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The Womanly Thread


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I don't even think it was that painful for her....since she had big boobs....


I don't think it was sexy either....but she obviously thought it was since she was super obessed with her body....wow now I remember she told us that she would think of fucking her if she was somebody else and she saw herself walking down the street....eewwwww

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I don't even think it was that painful for her....since she had big boobs....


I don't think it was sexy either....but she obviously thought it was since she was super obessed with her body....wow now I remember she told us that she would think of fucking her if she was somebody else and she saw herself walking down the street....eewwwww




I can only picture her clapping like a sealion looking stupid with her mouth open going 'arf arf arf'

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Especially when it's a teacher :\

all our teachers are gross and old anyway


haha well he was a quite young teachers....he was good looking, but I never found him hot or attractive or anything...I remember that he went to pubs with us after our a-levels....when we weren't students anymore...he was nice...he was our friend for a while haha...but then he had a girlfriend and my friend gave up (she had a boyfriend all the time anyways...)


Sounds like she didn't do it to him. She was just talking about him while she did it.


It's still weird though. Was she drunk?


I am not sure if she was drunk since she would even have done it if she was sober....but I guess she was drunk then.....no she didn't do it to him....but she was standing on the balcony shouting his name "clapping" her boobs...

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