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The Talented Mr. Ripley.......


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I watched this for the first time on Monday night... oooooooooh it was real creepy!! :stunned:

Has anyone else seen it?

It has moved its way into my favourite films category :D


Matt Damon is brilliant as bi-sexual sociopathic murderer Tom Ripley, and Jude Law is excellent as Damon's new "friend" Dickie Greenleaf :wink3:


Gwyn is in this film too, but she *gasp* plays quite a good role ;)


A definite must-see film :D

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the original, that's right the original film Purple Noon (Plein Soleil) is MUCH better, much much better, TMR is good, a solid effort no doubt, but is more a less a scene for scene remake, it's like remaking Psycho, why bother. :dozey:

sorry to spoil the party dudes...*sings my funny valentine* :stunned:

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