is until the night that Kevin showed up at their show.

"How did you find me?" Chris asked, as they talked in a tiny little hallway behind the stage.

"I'm a lawyer. I have an entire army of private detectives working for me," he said.

"What do you want?" Chris asked.

"I want to see you again," Kevin told him.

"No," Chris said, "I told you I was through with that."

"Oh come on now," Kevin said, rubbing his hand down Chris' arm, "You didn't really mean that did you?"

"Stop it," Chris said, moving his arm.

"I can do things for you," Kevin said, "I know people who can help you."

"I'm fine now," Chris said.

"Come on, just a quick one," Kevin said leering at Chris.

Chris didn't say anything.

He just started to walk away.

Kevin grabbed him and shoved him up against the wall.

Chris tried to get away, but Kevin was too strong.

He held his hand over Chris' mouth as he drug him down the hallway.

Chris was trying to scream but he couldn't even breathe.

Kevin found an open door and threw Chris into the room.

It was a storage room full of boxes of liquor and old bar furniture.

Kevin pushed Chris down onto the boxes and jammed his knee into Chris' stomach.

Chris almost passed out from the pain.

He tried to move, but Kevin punched him hard on his jaw.

Chris whimpered as he felt Kevin unbuttoning his jeans.

He wanted to stop him, but he couldn't move.

"Nobody tells me 'No', " Kevin was saying as he pushed himself hard against Chris, "Especially not you. You were such a good little fuck."

Chris had passed out completely.

He was unconscious when Jonny and Will opened the door and saw what Kevin was doing to him.

He didn't hear the pathetic begging from Kevin as Jonny repeatedly kicked him in the head.

He wasn't awake when Will picked him up in his arms like a little broken doll and carried him out of the room.






Chapter 19




"How is he?" Will asked.

Jonny was sitting on the bed holding Chris' head in his lap.

He looked up at Will and wiped away a few tears.

"He is sleeping," Jonny said.

"Did he wake up at all?" Guy asked.

"No," Jonny said, rubbing his hand across Chris' back, "But he has moved now and then."

Guy and Will looked at each other.

"There's a police man here," Will told Jonny.

"Good, I hope they take that animal to jail," Jonny said.

"They are here for you," Guy told him.

"Why?" Jonny asked.

"That guy is in pretty bad shape. They want to talk to you," Will said.

"Fine," Jonny told him, "But I am not leaving Chris. They can talk to me here."

Will left the room and shortly two police entered.

"Are you Jonathan Mark Buckland?" one asked.

"Yes," Jonny said.

"Did you attack a man tonight at the club on Fourth Street?"

"Yes, I did." Jonny answered.

"Would you like to tell us the details?" the first policeman asked.

"Look at him," Jonny said, nodding toward Chris, "That animal was trying to rape him. And he was unconscious. Yeah I attacked the bastard."

The policeman looked at Chris.

His face was swollen and bruised from where Kevin had hit him. There were little scratches all over his face and neck.

"Has your friend seen a doctor?" the policeman asked.

"No," Jonny said.

"It might be a good idea if he did," the policeman advised.

"Is that all?" Jonny asked.

The policeman closed his little notebook.

"For now it is. If we have any further questions, we know where to contact you."

The two policemen turned to leave.

"What about the other guy?" Jonny asked.

"You gave him a good beating. He will be in the hospital awhile."

"But he is going to live?" Jonny asked.

"Yes," the policeman said.

"That's too bad," Jonny said, "I was trying to kill him."



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Starting Over


Chapter 20




Chris healed slowly.

He seemed to be okay although he never wanted to be alone.

And he had developed an acute aversion to being touched.

The four of them never talked about what happened that night.

Chris preferred to laugh and joke his trouble away and bury his pain with sarcasm.

So they let him.

They weren't really sure how to help him anyway.

They were rehearsing many hours a day now in preparation for the big festival.

And the stress was beginning to take a toll on all of them.

Finally, Chris agreed to give them a day off.

Guy and Will went down to the park to find some pick-up soccer games.

They needed to vent their frustration and nervousness on that little black and white ball.

Jonny and Chris stayed at the apartment.

Chris still wasn't at ease going out in public.

They no longer had a television for watching movies or a Playstation for games.

"There isn't much to do here," Jonny told him.

"Read to me," Chris said.

Jonny smiled.

"What do you want to hear this time? Where the Wild Things Are? or Green Eggs and Ham?" Jonny asked.

"How about some Dickens?" Chris asked.

"God he is so depressing," Jonny said, "Are you sure?"

Chris nodded.

Jonny opened A Tale of Two Cities and began to read: "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times."

They looked at each other.

"How about some Tennyson?" Jonny said, closing the Dickens novel.

"Sure, "Chris said.

Jonny found the thin volume of poetry and opened it to his favorite passage from the poem, In Memoriam.

He read:

"Behold, we know not anything,

I can but trust that good shall fall,

At last --far off--at last, to all,

And every winter change to spring."

Chris smiled at him.

"Is spring coming, Jonny?" he asked.

"Yes," Jonny nodded, "It is."











There were many producers and music executives in the audience at Glastonbury.

They were all there to see the band.

Their legal and financial troubles were well-known.

But everyone was curious to see how the former biggest band in the world was handling their problems.

Backstage, everyone was waiting to congratulate them on a fantastic performance.

The boys went home in a limo courtesy of one of the record companies that was clamoring to sign them to a new deal.

"I could get used to this life again," Guy said, popping the cork on a bottle of very expensive champagne.

"Pour me a glass," Will said, holding up a champagne flute.

Chris watched them with great amusement.

Jonny knew something was going on behind those brilliant beautiful blue eyes of his.

"What's up?" he whispered to Chris.

"I love you, Jonny," Chris said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Jonny said, reaching into Chris' lap to hold his hand.

"I'm scared," Chris said, "Scared I can't do all this again. Scared, I'm too old and too tired and too afraid to start over."

"We won't do it without you," Jonny told him.

"I know that," Chris said, "That is what I keep thinking. I can't let the rest of you down."

"We don't want to let you down either," Jonny said.

Chris looked shocked.

"The three of you are my life....my strength...You could never let me down," he said.

"Never forget that," Jonny said, "And you will be fine."

Chris looked at him and smiled.

He knew Jonny was right.

They had started from nothing once and made all their dreams come true.

Now they were starting over from nothing and making it work.

If they had to start over again in the future, they would do that too.

This was their life.

This was their destiny.




The end



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Because I am goofing off at work and no one else is writing....




Nothing Much


Chapter 1




Chris and Jonny were lying on their stomachs in the floor.

And, my what a beautiful, lean, smooth, silky stomach Chris had......

But I digress......

Back to the story.....

They were sharing a box of the 64 colors pack of Crayola crayons.

Jonny was coloring in his Soccer Stars of the World coloring book.

Chris was coloring in his Little Mermaid coloring book.

Chris being left-handed and Jonny being right-handed, their elbows were always bumping into one another.

"Scoot over," Jonny told Chris, kicking him on the leg.

"You scoot over," Chris said, "The vent from the air conditioner hits me right here."

Jonny rolled his eyes and moved over a bit to his left.

Shortly, Chris' bony elbow was poking Jonny again.

Jonny looked over to see that Chris had merely spread out his long, lanky form and was now taking up more space.

Jonny took a deep breath and moved a little further.

But then he couldn't reach the box of crayons.

So he reached across Chris' coloring book and moved the crayons closer to him.

"You are in my light," Chris said, whining.

Jonny rolled his eyes as he sat the crayons down on the floor.

"Damn," Chris said, as the crayon he was coloring with broke in half.

"I told you not to press down so hard," Jonny said.

"Mind your own book," Chris told him, throwing the crayon over his shoulder.

"Why did you do that?" Jonny asked.

Chris shrugged.

"It's too short to use now," he said.

"No, it isn't," Jonny told him.

"It is for me," Chris said, "I have really long fingers."

Jonny giggled and Chris winked at him.

"I know," Jonny said.

"I can't reach the crayons now, Jon," Chris said, with a little pout on his face.

"What color do you want?" Jonny asked, "I'll hand it to you."

"I want to pick my own color," Chris said.

Jonny took a deep breath.

"Geez, Chris.....stop whining so much," he said.

Jonny handed the box to Chris.

Chris leaned over and looked at Jonny's page.

"You are so good at that," Chris said, "You even stay inside the lines and everything."

Jonny smiled at him and Chris ran his hand across Jonny's neck.

"Could you move over?" Jonny said, "I'm plastered up against this wall."

Chris looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah," he said, "It's taken me all afternoon to get you in this corner."

"Are you flirting with me?" Jonny asked.

"Not anymore," Chris said, lifting up Jonny's shirt and kissing along his back, "I am way beyond flirting."



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