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the simpsons vs south park


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lol yeah, i agree.

Also, i hate these new simpsons episodes cos they start as one thing, and end with a completely different story... Like the episode where the simpsons go to toronto. In the begining homer is stealing the olimpic torch, and in the end bart is dating mcbeth's (sp?) daughter in canada. wtf???

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south park and simpons are totally different humor though....

I'd have to say simpsons though....


Completely agree, though my preference is South Park. I think the Simpsons and South Park just approach issues differently. South Park's vehicle mandates that the issues be approached in a more niave sort of way, in a way where the basic assumptions and premises are questioned.

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yeah, i agree with your points. The simpsons have been on tv for like... 13 years? No series will beat that mark... at least not so soon, i guess.

also, the first 6 or 7 simpsons seasons are like, the most hilarious things ever recorded.

But I still think that when you compare the new simpsons season with the new south park season, south park is way funnier. But that's just me, of course.

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yeah, i agree with your points. The simpsons have been on tv for like... 13 years? No series will beat that mark... at least not so soon, i guess.

also, the first 6 or 7 simpsons seasons are like, the most hilarious things ever recorded.

But I still think that when you compare the new simpsons season with the new south park season, south park is way funnier. But that's just me, of course.


Actually, I thoguht the first six episodes of the first season were kind of boring, but that's totally acceptable considering there ahd never been a series like the Simpsons on television before and a certain "growing into" time should be expected. It seemed to me like it took the whole first season for them to even get the voices and animation techinques down. Once those things were settled, it seems like they were able to concentrate on writing episodes instead of developing their characters.

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I enjoy both but on different levels, the Simpsons has never ever made me laugh out loud as South Park has, when I watched the 1st episode in like 1998 (Cartman gets an Anal Probe) I cracked up, I was in tears of laughter, and I videoed it and watched it about 6 times in the next 2 days, it was brilliant...

Simpsons is something I want to watch to get entertained, South Park I watch if I want a really good laugh...3 best cartoon characters of our generation, Homer Simpson, Eric Cartman and Bender :) Bite my shiny metal ass :D


I agree tho about Simpsons getting very random, in the original series, the story would have a beginning middle and end, now they have a false beginning that has nothing to do with the rest of the show, a couple of twists, and then a very bizarre ending....

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Yeah DoogieJ, That's exactly what I'm talking about!!! Finally someone who thinks like me! lol :D

Yeah, i remember when i saw the first south park episode... i was rofl. The first south park season is the greatest! And in my opinion, the new episodes are just as funny as the old ones (but i have to say, it was kinda boring when they decided to kill kenny forever :/ But hey, Butters is the funniest!!!)


3 best cartoon characters of our generation, Homer Simpson, Eric Cartman and Bender Bite my shiny metal ass


Oh yeah, how could i forger about Futurama? lol Bender is such a great character too!!! :cool:

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The Thompson!!!!


"Ok Homer, when I nod, tap my hand on the table, and kick you in the shin, and say Hello Mr Thompson. You say hello back, ok?"


"Hello Mr Thompson" *nod* *tap* *kick*

*long pause*

*Homer turns to the guy on his other side and whispers*

"I think he's talking to you"




"Homer this is a lie detector, it dectects fine changes in sweat and heartbeat, and can tell when someone is lying, do you understand"


*BOOOOOOM* as the lie detector blows up.

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