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Hey there,


Couldn't find a thread for this, probably didn't look hard enough.


I'm applying for University in the UK this year and I'm sure there are more of you around the world that are going through the same thing. To pick a subject and a place to go for the next three years is a life changing decision, and pretty stressful. I know I want to take History, and my goal is to become a Teacher.


I'm only doing 2.5 A Levels in my second year at college, due to me making the mistake of taking Physics as one of my courses in my first year, and that is going to effect my UCAS Points (British system) pretty significantly with History being one of the higher points subjects. I've done the rest of my application I just need to choose the Uni now. There are 8 on my list which I am capable of getting into with my result predictions, but I've got to get that down to 5.


Three of those that I'm interested in are Anglia Ruskin, York St John and Leeds Met.


Anybody else going through the application process, or have experiences of their Uni lives? :)

Let's hear your stories.

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I'm going through all that at the moment too :( I went through the whole "don't know where to go" thing, but i spoke to my careers management at my college and she was a BIG help, if that helps at all?

Have you been to Open Days too? They help give you a feel of a place.

Go with your instincts, Good Luck!

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Just have a quick look on each of their websites, and they should have info on Open Days and stuff there .. I've left Open Days a little late too so I'm having to go on a student led campus tour rather than the official thing ..

I'm going for Events Management, and hopefully I can specialise in the music type area in the 3rd/4th year. It took me forever to decide on that though, last month I wasn't even going to Uni .. :\

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I'm going to be going through all this in about 2 years :\

My mum really doesn't want me to leave home, especially because I'm the youngest of the family. I haven't really thought about UCAS point though... I'm doing 4 AS levels at the moment so I presume if I do 4 A levels that would give me quite a few points? :thinking:

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I'm going to be going through all this in about 2 years :\

My mum really doesn't want me to leave home, especially because I'm the youngest of the family. I haven't really thought about UCAS point though... I'm doing 4 AS levels at the moment so I presume if I do 4 A levels that would give me quite a few points? :thinking:


Yep, depending on what grades you get too obviously, and different Unis and courses have different UCAS tarrifs etc. It'll all be explained to you when the time comes though :)

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  • 3 years later...

I'm currently in the process of applying to Biology at Uni and I am so stressed out right now, I have a few weeks to get it sent off and I still have to edit my personal statement and decide on another 3 out of my 5 choices :bomb:

currently I've decided on ..

- University Of Leeds

- Manchester Met

Idk it would be great if any people who've been to Uni in the UK could give some suggestions ?

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One of my friends did zoology at Liverpool and loved it!

I think Newcastle would be a nice place to study too but I don't know anything about the course.

I would love to go to Liverpool but it's not really likely seen as their grades are ABB and my predicted grades are BBB :( and it's the same for Newcastle.

The only reason I'm applying for Leeds is because of this scheme where they offer lower grades for poorer students :awesome:

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I probably can't input anything tangible or "technically" useful here, but History Teaching sounds good, and the most important thing is choosing what you really love. In a bigger sense, this subject is quite important - how we know about or act upon history and legacy decides the future we would create. In another domain, maybe this subject could be also interesting: Dr. Brian L. Weiss' series [http://www.brianweiss.org], such as Many Lives, Many Masters, talking about the history of a universial evolution, full of Souls and correspondent lessons, which shall give History a totally new look. A small note to add, Dr. Brian has cited many excerpts of wise men from a diverse range in his books. I wonder whether there will be interdisciplinary studies on Human Record [History] and Life Mystery [Reincarnations etc.] in the near future:) If you are not interested in Physics, this area may be another way to look at it: Mind-Matter Unification Project [Google etc.]. If this mechanism can be well observed and clearly explained, then this area can also be linked to History study, as human potential can indeed influence or change History.


I hope my writing would not be "misleading" in any way~ ... does your ID have any connection with Robert Burns?

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I probably can't input anything tangible or "technically" useful here, but History Teaching sounds good, and the most important thing is choosing what you really love. In a bigger sense, this subject is quite important - how we know about or act upon history and legacy decides the future we would create. In another domain, maybe this subject could be also interesting: Dr. Brian L. Weiss' series [http://www.brianweiss.org], such as Many Lives, Many Masters, talking about the history of a universial evolution, full of Souls and correspondent lessons, which shall give History a totally new look. A small note to add, Dr. Brian has cited many excerpts of wise men from a diverse range in his books. I wonder whether there will be interdisciplinary studies on Human Record [History] and Life Mystery [Reincarnations etc.] in the near future:) If you are not interested in Physics, this area may be another way to look at it: Mind-Matter Unification Project [Google etc.]. If this mechanism can be well observed and clearly explained, then this area can also be linked to History study, as human potential can indeed influence or change History.


I hope my writing would not be "misleading" in any way~ ... does your ID have any connection with Robert Burns?

The God above the desert is clearly not from Venus but from Namek! Has that guy never seen Dragonball Z??


On a more serious note, yeah you should go and study something you like/love. Not because you just got higher grades in it. If you like something, you are more willing to put some more effort in it and I think you'd enjoy it much more.


R_burns, did you alrady decide what to do?

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The God above the desert is clearly not from Venus but from Namek! Has that guy never seen Dragonball Z??


On a more serious note, yeah you should go and study something you like/love. Not because you just got higher grades in it. If you like something, you are more willing to put some more effort in it and I think you'd enjoy it much more.


R_burns, did you alrady decide what to do?

I'm guessing they did since it was created in 2009 and I just bumped it instead of making a new thread...

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Good luck dealing with UCAS, the most stressful company to deal with.


They f*ck up your life then it's tough, it's an "admin" error dealing with thousands of requests, they try and blame you for their mess up.




I've sent my application off to UCAS, and now I'm supposed to log in to UCAS 'Track' to find out if I have any offers. But every time I try and log in it says my details are incorrect even though they are the same details I used to log in to submit my application :angry:

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I have a mate in Manchester and he loves it, but he lives opposite a brothel so I'm not surprised.


My ex goes to Leeds uni, not the Met, and loves the nightlife etc.


I actually put Anglia Ruskin down as a choice, and they all seemed really nice there.


But anyone who's ever been to uni will have differing experiences of the work. If they have friends in that place, they'll say they love uni, if they don't, they'll say they don't. It's as much of a social thing as anything else. I only went really because it was the only option that meant I could around with people my own age.


Doesn't really matter where you go, it'll become home in the end, because everyone's in the same boat. The only two things that really matter at uni is that a) you have to turn up and do the work, regardless of how much you despise it, otherwise you will get kicked out and b) make friends, because if you don't, it's a very lonely three/four years.

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yeah I'm taking it because I love it and I have no clue what career I want and it's pretty broad in that respect.

I don't know where to apply, Ideally I would have gotten AAB and gone to Uni of Manchester because that would've been my first choice, but I'm limited because I live in a rural place and I want to live in a city and preferable one I've visited before and can visit before next june.

My mum refuses to visit Belfast even though it's only like 3 train changes a bus and a ferry ...

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