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No wonder they went "belly-up" then.........................




They managed to get out of the deals by using contract law, legally the contract is only made once the company has taken money from your account, so if you buy a £1000 tv for £10 knowing that they have made a mistake they are in their rights to cancel your order because no money has been taken = no contract. It's a similar story in offline shops, if something has been priced up incorectly than the shop doesn't have to sell you that item at that price (invitation to buy or something stupid like that).


But no doubt some suing americans will sue :P

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It depends what is in Best Buys' T&Cs



"Invitation to Treat



Goods in a high street shop are legally only an "invitation to treat". An invitation to treat isn't legally binding ie; shop doesn't have to sell them to you, at any price. The shop can simply refuse to sell without giving you a reason (unless it's on the grounds of sex, race or a disability).


The same applies on line, the goods will be just an invitation to treat like goods in a shop window or shelf. When you submit an online order you make an offer, then the seller has to check your order before they accept or reject your offer."

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