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Would you move away to a place youre not too fond of...


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if you needed to go to school there for 4 years to do what you wanted.


4 years isn't that long, but youre leaving behind your family and friends... all to live in a place you kind of hate (although you hav'nt had much of an impression yet)


And you're leaving behind your SO, and the relationship.... you want it to last but stats are against you.

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what your heart tells you ?



priority to what is most important to you in your life, and the things to be taken


the choices you do not regret them later.


but what is love?


love in pain right? so is it really worth it?

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Love should never hurt if you really love, because is a gift.

love is a communication, to be happy that gives you a power in life.


Never lose love, because is an enhancement that helps you get ahead in life.

and is love yourself in first,

yes you are not nothing in life for things that you will undertake and the people you'll meet.

and your value is most important, never lost . you are person importante because you heart is a matter of value to be.


you deserve the best, and after rain is shine ;)

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love in pain right? so is it really worth it?



Personally, I would do whatever's best for my career. Then again I haven't been very lucky when it comes to love so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.


If your relationship is the main thing that keeps you from going to this school, definitely ask yourself whether your partner would be prepared to do the same thing for you.


I met my boyfriend while he was at uni in the same city. He then moved back home for financial reasons, which is fair enough. He always told me that he wanted to live close to his hometown and seeing as he's got a full-time job and I just finished my degree, I thought it would make sense for me to do my Masters in a city that is close to where he lives. However, he's now got a good job offer in Ireland and altough he did ask me how I felt about, it's not like I could have stopped him from going. I don't really want to either, he should do whatever makes him happy. Still I can't help feeling let down because I would have moved for him.

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Personally, I would do whatever's best for my career. Then again I haven't been very lucky when it comes to love so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.


If your relationship is the main thing that keeps you from going to this school, definitely ask yourself whether your partner would be prepared to do the same thing for you.


I met my boyfriend while he was at uni in the same city. He then moved back home for financial reasons, which is fair enough. He always told me that he wanted to live close to his hometown and seeing as he's got a full-time job and I just finished my degree, I thought it would make sense for me to do my Masters in a city that is close to where he lives. However, he's now got a good job offer in Ireland and altough he did ask me how I felt about, it's not like I could have stopped him from going. I don't really want to either, he should do whatever makes him happy. Still I can't help feeling let down because I would have moved for him.


The love in pain was just a joke.


But yeah, overall I think I need to do whats best for my career and 4 years isn't that long.


It's just hard knowing things might not work out... even though I know they would if I stayed.

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I dunno. I don't want to leave all my high school friends but I DEFINITELY don't want to be one of those people who hang out with their high school friends their whole lives, if that makes sense. Move away, I'd make new friends and get along fine. Leaving behind relationships probably blows hard though.

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I dunno. I don't want to leave all my high school friends but I DEFINITELY don't want to be one of those people who hang out with their high school friends their whole lives, if that makes sense. Move away, I'd make new friends and get along fine. Leaving behind relationships probably blows hard though.


Yeah. I think it's good to get away after high school. Especially when you're from a small town.


Where I'm from basically you get out after high school or you're there your whole life.


I got out after high school though and that was completely amazing, and I love it there. Like actually love it, way more than I ever like high school or any of that jazz. The location, friends, boyfriend, campus, just everything is amazing.


Now i might have to leave that... so you can see the problem.


But yeah definitely don't be one of those high school friends forever people.

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I am living 790 km away from the place where I grew up.

Almost 2 years ago I moved to a city where I have never been before!!

The school thing was the point why I had to go into the unknown..

Beginnings are never easy but I found new people I can hang around with.

If you always know why you are doing this then it is not so bad..

In my eyes 4 years is quite long but sometimes you haven't really got a choice if you want a good job later on.

My course here was about 2 years and I am glad that I made it through!

When I leave this place in summer I think I will miss it somehow. And at first I 'hated' it as well.

And if you have a boyfriend let me tell you that long distance relationships do exist!

Just try your best even if you cry each day. It is getting better after a while.

Your family and your real friends will be a bit sad if you go but they will support you whatever you do!!

How far away from your beloved one's is the place you will move to?



Moving into the unknown space makes you more self-confident. You have to learn to be on your own.

If you think you can already be on your own then let me tell you that in a city where you didn't want to go to but you had to go to,

this feeling is different. Sometimes I had noone I could go to so I had to spend the weekend all alone..

After all you will be more self-reliant when you finished those 4 years, that's for sure!!!

I would take the chance! You will see things different. You will develop yourself better if you do something new than just staying where you at the moment.

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I am living 790 km away from the place where I grew up.

Almost 2 years ago I moved to a city where I have never been before!!

The school thing was the point why I had to go into the unknown..

Beginnings are never easy but I found new people I can hang around with.

If you always know why you are doing this then it is not so bad..

In my eyes 4 years is quite long but sometimes you haven't really got a choice if you want a good job later on.

My course here was about 2 years and I am glad that I made it through!

When I leave this place in summer I think I will miss it somehow. And at first I 'hated' it as well.

And if you have a boyfriend let me tell you that long distance relationships do exist!

Just try your best even if you cry each day. It is getting better after a while.

Your family and your real friends will be a bit sad if you go but they will support you whatever you do!!

How far away from your beloved one's is the place you will move to?


Yeah it's gonna be tough.


Me and my boyfriend have talked about it though and we're gonna do our best to make it work long distance, but he has way more faith than me. I'm a bit of a pessimist.


And yeah, I'm sure that the city could grow on me. Cause it's not a terrible place but I just don't wanna leave where I am right now.


It's about a 5 hour flight away.

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I love where I live and I know when I have to leave for University I'm certainly going to miss it and my family as well, but I really think that my school friends will all have moved away after school anyway and I doubt we'll keep in touch. I really hope I don't have to deal with leaving a relationship by that time but it's great to hear that you're going to make it work :nice:

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Yeah it's gonna be tough.


Me and my boyfriend have talked about it though and we're gonna do our best to make it work long distance, but he has way more faith than me. I'm a bit of a pessimist.


And yeah, I'm sure that the city could grow on me. Cause it's not a terrible place but I just don't wanna leave where I am right now.


It's about a 5 hour flight away.



That's really far away!

And yeah, it's definately gonna be tough!

But it will make you stronger!

You will learn for you life!

I didn't/don't have a girlfriend so I don't really know how to handle such a situation.

Good luck!!!

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I dunno. I don't want to leave all my high school friends but I DEFINITELY don't want to be one of those people who hang out with their high school friends their whole lives, if that makes sense. Move away, I'd make new friends and get along fine. Leaving behind relationships probably blows hard though.



also if you and your bf truly care about each other, a long distance relationship won't be so hard because you'll both do your best to make it work, me thinks.

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Where are you considering moving to (just wondering since you live in Canada too :P)?


I would say that you should take a chance and move. Obviously I know nothing about your relationship, but I would say that a career is a life-long thing, whereas relationships are always more up in the air.

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I'm not moving out of high school. I was happy to move after high school.


I'm moving after a couple of years of uni in a different city than high school so its totally different.


But yeah it's nice to hear about long term relationships working when there's so much saying they don't.




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Where are you considering moving to (just wondering since you live in Canada too :P)?


I would say that you should take a chance and move. Obviously I know nothing about your relationship, but I would say that a career is a life-long thing, whereas relationships are always more up in the air.


Moving from Vancouver - UBC (I love it, oh my god I love it)


to possibly Toronto (UofT)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just bumping this cause I feel like I have to tell someone but don't wanna talk to anyone I actually know.



I'm so scared that things will change if I have to leave...


I don't wanna look back at this time in my life and have him be a memory of that amazing guy I used to date... but the distance made things different.


I don't want him in ten years... to be a stranger to me.


I'm so scared.


I am a pathetic crying heap right now..


Not helping that one of the songs in the mixtape I just listened to was exactly about this. And its just so hard to think about.



Airports make me sad

I'm sure they shouldn't all be the same

But they're just landing pads

Boring tourist shopping chains

I remember times we had

Drinking while we wait for your plane

Feeling kinda bad

Wondering which one of us has changed

Cos we used to be slick

Subtle young hips, romantic young kissable lips

Unbearably sharp, unbreakable heart

With wide eyes and faith

That life could never pull apart if we were OK

But distance kills the best of intentions

And never intended it to be this way



That verse is what I'm terrified of happening. But chances are it will if I do have to go.

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