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I'm sick of it


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Main Entry: will·ful


Function: adjective

Date: 13th century

1 : obstinately and often perversely self-willed <a stubborn and willful child>

2 : done deliberately : intentional <willful disobedience>


I know, I do it intentionally, so I have self control and I'm not actually like that when I'm not on a Coldplay forum.


Mark doesn't even know he's the worst human being since Hitler.


He is worse.

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I know, I do it intentionally, so I have self control and I'm not actually like that when I'm not on a Coldplay forum.


Mark doesn't even know he's the worst human being since Hitler.


He is worse.


Willful... ie deliberate and intentional. In other words, yes worse. Mark will always be Mark. I've had 4 years here to figure that out. Look up my past posts if you want to see us arguing for yourself. But he can be very sweet when you don't get on his bad side.


You have a choice. So worse.


I find the behavior you are choosing to display repugnant, and since I haven't seen anything else from you, I am going to stop replying now. Stop by the albums of the year thread if you want to make a list and I'll be glad to add it. Otherwise I am not going to pay any more attention. Goodbye.

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I find the behavior you are choosing to display repugnant, and since I haven't seen anything else from you, I am going to stop replying now. Stop by the albums of the year thread if you want to make a list and I'll be glad to add it. Otherwise I am not going to pay any more attention. Goodbye.


WIN :thumbsup:

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:dozey: you guys think having fun with somone is cutting them up for absolutely no reason... :inquisitive:


Lol, I was saying millions in response to what you said about thousands of Jews being killed. :p It was 6 million...


And I agree, you all should really stop being so rude to Mark all the time.

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You silly little teenager :awesome:


yeah... you know what i am! and im enjoying my life... unlike you i know how to have fun and joke around... im sorry im not a lousy freaking mature adult yet... cause you know what. im not supposed to be yet :D


so ill enjoy myself :smug2::escaping:


i find this fun :P

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I find the behavior you are choosing to display repugnant, and since I haven't seen anything else from you, I am going to stop replying now. Stop by the albums of the year thread if you want to make a list and I'll be glad to add it. Otherwise I am not going to pay any more attention. Goodbye.


I never denied that I was being willful though. I just think it's worse to be oblivious.

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yeah... you know what i am! and im enjoying my life... unlike you i know how to have fun and joke around... im sorry im not a lousy freaking mature adult yet... cause you know what. im not supposed to be yet :D


so ill enjoy myself :smug2::escaping:


i find this fun :P




Never seen such a facepalm deserving post all week.

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